Lai Siu-Fong


Charlie's Bubble
The poetry of teenagers in love is one of the most endearing and enduring traditions in cinema. Philip Chan made his solo directorial debut with a film based on his own adolescent fantasy, about a secondary school student who falls in love with his teacher. The teacher happens to be pregnant and, after the kid makes the vow to help her take care of the child, the father reappears to assume his responsibilities…Is teenage bubble going to burst? Chan had the foresight – or was it luck? – to hand over writing chores to Alfred Cheung, who turned the potentially controversial story into a script of nuanced emotions and morality while managing to avoid the sensational. Charlie's Bubble, which escaped critical attention in its initial release, is a work that deserves a second look.
The Secret
Cheung Dai Ma
A real murder case which was complicated by the ménage à trois relationship the victim had with the main suspects. As different witnesses narrated their conflicting stories, the case seemed set to lead to nowhere; especially when the real identity of the dead person was finally discovered.
Mr.Boo! ミスター・ブー
Mrs. Mok
探偵のウォン(マイケル)は香港で私立探偵事務所「萬能私家偵探社」を開いているが、従業員は美人秘書のジャッキー(テレサ・チュウ)と間抜けな助手のチョンボ(リッキー)の3人だけだった。 不倫調査の仕事をこなしていたある日、探偵志望の青年キット(サミュエル)が安月給で良いから雇ってくれと事務所を訪れた。最初はこれ以上雇うつもりは無い(実際には、これ以上給料を払いたくない)と断ったのだが、直後に起きたスリ騒ぎでの鮮やかな対応を見て、渋々雇い入れることになった。 今まで以上のケチケチ振りを見せるウォンに対し、我慢するチョンボとキット。ウォンとともにキットが初めて行った不倫調査で、証拠を押さえたまでは良かったが……