Maarten van Keller


Zwanger & Co
Director of Photography
Merel, a single midwife, is done with men, but her biological clock is ticking inexorably. And yes, she gets pregnant. However, the whole family suddenly seems pregnant. Her 60-plus father Piet has just become a father again with his young partner and her 23-year-old niece Eva is also expecting. Annet, Merel's older sister, who suffers from the empty nest syndrome, has a husband Theo who only wants to travel because he thinks is too young to become a grandfather.
Marokkaanse bruiloft
Director of Photography
Everyone seems to be getting married in her community, but Yasmine wants to focus on her career. Can she balance her many identities and find happiness?
Men at Work: Miami
When charismatic stripper Jorrit is single again, his best friend Bas convinces him to open a strip club in Miami. But they could use some extra hands and so their friend Thijs also flies to Miami, together with new stripper and fellow construction worker Boris. But before the stripping can commence, the men have to get to work, because the club turns out to be a construction nightmare. Soon they find themselves in the grips of real-estate king Pablo, who also turns out to be a competitor in the love department. Jorrit falls deeply for the attractive and free-spirited Lola , a Dutch woman settled in Miami, who is also a stripper and who counts Pablo as one of her suitors. Jorrit will have to find out where the boundaries of seduction and freedom lie in their work. Meanwhile, an ego clash between Bas and Jorrit leads to a disastrous opening of their club. Ultimately, it is the camaraderie that made our boys successful in the first place, that will save their enterprise.
Loving Cuba
Director of Photography
While a mother only just finds out that her daughter's dating a Cuban, she realises her daughter will get married on Cuba too. To hinder the failure-designated marriage, she immediately gets on a flight to Cuba.
Skirt Day
Director of Photography
Every spring, there comes a day when women appear on the streets wearing skirts. Love is in the air on skirt day and the film follows sixteen colourful characters who attend a ‘Cooking Class for Singles.’ They hope to find their match during cooking speed-dates. Will ambitious lawyer Marijke win from her sexy best-friend Danielle? And is the shy Edwin able to put to practice what he learned through lessons on ‘how to seduce a woman’? And what about the founders of the Cooking Class: Alexandra and Bor. Is their marriage as good as Alexandra so desperately needs it to be? We follow them and other characters in this modern day romantic comedy on their collective journey in finding true love.
Scream Week
Director of Photography
Six friends go to party for a week during the "Sneekweek". But they are haunted by a secret from their past.
Tuscan Wedding
Director of Photography
Tuscan Wedding, the new romantic comedy from the creators of Loving Ibiza. Together with her father Tom and stepmother Marla, Sanne runs Casa Matrimonio, a luxurious villa in sunkissed Italy. The estate is located in Tuscany, a beautiful region where many couples go to have their perfect wedding. In Casa Matrimonio guests come together to celebrate love and life. A Tuscan Wedding is the apotheosis of everyone’s visit to the country side. And for some the villa is all too familiar as they return again and again: because some people only marry twice.
Loving Ibiza
Camera Department Manager
Kevin is a young footballer who recently made a multimillion deal by transferring to FC Barcelona. He hardly realizes what is happening to him. Too young, too rich, too beautiful. His girlfriend Elza knows how Kevin should spend his millions. She is eagerly anticipating her birthday where Kevin will ask her the most important question of all. Kevin's grandmother Karla observes it all from the sidelines with concern. Fortunately there is the down-to-earth event planner Lizzy who shows Kevin the meaning of true love.
Zoop in India
Deze zomer worden de rangers blij verrast met de terugkeer van Alwin. Hij blijkt echter met een reden teruggekomen te zijn, want hij heeft hulp nodig. In India is een kudde olifanten verdwenen en de dorpelingen zijn radeloos. Onmiddelijk besluiten de rangers naar India te vertekken om te kudde terug te vinden. Aangekomen in India blijkt dat de olifanten niet zomaar zijn verdwenen, maar dat ze zijn ontvoerd door ivoorsmokkelaars. De rangers splitsen zich op in twee groepen. De ene groep gaat de jungle in, op zoek naar de olifanten, terwijl de andere groep afreist naar Mombai om het spoor van de smokkelaarste vinden. In hun poging de olifanten te redden moeten de rangers niet alleen de gevaren trotseren, maar belanden ze ook nog in een echte Bollywoodfilm.
Zoop in Afrika
Het is het einde van het schooljaar, ook voor de rangers van de dierentuin. Maar...niet voor lang: de rangers gaan via een uitwisselingsprogramma naar het kleurrijke Afrika. Ze mogen meehelpen in het Wildpark, om bedreigde diersoorten te verzorgen en te beschermen. Als hun vliegtuig neerstort stranden ze midden in de rimboe. Zonder telefoon, voedsel of hulp. Ze zijn overgeleverd aan de wetten van de natuur. Al snel merken de rangers dat het in de natuur heel anders aan toe gaat dan in de dierentuin. Maar niet alleen het Afrikaanse Wild-leven, ook de directeur van het Wildpark blijkt donkere kanten te hebben. In de hoop gevonden te worden, besluiten de rangers zich te splitsen in twee groepen. Als tot overmaat van ramp Bionda ineens verdwijnt, neemt hun Afrikaanse reis een totaal andere wending. De rangers kunnen alleen op elkaar vertrouwen. In Afrika beleven ze het avontuur van hun leven.
Director of Photography
A romantic comedy set around a group of Dutch youngsters in Tirol.
Director of Photography
A man comes to the city from a village in search of his lost brother, he gets involved in clashes with gangsters and also falls in love with a beautiful girl. Whether he is successful in locating his brother or not forms the essence.
The story about a wild week at the Spanish coast. Romance at the beach, competition on the dance floor. Salty water, sweet kisses...