William Stowell

William Stowell

出生 : 1885-03-13, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

死亡 : 1919-11-24


William Stowell


Paid in Advance
Jim Blood (the Cur)
In the northwestern wilderness of Alaska, an innocent young girl falls into the clutches of a band of evil men of the gold fields.
The Right to Happiness
Tom Hardy
The story of twin sisters, one raised in Russia, the other in America, and how their lives diverge and re-entangle.
The Man in the Moonlight
Sgt. O'Farrell
Two mysterious strangers arrive uninvited at the wedding of Sergeant O'Farrell of the Royal Mounted Police and Rosine Delorme, the daughter of an innkeeper. After O'Farrell receives a message that Rosine's wayward brother Louis has escaped from prison with the notorious devil-may-care outlaw Rossingnol, O'Farrell postpones the wedding to find the convicts.
When a Girl Loves
'Eagle' Ryan
A minister and his young daughter Bess, journey west where he hopes to regain his health. They become involved with notorious outlaw 'Eagle' Ryan. The outlaw becomes influenced by the power of religion along with Bess's gentle persuasion, he is reformed from his life of crime and forgiven by all the townspeople.
The Heart of Humanity
John Patricia
The story centers around Nanette, an American girl living in a small Canadian village, who is in love with John Patricia, the eldest of five brothers. The war interrupts their romantic idyll, as everyone goes overseas to Belgium and France. Nanette becomes a Red Cross nurse and is terrorized by the evil Prussian Lt. von Eberhard.
The Talk of the Town
Lawrence Tabor
Her strict upbringing is driving Genevra French (Dorothy Phillips) crazy, so when she gets her hand on a book called "How to Attract the Opposite Sex," she takes its advice to heart. She uses her newly found wiles on Lawrence Tabor (William Stowell) and gets him to marry her. Only after the wedding does she tell him she married him just to get away from her family, and that she intends to do exactly as she pleases.
The Risky Road
Melville Kingston
Ida May Park started in the film business as a scriptwriter, but in 1917 Universal announced that Park would direct films with actress and producer Dorothy Phillips for the company’s Bluebird brand. Park’s films often had a strong female perspective and The Risky Road is no exception. The story of a country girl who comes to the city to work, but falls for a rich man and undeservedly gets a bad reputation, the film was marketed as “the drama every woman should see”. The surviving fragment, showing the despair of Phillips’s character, is a real cinematic gem that leaves one yearning for more material of the film to be discovered. In 2008, a tinted nitrate fragment, with Swedish intertitles at the opening of the second reel, was deposited at the Archival Film Collections of the Svenska Filminstitutet. From the fragment, a 35mm B&W duplicate negative was made, from which this print was struck using the tinting of the nitrate as color reference.
The Grand Passion
Dick Evans
Dick Evans is the corrupt boss of a rough-and-tumble munitions town called Powderville. He hires his friend, Jack Ripley, to establish a newspaper, intending merely to further his own financial ambitions; however, Jack envisions The Trumpet as an instrument of good and soon persuades Dick to clean up Powderville.
Broadway Love
Henry Rockwell
A small-town girl who goes to New York hoping to become a Broadway star falls in with a fast crowd.
The Girl o' Dreams
Harry LeRoy
After his young wife dies, Phillip Fletcher, a millionaire and sculptor, makes his home on an uncharted desert island. Harry LeRoy, a cad who is courting the widow Mrs. Hansen, desires the widow's convent-bred daughter Norma and persuades mother and daughter to accompany him on a sea cruise. When the ship catches fire, Norma, abandoned by LeRoy and her mother in the confusion, is washed ashore on Phillip's island.
Fighting Mad
Doctor Lambert
Doctor Lambert takes his wife west to a mining town, where he can both minister and doctor. His wife is not happy and upon discovering she is pregnant, runs away with a gambler. He soon dumps her, and she comes back and dies giving birth to a baby girl. Lambert, out of his mind with rage, leaves the baby on a doorstep and vows to never have faith again. He returns to the mining town fifteen years later a drunkard. He meets young, kind Lily Sawyer and is greatly impressed by her compassionate nature. Meanwhile, the gambler has returned and decides to abduct Lily, but his partner recognizes Lambert and tells him Lily is his daughter. He kills the gambler before he can harm Lily and soon his faith returns.
Evan Kilvert
Dorothy Phillips was starred as Elinor Crawford, a small-town girl who becomes a reporter on a big-city newspaper -- and immediately plunges into the "Bohemian" lifestyle. Assigned to interview a condemned murderer, Elinor must first obtain permission from criminal lawyer Evan Klavert (William Stowell), who happens to hail from Elinor's hometown and who prudishly disapproves of her current mode of living.
Dudley Weyman
This melodrama about an actress in love with a playwright and the stage manager blackmailing her for her affections offers a unique glimpse into Chaney’s career before his classic performances in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom of the Opera.
Pay Me!
Bill The Boss
During a violent disagreement, a miner strangles his partner and accidentally shoots the man's wife. He then deserts his own wife and son to elope with the saloon keeper's daughter. As they are fleeing, the girl discovers the deed and insists upon caring for the baby found in the dead wife's arms.
The Rescue
Kent Wetherall
After divorcing her husband Kent, actress Anne Wetherall returns to the stage. Upon receiving a plea for help from childhood chum Nell Jerrold begging Anne to save Nell's daughter Betty from marrying Kent, the ex-Mrs. Wetherall decides to journey to the Jerrold's home in the town of Wheaton to investigate.
Fires of Rebellion
John Blake
Madge Garvey (Dorothy Phillips) works in a shoe factory. Her father Joe (Richard de la Reno) is a drunk who beats his wife (Alice May Youss), and her sister Helen (Belle Bennett) has repeated the pattern by marrying Dan Mallory (Edward Brady). The new foreman, John Blake (William Stowell), fires Mallory. Mallory attacks him, but because of his alcohol abuse, his heart gives out and he dies. Blake asks Joe for Madge's hand, and he accepts for her. Madge longs for something better, when Cora, a former stenographer from the company (Golda Madden), writes her from the big city.
A Doll's House
Torvald Helmer
Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed lives in fear of her husband's finding out and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career.
The Flashlight
Jack Lane
Jack Lane (William Stowell) has made an invention for photographing wild animals. It consists of a camera with a trigger -- when the trigger is stepped on by a passing animal, a flash goes off and the camera shoots the picture. Lane goes up to the mountains to try out his new contraption. When a recluse refuses to let him spend the night in his cabin, Lane goes to sleep out of doors, with the camera set up near by. In the middle of the night, he is awakened by the flash and the sound of gunshots. Trekking back to his own cabin the next day, he develops the picture, which is of a girl holding a rifle. He returns to the recluse's cabin where he is arrested for murder.
The Girl in the Checkered Coat
David Norman
When Mary and Fannie Graham, daughters of a good mother but a father with criminal instincts, are left motherless, Mary flees from her unhappy surroundings while Fannie, inheriting her father's disposition, remains and is raised as a thief.
Hell Morgan's Girl
Roger Curwell
Roger Curwell (William Stowell) is disowned by his father (Joseph W. Girard) because of his desire to be an artist. But instead of making good as a painter, Roger finds himself drunk and on the skids in San Francisco's Barbary Coast. At a dive run by Hell Morgan (Alfred Allen), he meets Lola (Dorothy Phillips), who nurses him back to physical and moral health.
The Piper's Price
Ralph Hadley
After divorcing his first wife and marrying a more gentle natured woman, Ralph Hadley finds himself again attracted to his ex-wife, a shrewd business woman. Trouble begins when he foolishly invites her to lunch, setting gossipy tongues-wagging. The news reaches his devoted wife who has discovered she is pregnant.
The White Rosette
Lord Kerrigan / Van Kerr
In the romantic days of the Eleventh Century the prologue of this picture shows us, Sir Errol, a victorious knight, returns to the castle of his liege lord, the Baron Edward, where he renews his vows with Lady Maud, his betrothed mistress. During Sir Errol's absence from the realm, the Baron has married Lady Elfrieda, daughter of an impecunious nobleman. Edward loves Elfrieda, but for her the marriage was solely one of expediency. She loses her heart to the handsome young knight.
In Remembrance
Jack Sterling
Jack Sterling from up York State marries the daughter of old Squire Merton, takes her back to the big city and later becomes affluent in business, but is not as attentive to his wife as he should be. Easily won wealth seems to lead him from home rather than attach him to it.
The Ex-Convict's Plunge
Elton Gates - the Ex-Convict
Elton Gates, having served seven years for submitting to temptation with a bank's funds, is released. His uncle John sends him $500.00, with which to start life anew. He has hardly rested in a cheap lodging house when Detective Doolittle spies him and commences to make him an object of special scrutiny.
The Ex-Convict
John Stone - Wilbur's Twin Brother
Wilbur Stone is falsely accused of a crime, convicted on circumstantial evidence and "railroaded" to the penitentiary. As an odd coincidence. Frank Fink, a hardened degenerate, is sent up at the same time and he becomes a prison parasite on Stone. Both men are released about the same time.
The Millionaire Cowboy
Villain in Play
In the mistaken belief that he has killed a cab driver, a dissipated Eastern scion flees West in this inventive silent Western starring former football hero Maurice "Lefty" Flynn and based on an original story by Darryl F. Zanuck. Charles Christoper Meredyth, Jr. -- known to his friends as "Gallop" -- arrives in a small Southwestern town owned by inventor Granville Truce (Charles Crockett). The only other inhabitants are Truce's pretty daughter, Pauline (Gloria Grey), and a gang of Mexican bandits.
A Freight Train Drama
Bart Manning - the Conductor
Short silent crime film about a man who thrown out by his wife. He joins bandits who want to derail an express train.
The Girl at the Cupola
Ed Gordon - the New Foreman
SILAS WILSON realizes that his business is being run to the ground, and that he cannot longer compete with the newer foundries unless he makes radical changes in his methods and employees. His workmen have grown old and antiquated in his employ. Through the influence of his daughter, the general managership is passed over to her fiance,—one Jack Berry —a young man, well trained in the school of modern methods.
A War Time Romance
Sergeant Thomas
Among the many beautiful and exciting romances that saw birth, blossomed and grew, during the dark and foreboding days of our great Civil War period, was that of Arthur Deming, the young Confederate officer, and his Southern sweetheart, Alice Munroe.
The Wheels of Justice
The Minister
James Hazen, one-time crook, now wealthy and reformed, is recognized on his wedding day, by a former pal, Florrie Cook, who follows the young couple to Hazen's new home in the country. Hazen has isolated himself here in the hope of finding security in complete loneliness.
Dad's Girls
One Feather, an Indian Renegade
Dad, a likable old pioneer character, lived among the foot hills of the western mining region, on a ranch with his two daughters, Rose and Madge. As sort of a side issue he had been doing a little prospecting, and about the time the story starts, we see him carrying some of his quartz to Andy Thomas, a young assayer located in a nearby village.
The Rose of Old St. Augustine
Lieutenant Dalroy
Captain Lafitte receives word that Alicante, a young Spaniard, is to wed Dolores, the Rose of St. Augustine, whom he has not seen since childhood. He objects to the wedding. Lafitte captures Alicante, dresses in his clothes, and with Dalroy, his lieutenant, dresses as his valet, and Black Hawk, a Seminole Indian of his band, go to St. Augustine and pose as the suitor Alicante. Dolores falls in love with him as Alicante. Dalroy falls madly in love with her, is refused and betrays Lafitte to her father, the commandant. Lafitte is made prisoner and while Dalroy leads her father and soldiers to capture the camp of the Privateers, Black Hawk and Dolores rescue Lafitte from the dungeon.
The Cowboy Millionaire
Bud Noble, a handsome specimen of manhood, is foreman on the Circle "D" ranch outside of Circle City, Idaho, and our opening scene pictures Bud as the cowboy roping and tying a steer. With its bucking bronchos, pitching mustangs, bucking steers, and the biggest novelty ever, the acme of all thrillers, "see Bud bulldog a steer." Only three men have successfully accomplished this feat and lived to tell about it. Then Bud receives a shock. The local operator appears with a telegram. "Your Uncle John dead. You are sole heir to his estate valued at several millions. Come to Chicago at once." The astounded cowboys tumble over with sheer amazement. Bud buys and the scene closes with a characteristic rush for the bar.