Costume Design
The film tells the story of Raquel, Rodolfo and Hernán, members of a brigade at the UNAM during the student movement in Mexico in 1968. Through their photographs, films and writings, we will know the history of the day that the army took the university and how their students united, shouted and never forgot.
Costume Design
In a timeless México where women are disappearing, a girl helps her dad, a tormented addict, to take care of an abandoned baseball camp where the narcos gather to play.
Costume Design
Miguel and Johnny know each other since childhood. They are dedicated to skate and have fun. To earn easy money and continue skating, they sell their own blood to a clandestine contact in a hospital. The activity becomes business until a large transaction is not as they imagined.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Alan’s daily life as a driver and assistant to a federal deputy entails enduring the anger and arrogance of his superior; sufering the contempt of the deputy’s bodyguards and, above all, cleaning up all traces of his boss’ misbehaviour. Today, however, Alan has decided that things will be different.