Katie Wallack

Katie Wallack


Katie Wallack


The Wight Christmas
After their father presumably commits suicide, a dysfunctional family come together for the holidays to unwrap skeletons from their closet.
A weekend camping trip among six old friends in Northern Minnesota's "Boundary Waters" turns tragic after one dies under mysterious circumstances, triggering further turmoil as they attempt to unmask the killer within their own group.
When Jim dies, he discovers that the afterlife is not what he had imagined.
You or a Loved One
Reeling from withdrawal effects after a pharmaceutical drug trial, a reclusive aspiring illustrator sets out to form a relationship with an outgoing gal despite his continuous efforts at solitude and isolation. Parker is uncertain if he suffers from anxiety, but as the medication leaves his system he can barely perform daily tasks. Struggling with withdrawals and anxiety following a pharmaceutical research study, Parker wants nothing but to be left alone. Following a chance encounter with Teresa, a young woman with whom he previously crossed paths, he attempts a step in the opposite direction.
Sea Horse
Three women struggle to survive in the Alaskan wilderness after a mysterious event has left them homeless. Along the way, they encounter other survivors who are out to help or hurt them, as well as a dangerous supernatural presence.
The Frozen Ground
Bobby Morehead
An Alaska State Trooper partners with a young woman who escaped the clutches of serial killer Robert Hansen to bring the murderer to justice. Based on actual events.
Audition Dancer
サイレントからトーキーへと移り変わるころのハリウッドを舞台に、スター俳優の葛藤と愛を美しいモノクロ映像でつづるサイレント映画。アカデミー作品賞、監督賞、主演男優賞など5部門を受賞。 1927年のハリウッドで、サイレント映画のスターとして君臨していたジョージ・ヴァレンティン(ジャン・デュジャルダン)は、新作の舞台あいさつで新人女優ペピー(ベレニス・ベジョ)と出会う。その後オーディションを経て、ジョージの何げないアドバイスをきっかけにヒロインを務めるほどになったペピーは、トーキー映画のスターへと駆け上がる。一方ジョージは、かたくなにサイレントにこだわっていたが、自身の監督・主演作がヒットせず……。
My Normal
"My Normal" is the story of Natalie, a young lesbian from the Lower East Side, who's struggling to find a balance between her dreams of becoming a film maker and her lifestyle as a dominatrix. Her exotic looks and unconventional techniques make her one of the most desirable mistresses in the NYC underground. After befriending her weed dealer and igniting a steamy love affair with her new girl, Natalie gets an internship on a real movie set. But if everything she ever wanted is becoming a reality, why is her life falling apart? When it seems that all is lost, Natalie realizes that the only way to turn her dreams into reality is to use her unique talents as a dominatrix to get exactly what she wants.