Makoto Akatsuka

Makoto Akatsuka


Makoto Akatsuka


星に語りて~Starry Sky~
Dago Kano
The story of a former police officer now retired to run a coffee shop called Bitter Coffee Life. In the long years of the past 20 years, he has been raising the daughter of one of the criminals he arrested as his own.
長引く不況に対し、幕府では、若き勘定吟味役・風間右京乃助(小澤征悦)が敏腕をふるっていた。筆頭老中・沢木丹波守輔忠(津川雅彦)を後ろ盾に、江戸城の改築や橋の付け替えなどの取り止めを次々と決定し、幕府の財政を立て直そうというのだ。だが、この“事業仕分け”に、普請奉行の酒巻勘解由(本田博太郎)は反感を隠せない。贅沢三昧の暮らしを送る大奥のお年寄り・霧島(かたせ梨乃)にいたっては、小判を作って財政を立て直せなどという無茶な注文を言い出す始末だ。一方、町では、庶民たちが仕事を求めて口入屋に殺到する事態が起こっていた。仕事にありつけない人々は、自分たちの働き口を奪ったとして、右京乃助に恨みを募らせる。経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)も、右京乃助のせいで家族を失ったという少女から“仕事”を依頼された。ひそかに右京乃助の身辺を洗い始めた涼次は、異様な殺気を放つ坊主・童山(内藤剛志)に出会う。童山は右京乃助と関わりがあるようだが……。同じ頃、武士が殺されるという事件が相次いでいた。死体を見るかぎり、犯人はかなりの腕利きのようだ。南町奉行所見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)は、しぶしぶ捜査に乗り出す。ところが、そんな小五郎に、こう(野際陽子)から驚きの知らせが。妻のふく(中越典子)が妊娠したというのだ! 仕事人という裏の顔を持つ自分が親になるという事実に小五郎は?そんな中、“仕事”を何者かに目撃されてしまい、対処に困った仕立て屋の匳(田中聖)は、中村主水(藤田まこと)に相談すべく、中村家を訪れる。そこには、偶然居合わせた小五郎と花御殿のお菊(和久井映見)の姿があったが、主水の姿は……。
隠し剣 鬼の爪
幕末の庄内地方。海坂藩の御蔵役を務める井口清兵衛は、夕方に仕事を終えると同僚の酒の誘いも断り真っ直ぐ自宅に帰り、家事と内職にいそしんでいた。認知症を抱える老母と幼い2人の娘の世話、そして労咳で死んだ妻の薬代や葬儀などで嵩んだ借金を返済するためだ。日々の暮らしに追われ、次第に身なりが薄汚れていく清兵衛。同僚の中には、そんな彼を陰で「たそがれ清兵衛」と呼んで小馬鹿にする者もいた。 春、清兵衛は親友の飯沼倫之丞と再会する。倫之丞は妹の朋江が酒乱の夫・甲田豊太郎に度々暴力を振るわれるため、離縁させたことを清兵衛にうちあける。
難波金融伝 ミナミの帝王17 極道金融
男はつらいよ 寅次郎の青春
Remade in Korea as Going by the Book.
金(キム)の戦争 ライフル魔殺人事件
After shooting a gangster in self-defense, Kim Hui Ro takes refuge at a hotel and takes the guest hostages. Realising his position, he invites the press inside and explains why he was driven to his crime.
An anthology exploring the meaning of the Japanese greeting goaisatsu.
Nozomi. Witchiizu
男はつらいよ 知床慕情
Japanese film.
Yaguruma Benji
Saotome Mondonosuke is Hatamoto (a high-class warrior who is allowed to see the Shogun in person) who has a crescent-moon-shaped scar on his forehead with flashy clothes and a handsome face, and is proficient in all the military arts and called Bored Hatamoto. Mikijiro Hira acts as such a hero in history. Mondonosuke is secretly ordered to look into the suspicious movement in Nagoya castle by the Ometsuke, and he found out about the misconduct and sole it. This is a period movie about the hero!
1981 Japanese film based on the novel by Naoshiro Yoshimoto.
A made for TV movie that would be loosely remade as Magnitude 7.9 or DEATHQUAKE
1979 Japanese film.
The story of the silk industry and the young girls who worked as silk spinners in the early 1900s in Japan. The silk mills were located in Okaya which lies just beyond the Nomugi Pass. The women and girls worked in a hot, humid atmosphere without rest, and endured those conditions and sexual harassment to earn money for their poor families. Across the ocean, it was the great depression in America.
男はつらいよ 寅次郎純情詩集
Japanese youth film.
This appears to be a labor of love. Its about a village which is given the opportunity to put on a musical. They would have to pay the overhead and, being that they are farmers and always busy and not rich, question the wisdom and feasibility of such an idea. A spokesperson for the acting troupe Ms. Kono lays out the whole thing and they must decide. You get little slices of rural life in Japan far, at least in sentiment, from Tokyo. The best thing about this film is that it has heart. The acting is good, but it is really about the simple storyline of outing on a show. Films rarely get made with such simplistic plots these days. Enjoy this little slice of what city people call “the simple life”.
高校生無頼控 突きのムラマサ
Based on the comic by Kazuo Koike
Mamoru Watanabe
Several high-school friends spend their final summer together indulging in sex and leisure; their halcyon days are soon coming to an end.
学園祭の夜 甘い経験
A teenage drama film about Makiko Hayashi, a top student who is aiming to get into University of Tokyo, together with a group of other students. She befriends one of the school's misfits, Yoshiyuki Mizuno, which starts to change her life. The film follows the way Makiko Hayashi's life changes throughout the time, from a model student with high ambitions, to someone who is uncertain enough about her future, that she feels the only way out is to start anew.
Successful and married with children, paper-mill owner Jihei knows better than to contradict the strict social and moral codes of 18th-century Japan. But when he meets the lovely courtesan Koharu, he becomes a man obsessed. Koharu returns his love, even foregoing other customers while Jihei schemes to somehow buy her freedom. His efforts yield ruinous consequences for his business and his family life, and Koharu is meanwhile purchased by another client.