Tsang Ming-Cheong


Shaolin Dolemite
Head Abbott
The film was created by re-dubbing footage filmed for the 1986 Taiwanese kung fu film Ren zhe da (known in English as Ninja: The Final Duel). Ren zhe da producer Robert Tai had reportedly filmed 10 hours of footage for the film that was cut to 90 minutes for release. Much of the footage that was not included in the release of Ren zhe da is included in Shaolin Dolemite as well as original footage of Moore observing the story of the film and making obscenity-laced comments. Other new footage includes a segment portraying Moore's long time friend Jimmy Lynch as a Drunken Master named Sam the Spliff.
Ninja: The Final Duel II
The second movie Robert Tai made out of his original Ninja: The Final Duel footage. This one was used largely as the basis for Shaolin Dynamite.
Ninja: The Final Duel
The Ji Ho Ninja clan vow to destroy the monks of Shaolin temple. To do so they must first perfect many of their techniques in order to ensure the battle will be won. The temple finds protection from monks who set out to save it.
The Jade Badger
A marriage between nobles in Ancient China sets the stage for murder, monsters, and mutilation as the invited guests search for a secret hidden treasure. A search that leads them through dark evil forests, opulent palaces, and each other! When two sick and twisted killers enter the fray it is up to our hat wearing hero to straighten things out and put the warlords, henchmen, and evil ninja six feet under! But is he working for the law, or himself?
Scorching Sun, Fierce Wind, Wild Fire
During China's 1920s Republican Period, warlords carve out personal fiefdoms across the country and impose self-serving laws with the barrel of a gun. Into this anarchy rides a masked feminine Zorro, nom de guerre Violet, to do battle, right wrongs and foment rebellion against the most corrupt and brutal warlord of all, Tung Ta-Chou. Unbeknownst to Tung, however, Violet is his own daughter. Tung orders his psycho enforcer Master Wu to track down and dispose of this pesky rebel queen. Meanwhile, Violet begins a flirtation with an attractive stranger who comes to town with the other half of a treasure map held by Tung. Ultimately, Master Wu betrays the warlord on the lure of the complete treasure map, enabling Violet and the stranger to apprehend Master Wu and beat the warlord at his own game.
The Clutch of Power
A rogue swordsman known as "Soul of the Sword" kills the father of a young Kung Fu expert, who teams up with a Drunken Monk to put an end to Soul of the Sword’s reign of terror, and thwart the Mongol invasion.
Robber, Pros & Money
To free his girlfriend from her contract with a greedy madam, Shang Li (Don Wong) teams up with a cold-blooded thief called the Sparrow (Chiang-lung Wen) to hijack a large shipment of silver. But when the heist suddenly goes bad, Shang Li finds himself with blood on his hands and a price on his head. Martial arts superstars Angela Mao and Lieh Lo also star in this kung fu classic from writer-director Pao-Shu Kao.
Bloody Rain assassin
総督の60歳の誕生日を祝う宴会でにぎわうチーフォン家。そこに、総督の息子、シャオレイが現れ、歓談していた客人を追い払ってしまう。怒る父親にシャオレイは「人面桃蜂党がやってくる」と告げる。15年前、総督によって退治された盗賊団、人面桃蜂党の首領の娘、ディンが、殺された両親の復讐のために街に戻ってきたのだ。シャオレイは、自分の子をお腹に宿した恋人チェンチェンに対してわざと冷たく振る舞い、彼女が家を出ていくよう仕向ける一方、自分はすでに決死の覚悟を決めていた。そしてその晩、冷酷無比な人面桃蜂党が現れる。チーフォン家は皆殺しにされるが、シャオレイだけは一命を取り留める。そして彼は信頼する友と一緒にいるはずにチェンチェンを追いかけて旅に出ることに。その道中シャオレイは、思いも寄らない陰謀、愛、裏切りに出会うことになる…。 ロー・ウェイ監督に見込まれたジャッキー・チェンが現在と同じ成龍という芸名となってから3本目の主演作で、シリアスな物語と力強いカンフーシーンが印象的な時代劇。武侠映画の巨匠監督キン・フー作品でお馴染みの名女優シュー・フォンが、ジャッキー扮する主人公に愛憎を抱く無敵の女剣士を見事に演じ、作品に風格を与えている。
Shaolin Iron Finger
Martial arts superstar Carter Wong portrays a revolutionary who is an expert in the Iron Finger style of kung fu. When his mother is kidnapped, he is forced by his enemy James Tien to destroy a group of subversive warlords, including renegade monk Kam Kong and five element venom man Ricky Cheng. Non-stop, no-holds-barred fight action make this a must for any fan of the martial arts.
Kui's Thug
日本軍統治下の台湾。港で入国審査を待つミウの荷物を盗んだスリの青年ロンは、実は彼女が日本軍の弾圧を逃れ、上海からやってきた名門拳法道場・精武会師範の娘ライイーであることを知る。根は素直で正義感の強いロンは、台湾の武人を眼の敵にして横暴な振る舞い続ける大和門道場の日本人たちに反感を抱き、精武門に入門。厳しい修行に励んで幻の武術・迷踪拳を修得、大和門道場との前面対決に立ち上がる。 伝説の武道家スター、ブルース・リーの名作で、ジャッキー・チェンがスタントマンとして参加した「ドラゴン 怒りの鉄拳」の正式な続編。ロー・ウェオ監督ら主要スタッフが再集結。この作品で成龍と改名したジャッキーが第二のブルース・リーとして売り出された。前作の設定を受け継ぎつつ、ジャッキーの明るい個性を活かした作品に仕上げているが、最後には衝撃の結末が待ち受ける。
Blood Revenge
Chaozhou police constable Chiang and his wife are brutally killed by five escaped convicts whom he brought to justice three years ago. Their daughter Feng (Lu Hsiao Hui) is lucky to escape, and she sets out to avenge the murder of her parents. With the aid of martial arts expert Chuan (famous action star Philip Ko), Feng tracks down the thugs one by one and kills them with her "8-Step Successive Killing Kicks" kung fu.
Shaolin Kung Fu
[credits only]
Tongyang brings his rickshaws into town and starts using his hired muscle to dominate the clientele.
The Brave Lion
During Japan's invasion of China in World War II, two disgraced Japanese soldiers are given a second chance. Facing execution for various infractions, the two men are offered a reprieve if they take a special assignment. Since they can speak Chinese and know the territory, the men are assigned to the task of running a Chinese labor camp the Japanese operate in occupied territory. After the men take over, they work the prisoner's so hard the labor force rises up in revolt of their treatment.
Bruce Lee: A Dragon Story
Film extra
Considered the first biopic of the legendary Bruce Lee, fact blurs with fiction in this low-budget, loose interpretation of the great martial arts expert's life starring Bruce Li, the most well known Lee impersonator. The film takes a look at Bruce's humble beginnings as a paperboy to his rise in fame as a martial arts phenom, who later gets tangled up in a love affair with actress Betty Ting-Pei.