Taku Izumi


それいけ!アンパンマン りんごぼうやとみんなの願い
An aspiring super hero gets his chance for bravery when a witch transforms his village into an uninhabitable mess. Now, he must save the day!
それいけ! アンパンマン はしれ! わくわく アンパンマングランプリ
ドジだけどかわいい花の妖精、たねまきマギーちゃんが、クリームパンダちゃんとカーレースに出場。 山をこえ海をわたり、力をあわせて夢のゴールをめざします。 ばいきんまんのジャマ作戦にも負けないぞ!
それいけ! アンパンマン ブラックノーズと魔法の歌
それいけ!アンパンマン だだんだんとふたごの星
キララとキラリは星の杖で夜空を輝かせるふたごの星の妖精。元気いっぱいのキララは「もっともっと星を飛ばして夜空を明るくするのよ!」といって、キラリの注意も聞かず杖を振り回します。ところが、ふたりの杖がぶつかり、そのいきおいでふたりはバラバラに飛ばされてしまいます。アンパンマンに助けられたキララは一緒にパン工場へ。その頃バイキン城では、ドクター・ヒヤリが、ばいきんまんのために開発した“心を持ったメカ”ジャイアントだだんだんを完成させるところでした。ところが、ジャイアントだだんだんの胸から、黒い杖を持ったこども、ギラリが突然あらわれ、ジャイアントだだんだんを操って去ってしまいます。夜空から星が消え、デビルスターがあらわれます。クロワッサン星、ゴミラの星、鉄の星は、デビルスターの光線を浴びて、みんな真っ黒な塊にされてしまいます。近づくデビルスターを止めようとするキララですが、一人ではどうすることもできません。そこへばいきんまんがやってきて、ジャイアントだだんだんでアンパンマンたちをおそいます。がんばれ、アンパンマン! みんなの心に星の光がある限り!
それいけ!アンパンマン ばいきんまんVSバイキンマン!?
Baikinman fights himself.
それいけ!アンパンマン シャボン玉のプルン
Anpanman's friends go see a bubble show performed by Shabondama-hime and her Shabondama Girls, who make exquisite bubbles by playing their flutes. One of the girls, Purun, can't make big bubbles no matter how much she rehearses. She feels inadequate as she goes to retrieve her lost flute, which Creampanda finds and goes to return. Meanwhile Baikinman takes over Shabondama-hime's castle and steals the flutes, using their power to create evil bubbles, and Purun must realize her own importance and save the day with Anpanman's help.
それいけ!アンパンマン ロールとローラうきぐも城のひみつ
Rollpanna visits Ukikimo Castle and meets Princess Lola. Her job is to wash away the world's dirt. However, the machine for that has broken down and Rollpanna helps her repair it. Worried that the Ukigumo Castle is dirty, Anpanman came to help. But Baikinman has invaded and tried to fill the world with dirt using "bamboo rain". Rollpanna is turned into Black Rollpanna, and then Currypanman is also turned black. Can Anpanman and friends save the day?
それいけ!アンパンマン 空とぶ絵本とガラスの靴
それいけ! アンパンマン リリカル☆マジカルまほうの学校
ある日、アンパンマンが海の上に大きな雲を見つけた。そこは立派な魔女になるために魔法の勉強をする『まほうの学校』であった。 アンパンマンが帰る時、生徒の1人であるリリカが送ってあげることになった。リリカはそこでジャムおじさん達と仲良くなり、しょくぱんまんやどんぶりまんトリオに魔法を見せてあげた。その時、その様子を見ていたばいきんまんとドキンちゃんがまほうの学校へと向かい、転校生に扮したのだが、呪文は滅茶苦茶で薬も作れない。そのため先生を困らせていた。 その夜、ばいきんまんとドキンちゃんは先生の部屋に忍び寄り、先生が寝た時を見計らって、大魔法が使える魔法の本と、杖と眼鏡を奪うことに成功。ばいきんまんは大魔法を使い、学校を闇の世界にしてしまう。 魔法の島に到着したアンパンマン達は学校内で何かあったことに気づき学校の中に入るのだが、様々な罠が仕掛けられていた。ここでリリカは誰かが魔法を使っていることに気づいた。しかも先生や仲間達は、大魔法で別の姿に変えられてしまっていた。ジャムおじさん達も学校内での様々な罠に巻き込まれ別の姿に変えられてしまい、アンパンマンもやられてしまった。 リリカは1人でばいきんまんに立ち向かうことに…。果たしてリリカは、学校や仲間達を元に戻すことが出来るのだろうか…。
それいけ! アンパンマン 恐竜ノッシーの大冒険
Anpanman dinosaur 'Nessie' adventure. Will Anpanmen really be able to save the land of dinosaurs by defeating Baikinman and Gorongora?
Documentary about the victims and effects in the Hiroshima bombing. Part of the "Ten-Feet Movement"
Original Music Composer
1977 Japanese film directed by Tengo Yamada.
1977 Japanese film directed by Tengo Yamada.
はだしのゲン 涙の爆発
Original Music Composer
First live action "Barefoot Gen" sequel.
Chotaro and Nakanishi, a duo of unemployed advertisers, drifted to Isehama, a port town near Yokohama, but a gang was making its presence felt in the town and the shopkeepers in the shopping arcade were troubled by it. Chotaro poses as a journalist and uses his words of wisdom to suggest that pen is mightier than the sword, so they create a mini-comic magazine and launch a campaign to expel the gang.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
At midnight, Yamabe, a killer, escapes from prison. Two years before, bribed by a narcotic smuggler, Yamabe killed a real estate broker. As he was being arrested by detective Negoro, the detective's bullet struck Sakuko, Yamabe's girl friend who attempted to protect him, and crippled her. When Yamabe was sent to prison, Negoro cared for her and they fell in love. Sakuko asked him to marry her, but Negoro was reluctant to take the killer's sweetheart from him. Learning of the relationship of his girl friend and the detective, Yamabe had pledged revenge.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A musical comedy.
Executive Producer
A musical comedy.
Original Music Composer
If You Were Young: Rage highlights the other side of post-war Japanese prosperity, focusing on the throngs of young people who missed out on the boom. We follow a group of young men that can't seem to get ahead, despite their willingness to try. Then one hits upon a plane - to work together to save for a dump truck and thus become independent contractors and be their own bosses at last. Ultimately life presents obstacles: jail for one, violence at the hands of the police for another and a girlfriend and subsequent children for the third. An early Kinji Fukasaku gem that imports the freewheeling style of the French New Wave and the hip detachment of American noir.
Gyakuten ryoko
A drama from director Masaharu Segawa.
Yosakoi ryoko
A drama by director Masaharu Segawa.
Original Music Composer
Pinky and Yoko are about to graduate. Full of hope and uncertainties they embark on a tale of temptation.
Original Music Composer
Kitarō, a ghost, spends his afterlife helping humans in need of his skills. He thwarts the plans of evil spirits who live to torment humanity. A retelling of episodes 5-6 from the 1968 TV anime.
進め!ジャガーズ 敵前上陸
A plot by an evil mastermind to eliminate the lead singer of the Japanese "Group Sounds" rock band, The Jaguars, leads the group through a series of psychedelic, comedic escapades.
Original Music Composer
The spaceship AAB-Gamma is dispatched from FAFC headquarters in Japan to make a landing on the planet Mars and investigate reports of UFOs in the area. As they near the red planet, they encounter a mysterious UFO that coats the ship's hull with unusual spores. Taking one of the specimens back to earth, it soon develops and grows into a giant chicken-lizard-alien monster that tramples Japan.
Musical actress Noriko feels frustrated by the futility of her affair with a married man. Then she is offered a role in a new production that appears to mirror her own private life... An excellent work that stylishly depicts its gradually evolving heroine.
漫画横丁 アトミックのおぼん スリますわヨの巻
Modern comedy, based on the popular manga.