Shigeru Mizuki

Shigeru Mizuki

出生 : 1922-11-08, Sakaiminato, Tottori Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2015-11-30


Shigeru Mizuki


劇場版 ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 日本爆裂!!
Original Story
昭和46年冬、水木は「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」などの執筆で忙しい中、無理やりに休暇をとって、赤道直 下のニューギニアを旅した。水木は、昭和18年21歳の時に召集され、ニューギニアのラバウルに 送られた。当時ニューギニアは連合軍に島の半分を占領され、日本軍の敗色は濃厚。水木二等兵は最 前線の小隊に配属され、過酷な戦場を生き抜いた。以来、26年ぶりに踏むニューギニアの大地だっ た。そして、これがそもそものきっかけだった・・・。昭和47年となり、日々「鬼太郎」の締め切り に追われる水木の周りで不可解な事件が起きる。行きもしないレストランからは請求書が届き、連れ 込み旅館で水 木の姿を見かけたと編集者には言われる始末。おまけに水木の行く先々には、夢か幻 か、南方の象徴である"ハイビスカス"の花が咲き誇っている・・・。やが て水木は「何者かに押される 形」で、自身の戦争体験を漫画に描き始めた・・・。昭和18年、丸山二等兵(=水木)は、ニューギ ニアのバイエンにいた。ここは米軍と対峙する日本軍の最前線基地。初年兵として陣地構築の為、椰 子の木を運 び、穴を掘り、食料調達に働かされる日々だった。要領の悪い丸山は鬼軍曹にビンタを 食らう毎日だった。敵襲に備える日々の中で、加山二等兵は、行軍の最中、敵の銃弾を浴びて倒れた 。丸山は彼の小指を切って遺骨代わりにした。入隊前からの戦友・赤崎は敵の機銃掃射にやられた・・ ・。そして、漫画は否応なく、戦友たち皆が玉砕したあの"聖ジョージ岬"へと進んでいく。総員が「 玉砕」への道に向かわざるを得なかった、あの理不尽な出来事へと・・・。
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 妖怪JAPANラリー3D
A 3D film attraction featured at Sanrio Puroland. It was produced by Toei as a tie-in to the 2007 Spooky Kitaro anime adaptation.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 千年呪い歌
Young women disappear one after another in drizzling rain. They all hear the “cursed song” of the Cage Song before they vanish into thin air. Kitaro and his friends investigate these mysterious cases when they meet Kaede Hiramoto, a high school girl who finds herself involved in this mystery. With the help from the librarian of Yokai Library, they find out that the curse was caused by an evil Yokai that was released from 1,000 years of sealing. To save Kaede, they are to gather the 5 ancient musical instruments and perform the ritual to seal the evil Yokai again, which has to be done within 48 hours!
Production Consultant
Gegege no Kitarou: Kitarou no Yuurei Densha
Original Story
A 3D movie originally screened in Hanayashiki and some other amusement parks on 20.03.1999. The movie was later rerun at Toei's anime festival "Tobidasu! 3D Toei Anime Matsuri" on 03.10.2009. The DVD became available on 21.02.2010 titled "CG Toei Anime Matsuri" and it contained 3 other CG anime works by Toei (Kikansha Yaemon, Digimon Savers 3D: Digital World Kiki Ippatsu! and Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grand Prix!).
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 妖怪特急!まぼろしの汽車
Ishoku Manga-shi 33-nen no Kiseki ~ Garo no Jidai o Yomu
A documentary exploring the history and influence of the alternative manga magazine, Garo, with various artist and director interviews.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 おばけナイター
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 大海獣
1986年『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 激突!!異次元妖怪の大反乱』から10年ぶりの劇場シリーズとなる「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」劇場版第5弾。「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」劇場版第5弾。今回は、南方妖怪VS日本妖怪!そして、鬼太郎が大海獣にされてしまい、日本を襲ってしまう。果たして、鬼太郎の運命は如何に…。
Adapted from Shigeru Mizuki's classic manga from the 1960s, 'Kappa no Sanpei', the anime tells a story of a young boy, Sanpei, who lives in the beautiful countryside with his grandfather. One day, he is caught in the muddy streams of the river and wakes up in the land of goblins. Sanpei makes friends with a goblin named Gartaro, who bears striking resemblance to himself. Thus, the adventure begins.
悪魔くん ようこそ悪魔ランドへ!!
Akuma-kun and his friends go to the Makai Amusement Park to solve the child kidnapping case caused by an autonomous mysterious toy. An original work for the theater of the Toei Manga Festival, which is an animation of the original manga by Shigeru Mizuki.
Devil Boy
The age of the demons has begun. Dr Faust has foreseen this rise of evil. Unfortunately, he is near death and is unable to personally battle this upcoming threat. Faust entrusts a young boy, Shingo Yamada, to take the responsibility of ridding the Earth of this new evil presence. Faust finds a birthmark on Shingo's forehead that signifies that he is the chosen demon fighter. Faust summons from hell what may be humanity's only hope of surviving: a less than enthusiastic devil named Mephisto rises. After signing a pact in blood to save humankind, Shingo and Mephisto set out to battle the supernatural world.
Original Concept
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 激突!!異次元妖怪の大反乱
Comic Book
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 最強妖怪軍団!日本上陸!!
Comic Book
「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」劇場版第3弾!! 姉の復讐のために日本征服を企む妖怪チー(九尾の狐)率いる中国妖怪軍団とこれを迎えうつ我ら鬼太郎ら日本妖怪との迫力ある対決が繰り広げられる。
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 妖怪大戦争
御存知「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」、劇場公開作品第2弾! ド派手なアクションシーンやコミカルなドタバタ劇を効果的に組み合わせた、切れ味鋭い妖怪エンターテイメントだ。より幅広い層の関心を得るため、当時話題になっていたハレー彗星をストーリーに取り込むなど、作品の隅々にまで楽しい工夫が凝らされている。また、人気の高いバックベアードがスクリーンに初登場。期待通りの迫力と威圧感を見せてくれる...
月曜ドラマランド ゲゲゲの鬼太郎
Released in 1985. A live action adaption of the original manga series, created in 1960 by Shigeru Mizuki.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 地相眼
Graphic Novel
Yasui is the president of a large company. After the war, he wandered into the world of evil spirits, where he obtained a hidden treasure "Geomancer's Eye". With the magical power of this treasure Yasui received enormous wealth. But the great miracles have a great price... A retelling of episode 37 from the 1971 TV anime.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 地相眼
Original Story
Yasui is the president of a large company. After the war, he wandered into the world of evil spirits, where he obtained a hidden treasure "Geomancer's Eye". With the magical power of this treasure Yasui received enormous wealth. But the great miracles have a great price... A retelling of episode 37 from the 1971 TV anime.
河童の三平 妖怪大作戦
Sanpei has opened the door to the world of the kappa.
Original Story
Kitarō, a ghost, spends his afterlife helping humans in need of his skills. He thwarts the plans of evil spirits who live to torment humanity. A retelling of episodes 5-6 from the 1968 TV anime.