Ganna Slutski

Ganna Slutski


Ganna Slutski


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Orange Juice
Luchshiy Drug Moego Muzha
Это история благополучной с виду семьи, состоящей из отца, матери и их недавно повзрослевшей дочери. Однажды, во время семейного ужина, они знакомятся с человеком, который случайным образом связан со скелетом, хранящимся в их семейном шкафу. Эта встреча резко меняет их жизнь, и теперь чувствам отца и матери предстоит серьезная проверка. Но какими бы тяжелыми не были их взаимные признания, эти события позволят им разглядеть что-то очень важное рядом с собой, что долгое время оставалось незаметным.
Не отрекаются любя...
The Girl
Lena Yartseva is a Moscow school girl. She has a typical family of modest means. Lena loves to dream of a good life and a lot of time in the nearby shopping center, where is her realm of dreams, and the mirror looks at her reflection – usually clad girls. Too much of a difference between her parents’ wishes and possibilities. Perfectionism, anger, temper originate Lena quarrels with his parents and leaves the house.
Счастье по рецепту
Winter Romance
Nina Petrovna and Yegor Ilyich have been living in urban apartments with children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, who, however, have no desire to reckon with the interests of their elderly relatives. But one day there comes a time when old people have to leave home. An accidental acquaintance in a bistro - and instead of despondently complaining about each other's fate, they leave to live at Yegor Ilyich’s dacha. The children of both, joining forces, are trying to put their "romantic" pensioners in their place ...
Silver Lily of the Valley
How to become a star? Thorny path to Olympus. Young Zoya Misochkina in the backyard of the provincial town "Lokotki" meets two producers, Pridorozhnyy and Bolotov, from whom the prima donna Irma has just fled. Zoya passionately wants to sing, so she joins in with new acquaintances and finds herself in a large apartment with two seemingly serious gentlemen, and with close acquaintance, half-crazy touching clowns. Zoya's life turns upside down. Vocal lessons, beauty salons, gyms, presentations, all this should turn an unknown nondescript girl into a new pop star.
White King, Red Queen
White King, Red Queen is a Russian film. The composer Isaak Schwarz won a Nika Award from the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences for the film's music.
The famous athlete Tatyana Bolshakova, having met in the south with the lonely and somewhat gloomy Boris, fell in love for the first time. For ridiculous reasons, they broke up, and after a while she had twins. And now it’s hard for her, but she knows that he will return ...
Holidays by the Sea
A group of eighthgraders from Armenia meet the Estonian girl during their school vacation an the sea coast - and all the boys suddenly fall in love...
I Hate You
My First Friend
Six-grader Sasha is a very talented artist but he doesn't to show his paintings to anyone.
Adult Son