Chris Harding


Want to Hear A Story?
Two gal pals perform the ritual of Hitori Kakurenbo and awaken a vengeful spirit.
Executive Producer
In the aftermath of Cassius Clay's defeat of Sonny Liston in 1964, the boxer meets with Malcolm X, Sam Cooke and Jim Brown to change the course of history in the segregated South.
Corporate Animals
Disaster strikes when the egotistical CEO of an edible cutlery company leads her long-suffering staff on a corporate team-building trip in New Mexico. Trapped underground, this mismatched and disgruntled group must pull together to survive.
Corporate Animals
Bobby Skylar
Disaster strikes when the egotistical CEO of an edible cutlery company leads her long-suffering staff on a corporate team-building trip in New Mexico. Trapped underground, this mismatched and disgruntled group must pull together to survive.
カリフォルニア州オークランド。黒人青年のコリンは不運が重なって逮捕され、1年間の保護観察処分を言い渡される。それ以来、彼は、極力トラブルを避けて謹慎生活に励み、観察処分が無事終了するまで残りあと3日までこぎつける。しかし、彼の幼なじみの白人青年マイルズは札付きのトラブルメーカーで日頃から銃を持ち歩き、コリンは気が気でない。そんなある晩、コリンは、白人警官が黒人男性を射殺するさまを偶然目撃する。 第34回サンダンス映画祭のオープニング作品として上映され、幅広い支持を獲得。 主演の2人、D・ディグスとR・カザルは私生活でも長年の友人で、共同で製作や脚本も兼任。
Bunny Skylar
カリフォルニア州オークランド。黒人青年のコリンは不運が重なって逮捕され、1年間の保護観察処分を言い渡される。それ以来、彼は、極力トラブルを避けて謹慎生活に励み、観察処分が無事終了するまで残りあと3日までこぎつける。しかし、彼の幼なじみの白人青年マイルズは札付きのトラブルメーカーで日頃から銃を持ち歩き、コリンは気が気でない。そんなある晩、コリンは、白人警官が黒人男性を射殺するさまを偶然目撃する。 第34回サンダンス映画祭のオープニング作品として上映され、幅広い支持を獲得。 主演の2人、D・ディグスとR・カザルは私生活でも長年の友人で、共同で製作や脚本も兼任。
Toxic Tutu
Deputy Colrite
Follow Mark Torgl star of 1984's The Toxic Avenger who played "Melvin The Mopboy" and transforms into Toxie, as he attends the Monster Convention circuit for the first time. Discover the convention world through Torgl's eyes, and learn a deep dark secret that has kept Torgl in hiding for 30 years.
The Devil's Candy
A struggling painter is possessed by satanic forces after he and his young family move into their dream home in rural Texas.
Production Supervisor
An aspiring actor in Hollywood meets an enigmatic stranger by the name of Tommy Wiseau, the meeting leads the actor down a path nobody could have predicted; creating the worst movie ever made.
This all-female horror anthology features four dark tales from four fiercely talented women.
The film contains five stories set on desolate stretches of a desert highway. Two men on the run from their past, a band on its way to a gig, a man struggling to get home, a brother in search of his long-lost sister and a family on vacation are forced to confront their worst fears and darkest secrets in these interwoven tales.
Visual Effects Producer
In the near future, society collapses and water becomes scarce. When a greedy water baron starts violently clearing out survivors, Kendal, a 17-year-old teenager, fights the baron's henchman to keep a well open.
In the near future, society collapses and water becomes scarce. When a greedy water baron starts violently clearing out survivors, Kendal, a 17-year-old teenager, fights the baron's henchman to keep a well open.
Claire is under the grip of a mysterious new cult called Faults. Desperate to be reunited with their daughter, Claire's parents recruit one of the world's foremost experts on mind control, Ansel Roth.
始まりは、二階の寝室。一匹目は、ヒツジ。二匹目は、キツネ。三匹目は、トラ。家に誰かが入ってきたらしい…    両親の結婚35周年を祝うために集まった、10人の家族。そこに突如として現れる、キツネ、ヒツジ、トラ…アニマルマスク集団。逃げ場のない密室で、次々と襲われていく10人。しかし、ある“事実”が判明したことをきっかけに、アニマルマスク集団も、そして家族すらも予期しなかった結末へと突き進んでいく――全員の予想を裏切り、次々と訪れる“サプライズ”とは!?
Dr. Easy
Michael is a broken man with a gun. He is surrounded by armed police. A robot with medical training is dispatched to negotiate – but can it save him?
Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of static white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil.
Learn Self Defense
An animated guide to standing up for yourself.
He's a Good Monkey
In a conflict between reason and impulse, a machine and an ape struggle for control of Chris Harding's brain.
He's a Good Monkey
In a conflict between reason and impulse, a machine and an ape struggle for control of Chris Harding's brain.