Blain Fairman

出生 : 1941-12-26, Canada


Eat Locals
Station Master
In a quiet countryside farmhouse, Britain's vampires gather for their once-every-fifty-years meeting. Others will be joining them too; Sebastian Crockett, an unwitting Essex boy who thinks he's on a promise with sexy cougar Vanessa; and a detachment of Special Forces vampire killers who have bitten off more than they can chew. This is certainly going to be a night to remember... and for some of them it will be their last.
Geneva Station Chief
A spy is looking for his old colleague who now works for the other side.
Apprentice to Murder
Pennsylvania, 1928. Billy Kelly, a sixteen-year old boy, meets a mysterious traveler claiming he's the messenger of God. Falling under under the spell of this "doctor" Reese, he will soon discover Reese has murderous plans for his future. Based on a true story.
Meet Julie
Carol is a nine-year-old, with a very special doll given to her by her father. Carol's father is the owner of a company that provides security services, and when he gets an assignment to guard an art exhibit at the Louvre, he takes Carol with him. During their transatlantic crossing, Carol falls overboard.
Whoops Apocalypse
White House Reporter
When a small British owned island in the Caribbean is invaded and the world's most dangerous terrorist kidnaps a member of the Royal family, the countdown to World War 3 begins. If anyone can prevent the oncoming apocalypse it's the American President, but her closest ally the British Prime Minister appears to have gone stark raving mad.
ダリル 秘められた巨大な謎を追って
Major Willows
Daryl is a normal 10-year-old boy in many ways. However, unbeknown to his foster parents and friends, Daryl is actually a government-created robot with superhuman reflexes and mental abilities. Even his name has a hidden meaning -- it's actually an acronym for Data Analyzing Robot Youth Life-form. When the organization that created him deems the "super soldier" experiment a failure and schedules Daryl to be disassembled, it is up to a few rogue scientists to help him escape.
P.Q. 17
Lt. Cmdr. Hollerith
"That order to scatter was as good as a death sentence to those merchant ships. And there isn't one officer or rating who doesn't agree with me." A British Allied convoy designated for the Soviet Union comes under attack from German forces during World War II.
F・スコット・フィッツジェラルドの小説をフランシス・F・コッポラの脚色で映画化。1920年代のアメリカを舞台に、上流社会に生きる青年の愛と野望を描くロマン大作。 ニューヨーク郊外のロングアイランドに建つ豪邸で、夜ごとパーティーを催す謎の富豪ギャツビー。貧しい家に生まれた彼は、第1次大戦中に出会った恋人のデイジーに裏切られたことをきっかけに、終戦後、努力して財界でのし上がっていった。やがて、人妻となったデイジーと再会、2人の愛はよみがえったかに見えたが…。 R・レッドフォードが出世欲に燃える青年ギャツビーを熱演。アカデミー衣装デザイン賞、歌曲・編曲賞受賞。
The Male Animal
Wally Myers
The trustees of Midwestern University have forced three teachers out of their jobs for being suspected communists. Trustee Ed Keller has also threatened mild mannered English Professor Tommy Turner, because he plans to read a controversial piece of prose in class. Lost episode of BBC Play of the Month.
The Trap
A fur trapper takes a mute girl as his unwilling wife to live with him in his remote cabin in the woods.