Marten Negenman


Hassan and Mourad travel to Syria to search for their missing brother Yasin. As they try to follow Yasin’s trail through Jordan and Syria, Hassan and Mourad are involuntarily involved in the Syrian conflict. Will the brothers, despite the confrontation with the atrocities of the war, be brought closer together and the disintegrated family be reunited, or has the war wounded irreparable wounds?
Mister Twister on Stage
Sound Recordist
The big end-of-term play is approaching. Tobias is somewhat anxious, but with Mees Kees at the helm, everything should be just fine. The class looks forward to rehearsing in the afternoons and to making beautiful scenery - until they find out that Principal Dreus has chosen a terribly boring medieval play. Moreover, it is to be staged in a dusty room within a nearby retirement home. But Mees Kees wouldn't be Mees Kees if he didn't put his own twist on things...
Sound Recordist
Sound mixer
FBIにはMindhuntersユニットのエージェント向けのトレーニングプログラムがあり、シリアルキラーの追跡方法を教えています。 エージェントのグループは、指導のハードコースを終了しようとしています。 最後の証拠が残っているだけです:週末に離島で架空の犯罪を解決しますが、誰も知らないのは、最新の殺人テクニックで訓練され、彼らよりも速く考えることに慣れているということです 行う。 ゆっくり、系統的に、殺人者はそれらを一つずつ排除します。 犯罪が発生すると、エージェントは互いに不信感を抱き始めるため、誰もが疑われ、致命的な危険にさらされます。
The protagonist in the film is an actor (René van het Hof) who is acting his life. He is a nuisance, but only for those who have had enough of his play acting or who are ashamed to be around this clown. His wife breaks up with him because she just can't tolerate the man any more and he seems to accept that in an apparently matter-of-fact way. He leaves the city for a cottage in the countryside.