Gladys Dawson


For Men Only
Mrs. Whitely
Freddie Horne loves his job working for a trendy women’s fashion magazine, but his pretty blonde fiancée is getting jealous. To smooth things over Freddie takes a job with the Puritan Magazine Group, an organisation hell-bent on promoting moral reform and ‘family values’. However, the caddish chief executive Miles Fanthorpe is not all he seems. Fanthorpe’s country house is actually full of scantily-clad young women, and he is secretly publishing a girlie magazine!
Seven Times Seven
A gang of prison inmates escape and rob the Royal Mint. They then sneak back to prison.
ロンドンの労働者階級に生まれた18 歳のジョイは、泥棒稼業で生計を立てている青年・トムと成り行きで結婚し妊娠、出産する。ところが、トムは赤ん坊に無関心ですぐ彼女に手をあげる始末。トラブル続きのある日、トムが逮捕され、ジョイは叔母の家に厄介に。そこに夫の仲間だったデイヴが訪ねてくる。やがて彼女は優しいデイヴに惹かれ⼀緒に幸せな日々を送るが、彼もまた逮捕されてしまう。獄中のデイヴに手紙を書き続けながらジョイはまだ幼い息子ジョニーとともに懸命に生きていくが・・・
More Than a Miracle
A fairy tale of the misadventures of a beautiful but temperamental Neapolitan peasant, Isabella, when she meets the ill- tempered Spanish Prince Rodrigo Ferrante y Davalos. The King of Spain has ordered Rodrigo to choose a wife among seven Italian Princesses, but he is smitten by the lowly peasant.