Michiaki Watanabe

Michiaki Watanabe

出生 : 1925-08-09, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2022-06-23


Michiaki Watanabe


Original Music Composer
The Legend of Space Sheriff Gavan is a special DVD released with Televi-Kun in 2012 to promote the film Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie. It features the second Space Sheriff Gavan, Geki Jumonji and his partner, Shelly as well as the members of the Space Mafia Maku.
The recording of the first animation song Live event "Super Robot Spirits", which has become a popular event, finally made available on DVD. Enjoy 22 songs of gems such as "Mazinger Z", "Combattler V" and "Getter Robo" from the event on August 17, 1997.
このところ各地で、不審な事件が相次いで起こっていた。高いIQの少年・少女の誘拐事件や、ダービーの優勝馬など血統の良い動物、ダイヤなどの貴金属、危険な放射性物質の盗難事件。しかも事件現場には未知の何者かが動き回った形跡が残されていた。 実は、バイオロンの総統・ドクターギバが、日本の某所に秘密の怪物工場を作り、究極の怪物を創造しようとする、神をも恐れぬ計画を進行中であった。バイオロンに誘拐される少女達。それを助けようとした洋子刑事の敵に囚われてしまう。全員救出のため出動するジバン。しかし、敵は二重三重の罠を仕掛けて待ち構えていた・・・。
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
宇宙刑事シャイダー: 追跡! しぎしぎ誘拐団
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Brain 17
Brain is the world's greatest computer, and also the most intelligent being on planet Earth. One day, Brain decides to abandon its terrestrial moorings, and it's up to The Defenders to track it down. Unfortunately, Brain has developed an amazing army of deadly giant robots, including one with a huge "17" emblazoned on its chest-plate, with which it plans to subjugate its creators. A young boy whose family was killed by Brain's followers manages to activate Daitetsujin 17, which thereafter comes to his rescue whenever he is in danger from Brain's minions.
バトルフィーバーJ THE MOVIE
Egos kidnaps the children of Information Supervisor Sakaguchi, Yoko and Kenichi. They then blackmail him into stealing the blueprints and completion status of the Battle Fever robo. Tetsuzan Shogun, who joined the Defense Department at the same time as Sakaguchi, is greatly concerned and confronts him. Sakaguchi escapes but vows to make amends. He appears at Egos factory, where they too are building a giant robo, and discloses a false timetable. When Egos orders them killed, Sakaguchi reveals dynamite strapped to his body. He backs away with his children and gets them to safety. He then returns to the factory, and blows himself up to destroy it. Unfortunately, his sacrifice is in vain, as their evil robo is already completed. But Battle Fever’s giant robo is also complete and ready to save the day!
Original Music Composer
The Iron Cross Army are sabotaging oil-tankers with the help of their monster, the Sea-Devil, a semi-mechanical anthropomorphic swordfish with an ability to shoot torpedoes from its mouth. Spiderman employs the help of the interpol agent Juzo Mamiya to help him stop the Iron Cross Army.
大鉄人17 空中戦艦
Captain Gomes uses a flying battleship to battle the giant robot Daitetsujin 17. Theatrically-released abridgement of Episode 15 of the TV series.
国際平和部隊科学研究所の佐原博士があらゆる災害から人類を守り地球環境を保全すべく建造した、巨人電子頭脳ブレイン。だが、次第に自我と、スプーンから宇宙ロケットに至るまで何でも製造できる超生産能力を持つようになったブレインは、遂には「人類こそが地球を滅ぼす。人類は地球に有害」という結論をはじき出した。「地球にとって最大の災害」である人類の存在を否定し、抹殺すべく、ブレインは開発者の1人であるハスラー教授とともに行方をくらまし、アジトを構えて秘密裏に分身となる巨大ロボットを何体も建造する。しかし、その17番目にしてやはり自我を持つワンセブンはブレインの思考と正反対に「人類だけが地球を救える。人類は地球に有益」と人類を守るべき存在という結論をはじき出した。 ブレインは自分に逆らいかねない危険なワンセブンを封印すると、巨大ロボットを操って破壊活動を開始し、人類抹殺に向けて動き出す。だが、ブレインのローラーロボットの襲撃で家族を失った主人公の少年・南三郎に偶然発見されたワンセブンは、自分を解放してくれた三郎をパートナーとし、ブレインの攻撃から人類を守るべく戦うことになる。
Original Music Composer
秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー 爆弾ハリケーン
Original Music Composer
A trio of renegade demons fight their evil brothers in a theatrical release of the first episode of the TV series.
Based on Kazuo Taoka's autobiography, this film follows a Kobe gangster as he builds the small Yamaguchi-gumi into Japan's largest criminal clan.
Episode 12 of Inazuman Flash, released theatrically.
飛び出す立体映画 イナズマン
The moth-like superhero Inazuman has the climactic battle with Emperor Bamba and the Neo-Human Empire Phantom Army while also confronting the rise of President Geisel and the Desper Corps. An alternate version of events depicted in the TV series, exhibited theatrically in 3-D.
When Hakaider starts his own evil organization, Dr. Komyoji's android Kikaider 01 awakens to protect Japan from the forces of evil.
三池監獄 兇悪犯
Original Music Composer
In the 20th century, the Japanese government exploits prisoners as expendable slave laborers in a coal mine, which results in conflict between the prisoners and the warden to escalate.
Original Music Composer
Professor Gill has created a machine that lets him restore destroyed robots. This machine is used to recreate all of the destructroids that had been destroyed by Kikaider. Kikaider is forced to destroy them all once again, and a new Destructoid Multi-Colored Sand Lizard.
A Yakuza film directed by Kôsaku Yamashita
Original Music Composer
A ryokan maid is on trial for pushing a familiar guest off a cliff to his death. An eager attorney offers to take the case to gain notoriety.
Original Music Composer
傷だらけの人生 古い奴でござんす
Original Music Composer
President of the territorial yakuza organization is being manipulated by a crooked leader in the military and some capitalists Ishikiri. The plan is to get multiple family of the organized crime groups based in Osaka to war it out and order the Shima to the Onishi group of the branch to expand the territory. Now members of the same yakuza gang are forced to fight each other over territory and honor.
Original Music Composer
Set in Osaka, during the devastated time of post-war Japan, this is a tale of the yakuza who set about rebuilding after the death of their Oyabun (big boss). Battles erupt as tempers explode as someone seeks to fill the seat of power.
A group of teenagers grow up in Okinawa amid the protests and resistance against the presence of the American base in the island.
Original Music Composer
Yasuda plays Omon, a woman using bamboo leaves as darts/blades to disable and kill her enemies.
女左膳 濡れ燕片手斬り
Original Music Composer
As a child, Okin the one-armed one-eyed swordswoman was disfigured by Lord Daizen-dayu, who was after her family's most treasured possession, the famed Drenched Swallow sword. As an adult, she has become a skilled swordswoman and lives a carefree life with her adopted family. One day, Okin saves a girl from a group of yakuza, and in doing so, gets involved in a grand conspiracy involving religious leaders, government officials, the yakuza and Lord Daizen-dayu, the man who killed her father and mutilated her body...
Original Music Composer
The titular "tarantula" is a murderous woman who, along with the brother who is in love with her, kill without warrant because they are wealthy & above the law. Kyoshiro the homeless masterless wandering samurai has nothing to lose, & no scruples anyway, so can reproach even the powerful with ease. He is thus, for all that he has broad streaks of villainy all his own, a champion of the people by default.
Original Music Composer
The first film in the 2 part series about Ryuzen, a renegade martial-arts priest who, in addition to breaking all the commandments against sex and gambling, opens his own gambling den in direct defiance of the local yakuza boss. Exciting action and a twisty plot this movie breaks new barriers in Japanese cinema. Katsu Shintaro is superb in one of his better non-Zato Ichi roles as he fights off the advances of a love-lorn woman and risks his life to defeat the powerful gambling boss who has a stranglehold on the town.
忍びの者 伊賀屋敷
Original Music Composer
[Period covered: 1637-1651] This is one of the most complicated plots of any of the Shinobi no Mono films! This film tells the story of Saizo’s son, Kirigakure Saisuke, who after seeing his father die at the Battle Of Shimabara, grows up to be an expert ninja. Before he dies, “Mist” Saizo tells his children Saisuke, and Yuri that they are not really brother and sister. She, in fact, is the daughter of the late lord Sanada Yukimura, and must be saved from the shogun’s forces. In the chess match of spy versus spy, can Saisuke defeat the shogun’s chief strategist, Matsudaira Izunokami at his own game? Showing many exciting ninja tactics, it is not to be missed.
Attack from Space
Original Music Composer
The superhero Starman is sent by the Emerald Planet to protect Earth from belligerent aliens from the Sapphire Galaxy. The Sapphireans (or "Spherions") kidnap Dr. Yamanaka and force him to use his spaceship against the Earth.
Invaders from Space
Original Music Composer
A bunch of pernicious salamander men from the planet Kulimon in the Moffit Galaxy plan on taking over Earth by unleashing a lethal plague on mankind. It's up to valiant superhero Starman from the Emerald Planet to save the human race before it's too late.
Atomic Rulers
Original Music Composer
Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!
Evil Brain from Outer Space
Original Music Composer
An evil brain from outer space unleashes monsters with deadly diseases on Earth with trying to conquer the universe. Superhero Starman must battle them all to save his planet.
Nihiki no mesu inu
Original Music Composer
Mayumi Ogawa stars in the tale of a Turkey miss—basically a prostitute who services men in Turkish baths—whose plans to get rich in the stock market, open a beauty salon, and marry her sweetie are turned upside down by the arrival of her boyfriend-stealing half sister Mako Midori. - Pulpinternational
Original Music Composer
[Period covered: 1595-1600] Third film in the famous shinobi no mono series. We last saw ninja Ishikawa Goemon (Raizo Ichikawa), as he was about to be boiled alive. But a good ninja is both hard to find, and even harder to kill. With the help of the enigmatic Hattori Hanzo, Goemon lives to skulk another day, and sets his sights on bringing down the warlord who tried to turn him into soup – Toyotomi Hideyoshi. And as always, in the background, the suble hand of Tokugawa Ieyasu is pulling strings as he plots to rule all of Japan!
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
[Period covered: 1582-1594]. As the film opens, the warlod Nobunaga Oda rides to Iga Ayanokuni shrine. He is asked if he thinks he has destroyed all the ninja who opposed him and answers that he suspects that there may be more. A servant brings water and tests it first. The paige dies and we hear gunshots as two ninja flee the scene. His suspicions confirmed, Nobunaga oversees the execution of captured ninja and decides that, in the future, he needs a much crueler method of execution. The daimyo Hideyoshi comes to visit.
Original Music Composer
Warlord Oda Nobunaga seeks to unite a fractured Japan. A young man trained in the arts of ninjitsu is manipulated by a ninja master into attempting to assassinate the warlord before he completes his task.
次郎長社長と石松社員 威風堂々
1962 Japanese movie
A suspense drama directed by Mitsuo Wakasugi. Students, gangsters and other young people who couldn't make money were gathering and negotiating at a coffee shop about this. They were told that if you kidnap a child from a rich family, search for him/her, their family would give you about 50,000 yen if you could send the child back.A woman named Motoko disappeared in the midst of evil, but no one noticed it. Shortly after, Kaneda and Chii appeared in a quiet residential area and took a girl about five years old from the Ohara family....
Original Music Composer
A story of an orphan boy who wanted the love of parents so badly, another orphan sincerely pitied him to the point he gives his secret birthright as an illegitimate son to a Shogun as a "gift of hope" to the sad boy. As the orphan boy grew up, his loving heart became bitter and he saw the opportunity to take advantage of this birthright with the help of a man who wanted to use this orphan's desire to be loved, for seizing power in the shogunate by using the imposter. Many obstacles to hurdle along the way of deception, however, will they succeed or will he be exposed?
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
仏教系の大学に通う清水四郎は、恩師の矢島教授の下で彼の一人娘の幸子と婚約していたが、謎めいた笑みを浮かべる同窓の田村がしつこくつきまとってくるため、彼の誘惑から逃れようとして逆に次々と罪を重ねていく。まもなく、幸子を自動車事故で亡くしてしまった四郎は実家へ戻るが、そこに住む画家の谷口円斎の娘で幸子にそっくりなサチ子と恋に落ちる。しかし、田村に加えて四郎に轢き逃げされたヤクザの志賀恭一の情婦が復讐しようと後を追ってきたため、四郎は吊り橋でもみ合っているうちに2人を殺害してしまう。 その晩、四郎の父の剛造が経営する老人ホーム「天上園」の創立十周年記念パーティーでは集団食中毒が発生し、入所老人たちが全員死亡。更に復讐にやってきた志賀の母が酒に毒を盛ったことで、四郎も剛造もすべての人間が悶死する。死の間際、地獄へ落ちる幻想を見た四郎は、そこで会った幸子の霊から彼女が四郎の子を身ごもっていたことや、その子も水子になって地獄へ落ちていることを告げられる。四郎は我が子を見つけるべく、八大地獄の修羅場をさまようのだった。
Ôsen chitai
Original Music Composer
From the king of Japanese exploitation films comes a criminal drama told in a semi-documentary fashion. The murder of the chief official of Kobe city's Customs triggers an investigation of a prostitution ring called the 'Yellow Line' that sells Japanese women. A hired assasin is betrayed by his organization, and kidnaps a woman who happens to be the girlfriend of a newspaper reporter.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Japanese crime film
Original Music Composer
Freelance reporter “Scoop” Machida is hot on the trail of a prostitution ring called the Black Line, when he is framed for the murder of a young woman. Forced to clear his own name, the handsome journalist sinks deeper into the Black Line’s rotten swamp of drugs, prostitution, and murder and finds unexpected help in Maya, a steamy female gambler familiar with the neon-lit streets, shadowy alleyways, and seedy nightclubs he must navigate. The closest film in the Line series to classic American film noir, Ishii’s Black Line is a pulpy assortment of crime film conventions including the starkly expressionistic black and white cinematography by Jûgyô Yoshida, a jazzy music score by Michiaki Watanabe, and a sleazy screenplay by Ishii and Ichirô Miyagawa.
Original Music Composer
The year is 1945, months prior to Japan's ultimate defeat in WW2, and military lieutenant Sugawa is sent on a critical mission to deliver micro-fiche war plans to Tokyo from his base in Malaysia. But while flying over Chinese waters his plane is shot down and he is taken aboard a ship bound for Shanghai to deliver its merchandise - a ship filled with Female Slaves kidnapped from Japan. Will he abandon the women to pursue his main objective? Or will he fight foes, spies and pirates to save these women against all odds?
Original Music Composer
The story deals with a juvenile delinquent gang surviving through petty thievery. However, everything gets screwed up when they accidentally steal big bucks from the Yakuza.
Original Music Composer
Japanese war film.
Original Music Composer
The ghost of a samurai's wife takes revenge on her husband.
Original Music Composer
War drama about army nurses.
A sensual love-story between two lesbian nuns.
Nude models are being brutally murdered one after another. Is the painter with the dark sunglasses really the killer?
Original Music Composer
First film in Teruo Ishii's Line series.
Original Music Composer
The descendant of the servant of a cruel and vicious samurai returns to the town where she was born, only to find that a cat who is possessed by the spirits of those murdered by the samurai is trying to kill her.
Original Music Composer
Director Teruo Ishi's crime action follows the investigative adventures of an undercover cop working with a prostitution ring. It's done in an unique documentary style.
Original Music Composer
In 1870's Tokyo, Den steals to support the daughter of her first marriage and her consumptive second husband. She falls in love with a young policeman, but is coerced into becoming the mistress of and procurer for a vice boss.
スーパー・ジャイアンツ 地球滅亡寸前
The 4th Super Giant film, in which he continues his fight against the Kapia Aliens (Part 2 of 2)
スーパー・ジャイアンツ 怪星人の魔城
The 3rd Super Giant film, in which he saves Earth from the threat of the reptile-like Kapia Aliens.
スーパー・ジャイアンツ 鋼鉄の巨人
The 1st film in the Super Giant movie series, in which the title hero saves the world from foreign terrorsts threatening Japan with a nuclear attack (Part 1 of 2)
続スーパー・ジャイアンツ 続鋼鉄の巨人
The 2nd Super Giant film. Super Giant continues his battle against the foreign terrorists. In return, they frame him for murder. (Part 2 of 2)
Original Music Composer
A blind masseur visits a samurai to request the return of a loan. The samurai kills him in anger, then has his servant dump the body in the Kasane swamp. However, the ghost of the masseur returns to haunt the samurai, who kills his wife by mistake and then goes to the swamp and drowns himself. 20 years later, the masseur's daughter unknowingly falls in love with the samurai's son who has been brought up to be a servant. After she is horribly disfigured in an accident, he plots to run away with another woman, but the path of their escape lies by the Kasane swamp...