Nataša Gollová
出生 : 1912-02-27, Brno, Czechoslovakia
死亡 : 1988-10-29
Pro mnohé nejzářivější herečka našeho předválečného filmu se narodila 27. února 1912 v Brně jako Nataša Hodáčová. Její tatínek byl národohospodář František Hodáč. Umělecké jméno si dala podle příjmení svého dědečka - historika Jaroslava Golla. Po gymnáziu studovala Filosofickou fakultu UK v Praze. Měla velký talent na cizí jazyky a byla členkou taneční skupiny. Už jako mladinkou ji lákalo divadlo. Začala herectví studovat soukromě, ale ještě než se na divadelních prknech prosadila, dostala první nabídku od filmu - Kantor ideál (1932), avšak jednalo se zatím o méně než epizodní roličku. Následovalo pár dalších nevýznamných rolí, ale v roce 1939 přišel zlom. Miroslav Cikán ji obsadil do filmu Příklady táhnou, kde se naplno projevil její komediální talent. Tohoto daru však ještě více využil režisér Martin Frič, který dal Nataše Gollové u filmu vůbec největší příležitosti. Crazy komedií Eva tropí hlouposti vytvořil z Nataši Gollové jednu z nejoblíbenějších českých hereček a idol mladých dívek. Ještě před ztřeštěnou Evou si zahrála usedlou Mařenku v Kristiánovi. S Martinem Fričem pak spolupracovala na filmech Hotel modrá hvězda (1941) a Roztomilý člověk (1941), ve všech čtyřech jí byl partnerem Oldřich Nový. Bohužel to vypadá, že na vážné role neměla štěstí. Za zmínku snad stojí alespoň postava Helenky v Pohádce máje (1940) od Otakara Vávry, kde Ríšu hrál Svatopluk Beneš. Avšak filmy jako Bezdětná (1935), Okouzlená (1942), Bláhový sen (1943) padly v zapomnění, stejně jako ty z doby po válce. Ještě dvakrát se ale ukázala v úspěšných komediích: ve Fričově Císařově pekaři (1951), role umělé (neumělé) bytosti Sirael jí padla jako ulitá. A Drahé tety a já (1974), kde už jako stará nemocná paní skvěle ztvárnila čipernou Fany. Nataša Gollová zemřela 29. října 1988 v Praze a pohřbena je na Vyšehradském hřbitově. Byla to nejen výborná herečka, ale také krásná žena, inteligentní člověk, zkrátka velká osobnost a to nejen filmu.
Žofka (babiččina kamarádka)
Grandma Helena
teta Fany Toufarová
Two kind but foolish sisters live together in their villa in a small town in South Bohemia. Fany (Natasa Gollová) has never married and Andelka (Eva Svobodová) is a widow. In the morning, the two sisters go into town. They need to buy fuel oil, put money in the bank and give plums to the teller. In the meantime an smallish orange Skoda MB car parks at their house, with Hermínka (Iva Janzurová), the old ladies' niece, and her fiancé Michal (Jirí Hrzán) in it. Michal has forgotten to bring flowers and has to go into town to fetch them. At the bank, Fany wants to deposit money but the minute the teller opens the safe, a thief arrives. He knocks the teller and Fany unconscious and runs away with the money. When Fany comes to her senses again, she sees Michal and accuses him of being the thief.
Costumed Woman (voice)
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) has had a car accident and continues his journey across the unknown countryside on foot. On the road he finds a dead rabbit dressed like a man and takes a watch from its waistcoat breast pocket. The half-ruined house that he enters reminds Lemuel of his childhood and brings up a painful memory of a dearly loved girl Markéta who was drowned years ago. Gulliver finds himself in Balnibarbi, a country where he doesn't understand the laws and habits and so continually offends against public decency. It is a day when people are ordered to keep their mouths shut and they force their visitor to follow suit. He faces harsh interrogation and finds it difficult to explain that he is not the rabbit Oscar whose watch has been found in his possession.
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) has had a car accident and continues his journey across the unknown countryside on foot. On the road he finds a dead rabbit dressed like a man and takes a watch from its waistcoat breast pocket. The half-ruined house that he enters reminds Lemuel of his childhood and brings up a painful memory of a dearly loved girl Markéta who was drowned years ago. Gulliver finds himself in Balnibarbi, a country where he doesn't understand the laws and habits and so continually offends against public decency. It is a day when people are ordered to keep their mouths shut and they force their visitor to follow suit. He faces harsh interrogation and finds it difficult to explain that he is not the rabbit Oscar whose watch has been found in his possession.
(segment "Fabricius a Zuzana")
Prague - mystical city. It was here in the Middle Ages, alchemists and magicians gathered. Rumor has it that the house of Prague hide secret obtain the philosopher's stone, and complex multi-level labyrinth of underground tunnels and cellars keep many unsolved mysteries and untold treasures. Prague just full of ghosts and phantoms. Let us slightly lift the veil that hides the secrets and little to satisfy your curiosity, get acquainted with some legends of Prague.
Madam in the Massage Parlor
Mr. Kopfrkingl enjoys his job at a crematorium in Czechoslovakia in the late 1930s. He likes reading the Tibetan book of the dead and espouses the view that cremation relieves earthly suffering and sets out to save the world. There may be another idealogy that fits snugly with his existing worldview.
Inspector Brumpby (Jaroslav Marvan) and the young crime reporter Allan Pinkerton (Vít Olmer) attend wedding of Sir Hannibal Morris (Oldrich Nový) with beautiful Clarence (Kveta Fialová). After the ceremony, Clarence's ex-husband, criminal Manuel Diaz (Waldemar Matuska), who was believed dead, shows up in her room. He wants to get his hands on Clarence and, most importantly, on the money she would inherit in the eventuality of her new husband's death. Diaz makes attempts on Hannibal's life. He knows his way about an underground labyrinth in the château and the traps he sets up for Hannibal seem to work, since Hannibal is apparently found dead after an explosion in the labyrinth, after which his body vanishes. The inspector tries to solve the countless mysteries. In this, he is joined by Allan, always ahead of the man of the law in his estimation and judgment of the situation.
Michal's father and his friends are stigmatized by their war experience and the post-war social deformations in which they took part either directly, or watched them cowardly and in silence. They are trying to repress their feelings of guilt and justify their behavior to the young generation with memories of their heroic war feats. Michal, however, does not want to have anything to do with their problems. He subconsciously perceives the unpleasant atmosphere in the family as well as his father's hypocrisy. After one of many quarrels with his father, he runs away from home, determined to go his own way.
Family visit turns wild.
paní Stoklasová, teta
Andulka's mother
Mrs. Prouza
A film about a boy who is protective of a runaway dog and the dog, who is protective of the boy.
Katerina aka Sirael
The Emperor's mismanagement of his country is provoking some in his court to plot to overthrow him. He feels successful, at least, when he discovers the legendary Golem, which he believes can protect him and even cure his imaginary illnesses but, when he disappears while on a bender, his kindly baker, who looks just like him, is mistaken for him, and begins to put things in order. However, the conspirators, not to be outdone, determine to bring the Golem back to life to do their bidding.
a movie by Heinz Paul
Filmed during the Nazi occupation, this panoramic drama set in a Prague department store follows the divergent destinies of four female coworkers, each of whom seeks happiness in a different way.
Lenka Bártová
Polda Krušinová
Mařenka Berková
Ríša, a student of law, neglects his studies in favour of parties and pranks. His angry father refuses to continue helping him out of his debts. Ríša, however, is not entirely beyond hope. He decides to go and stay for a while with his uncle, a priest, who lives in Moravia, in order to prepare for his exams. He meets Helenka, the timid daughter of the local gamekeeper, at a village ball and is enchanted by her. The days pass and their idyllic relationship begins to tire Ríša. He begins to tell Helenka about his former debauched life the about the broken hearts of beautiful women. Helenka is hurt and refuses to see Ríša anymore. His uncle, the priest, is incensed at his behaviour and orders his nephew out of the house. Ríša tries desperately to find Helenka so he can make it up to her.
Marta Dvořáková
Slávinka Salavová
Irena Krystofová
The title refers to the office of records in the basement of a large company... sort of the place where a troublesome employee may be dumped in a dead end job. If fact, the story is a simple romantic comedy, with Burian as the kindly old stick-in-the-mud who helps the young man to sort out his romance with the daughter of the company's owner.
Ruzenka Smutná
A painting of a girl from another time comes to life for it's buyer in this costume comedy.
Eva Norová
Eva's aunt is jealous of her neighbor's excellent roses and wants to know the secret. To help auntie out Eva applies for secretarial work at the neighbor's house in order to find out the formula. Things get complicated when it turns out that Eva's brother is in love with the daughter of the house and also wants to get in there under false pretenses.
Mařenka, Novákova žena
Alois Novák (Oldrich Nový), a minor clerk in a travel agency and the husband of a dowdy housewife Marenka (Natasa Gollová), lives a run-of-the-mill, dull life. In his soul, however, there resides an inextinguishable desire for adventure. And so once a month he poses as a playboy. As the mysterious and wealthy Mr. Kristian he goes to the exclusive Orient Bar where he does not skimp on generous tips and where he platonic-ally seduces beautiful and elegant women. In the salon he speaks of love and the magnificence of exotic lands, which he has supposedly come to know on his wanderings abroad. In reality he has read all of this in the travel agency's brochures.
Venice Film Festival 1939
Eva Halerová
This light-hearted comedy operetta tells the story of a newly appointed high school professor who becomes an ideal target for pranks and jokes.