Danny Chow Yun-Kin

Danny Chow Yun-Kin


Was a member of Jackie Chan's Stuntmen Association.


Danny Chow Yun-Kin


Die Harder
After corrupt police officer Fu escapes to mainland China, officer Sonia Chan defies her boss' orders and goes after him.
The Woman Behind
Shiu comes to land China to begin her new company. His girlfriend Wan makes him guarantee not to get a concubine. In place of, he falls for his far-away relative. And what will Wan do when she discovers?
The Woman Behind
Stunt Coordinator
Shiu comes to land China to begin her new company. His girlfriend Wan makes him guarantee not to get a concubine. In place of, he falls for his far-away relative. And what will Wan do when she discovers?
Gunmen is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Kara Hui.
A Serious Shock! Yes Madam!
Martial arts trainer
Though policewoman Hsie Wan-chin (Cynthia Yang Li-ching) is merrily planning for her wedding with fellow cop Wilson Tsiang (Lawrence Ng Kai-wah), he is having an illicit affair with her best friend, May (Moon Lee). When Wilson tries to break things off, May doesn't take it well. When she learns that Wilson and Wan-chin are moving to England, she completely loses it.
Angry Ranger
Tall Chien
A man returning to his old neighbourhood after a prison term finds that the friends he used to hang out with are now a violent street gang that is terrorizing the community.
Bullet for Hire
One of Kwai's men
Two hitmen, both good friends who work for the Triad, get a new partner, a nervous young rookie who starts off badly by blowing an assignment, but soon becomes proficient at his bloody work. When one of them is blackmailed into helping the police, a Triad boss grows suspicious.
Gangland Odyssey
Martial Arts Choreographer
A retired cop is summoned by his ex-boss to save his kidnapped son from the hands of a deadly Japanese triad. Action violence and a little romance makes GANGLAND ODYSSEY a promising treat!
Gangland Odyssey
A retired cop is summoned by his ex-boss to save his kidnapped son from the hands of a deadly Japanese triad. Action violence and a little romance makes GANGLAND ODYSSEY a promising treat!
Bullet to Survive
A Hong Kong crime film from 1990 directed by Wilson Cheung Wing-Wa .
The Sniping
The Sniping is a Hong Kong Crime movie starring Eric Tsang and Alex Man
ポリス・ストーリー2 九龍の眼/クーロンズ・アイ
正義感からの行き過ぎ捜査で、交通整理係に降格になったチェン刑事。今日もかつて自分が逮捕した悪人チュウの汚い挑発に熱くなり、大乱闘を起こしてしまった。署長から休暇を言い渡されたチェン刑事は、売り言葉に買い言葉で辞表を提出。恋人メイとバリ旅行を計画するが、たまたま立ち寄ったショッピング・センターで爆破事件に遭遇。休暇を返上し、不動産企業を脅迫する爆弾魔一味を追い詰める。 「香港国際警察 NEW POLICE STORY」で再始動したジャッキー・チェンの代表作となる人気シリーズ第2弾。恋人役マギー・チャンとの愉快な掛け合い、ダイナミックな爆破シーンなど、前作からパワーアップした見どころ満載な作品。
Thug in First Fight
Naughty Boys
Frequent Jackie Chan cohort Mars stars as Sing, an ex-con who's supposed to dig up the buried loot of his three still-jailed buddies...but when he gets to it, he finds that the treasure chest is full of rocks! The other three are convinced that Sing stole the goods for himself, so Sing decides to hide out with his kick-butt cousin Kuen, played with athletic aplomb by kung-fu princess Kara Hui! But some insurance investigators (Carina Lau and Billy Lau) are also after the loot, and there's even a mousy travel agent (future director Clarence Fok) thrown in for good measure. It all adds up to numerous shenanigans and action-comedy hijinks, culminating in a knockdown action finale set in a warehouse! Wooden crates, two-by-fours, and more props than you can name are used and abused in the name of creative eighties HK-style action, which Jackie Chan and company are only too glad to dispense to the audience!
Boss Lau's Man at Warehouse
スペイン・バルセロナ。カンフーの達人トーマスとデビッドは、ある日、怪しい男たちに追われる謎の美女シルビアを助ける。友人のヘボ探偵・モビーの手を借り、実はシルビアが伯爵の娘で、彼女の遺産を狙う伯爵の弟が一味の黒幕だと知ったトーマスたち。だが度重なる激しい襲撃に、ついにシルビアがさらわれてしまう。3人は彼女を助けるため、最強の戦闘集団と壮絶な肉弾戦を繰り広げる! ジャッキー、サモ・カン、ユン・ピョウの黄金トリオが再集結し、バルセロナを中心に全編オールロケを敢行。終盤には3人それぞれの決闘シーンがあり、中でもジャッキーとマーシャルアーツ世界王者ベニー・ユキーデが拳を交える、スピーディな攻防は圧巻だ。
Duel of the Masters
Ah-fei and Dragon, students under the brother kung-fu masters Shorty and Uncle, are sent to clear the ghosts out of a haunted house. After a brief search, they soon find that the "ghosts" are nothing but props set up by a couple of con artists. After making quick work of the cheats, the fighting pair discover that there is actually a real ghost hiding in the house! Ah-fei and Dragon may have studied their martial arts well, but how do you beat up something that's already dead?
Gun Is Law
Hong Kong crime movie from 1983
名家の御曹司、ドラゴンは努力嫌いのお気楽青年。勉学と武道修行に励めという父親の小言を要領よく聞き流し、悪友のガウと連れだって遊びとスポーツに熱中する毎日。だが、可憐な村娘サウライに宛てて書いた凧型ラブレターが運悪く美術品盗賊団の味とへ落下。回収に向かったドラゴンは、盗品の国宝を巡って分裂した組織内の抗争に巻き込まれてしまう。 監督と脚本も兼任したジャッキーが、十八番のお調子者ヒーローに扮して絶品の好演。香港伝統のカンフーに、抜群の身体能力を活かしたスポーツ試合で見せる新趣向のアスレチック・アクションも大迫力だ。
Gorgeous Koon
Mousy, the laundry guy, is attacked several times by an angry theatre troupe member. Although he survives, his friend doesn't. So, he overcomes his cowardice and decides to avenge his friend's death.
Read Lips
Action Director
Frankie Chan plays a movie dubber who can read lips.
Read Lips
Frankie Chan plays a movie dubber who can read lips.
Love and Sword
When Yueh Sin's father is brutally murdered, her lover Shao Fung, the #1 samurai ninja warrior of the martial world, seeks revenge on her behalf.
The Butterfly Murders
No. 3 White Flag
A journalist attempting to solve a mystery in "Martial World" enlists the aid of a master fighter and a woman named Green Breeze. They go to a mysterious castle where they come across poisonous butterflies and a black-leather-clad killer.
The Ape Girl
The story of Ming Ling Shur, a girl who was raised by apes and thus has a natural ability with monkey kung fu. She also resembles a monkey for most of the film (not really explained why). She grows up and falls for a prince who is really an evil kung fu master, who exploits her abilities for his own gain. Now here's why the film works; Kam Fung does an excellent job as the Ape Girl, being very eccentric at times with the actions of a monkey. Also, we see early performances by Lo Lieh as an assassin, and Chen Sing as the prince.
The Eighteen Jade Arhats
Martial Arts Choreographer
The eighteen jade claws are prized possessions, transmitting Arhat power to worthy fighters whose legendary feats of strength and powers bestow honour on the temple. But when misused, the power can be devastating. A mysterious assassin is killing everyone who stands in his way to claim the legendary jade claws and learn 18-Lohan style kung fu - and there is only one noble fighter alive who can defeat this ruthless killer.
The Kung Fu Kid
The Kung Fu Kid is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man and Eric Tsang
Bruce Lee and I
A movie on the life of the renowned Bruce Lee, especially his relationship with his mistress.
Blood and Rose
Blood and Rose is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Yuen Biao
Meng Gui
Hua Heng is a poverty-stricken aspiring painter whose day job involves painting the ads that go up on the sides of buildings. He and his buddies hang out in a makeshift gym set up in an abandoned building where they train and practice kung fu. His girlfriend is Gao Xin, a bar maid who is in debt to loan sharks. Into their lives comes Jiaji, who happens upon Hua Heng in a street fight with local thugs who'd made fun of the painting he's carrying and decides to help him out.
Fist to Fist
A young police cadet graduates from the academy, and is sent to a small town run by gangsters - one of whom betrayed the hero's father and left him to die.
The Magnificent Boxer
A top martial arts champion returns home after winning a contest only to find his family have been sucked into a feud with a Japanese bushido expert forcing the champ to take on the entire gang.
The Magnificent Boxer
Martial Arts Choreographer
A top martial arts champion returns home after winning a contest only to find his family have been sucked into a feud with a Japanese bushido expert forcing the champ to take on the entire gang.
The Delinquent
Lam's Bodyguard
Delivery boy Chung rings an order to a local martial arts school. He shows that he too is a kung fu student when he punches a bag and also kicks out the instructor for his money. Chung has a tough life. His father constantly nags him to work hard. One day, his is heckled by Chien-Pe, a disabled thug who runs a gang. Chung fights and beats them up and as a result, he is fired from his job. Chien turns to his boss, Tai Chung, to get Chung.
Man of Iron
Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
Five Fingers of Death
A young boxer joins a martial arts school to increase his skill so he can enter a martial arts competition. He leaves the school when he hears that a local gangster is terrorizing the town. He comes to the aid of a young singer and brings on the wrath of the local gang. He eventually enters the martial arts competition after learning iron palm technique and takes out all competition.
The Duel
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.