Tomo'o Nagai

Tomo'o Nagai

出生 : 1914-06-14, Tokyo, Japan

死亡 : 1991-06-17


Tomo'o Nagai


密約 外務省機密漏洩事件
TV film about the "Nishiyama Incident", a scandal surrounding the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan. Produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary of TV Asahi in 1978 and released theatrically by Office Henmi in 1988.
By all indications, an anti-government conspiracy is brewing in the Satsuma Domen. Already seven oniwaban spies sent by the shogunate have infiltrated Satsuma in order to scout everything on the spot. However, they had all disappeared, and it was unclear whether they were alive or dead. Kenzaburo Kamiya and Iori Matsumura successfully infiltrate as the eighth and ninth spies and witness law-breaking exercises using a cannon. However, soon Satsuma men found them and drove them to the cliff...
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
The classic tale of the shogun's illegitimate son Aoi Shingo is told in three parts as he strives to become the greatest fencer in Japan, while his father Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune seeks to reunite with his lost son.  Part 1 sets up the story and introduces the characters.  When the secrets of Shingo's birth are revealed to him, it sets off a series of events that bring him to cross swords with members of the shogun's inner circle. 
Tragedy about a terminally ill girl.
Defense Minister Yamamura
昭和39年夏、与党・民政党の総裁選挙が行なわれ、現総裁にして内閣総理大臣の寺田政臣と最大派閥の領袖・酒井和明の一騎討ちとなった。数で劣る寺田総理が率いる寺田派は党内切っての実力者で副総理・広野大悟の派閥と協調して必勝を図った。その段階において両陣営とも票集めに10億円以上の実弾を投入した。中には広野派の神谷直吉代議士のように両陣営からちゃっかり戴く者もいた。激烈な選挙は僅差で寺田の三選で幕を閉じた。 それから数日後、金融業を営む石原参吉の元に内閣官房の西尾貞一郎が訪れ、星野康雄官房長官(寺田派)の名刺を持参したうえで秘密裏に資金を用立てて欲しいと告げる。ところが石原はこの申し出を断るものの星野の名刺を持ち去る。金融王として裏の世界を渡り歩いた石原は直感的に星野の周辺に何らかの疑惑があることを思いつき、星野の周辺を洗い出し始めた。その過程で寺田総理の郷里・九州の福流川ダム建設を目論む竹田建設と発注元の電力開発株式会社(小説では電力建設株式会社)若松圭吉副総裁の一派の談合と汚職の存在が浮かび上がる。
Based on a novel by Ayako Miura.
17世紀の長崎。キリシタン弾圧が激化する中、2人のポルトガル人宣教師が秘かに来日する。 20年前に渡来した恩師の行方を捜すためである。 キチジローに案内され隠れキリシタンの村にかくまわれるが、金のため役人に密告されてしまう…。
The clerk of a trading company happens to have a large sum of money from his company in his possession. His girlfriend pressures him into fleeing with the money...
A young man has to deliver a Mitsubishi Galant GTO from Kagoshima (on the southern tip of the southern Japanese island of Kyushu) 3000 kilometers across the length of Japan to the northern island of Hokkaido
Yoji Kitami, a fisherman's son, is a student in Tokyo. His father had died at sea and Taichiro, his brother, is sending him to the university. But the outbreak of violence by radical students and blockade of classrooms make studying impossible and Yoji goes home. Fortunately, he meets Katsuyuki Shinoda, a childhood friend, who works on a whaling vessel. Yoji decides to join him and rediscover a meaning in life. But finding sidework on a whaler is not so easy and Ogaki, a veteran harpooner, curtly turns him down. But finally, deeply touched by Yoji's earnestness, Ogaki reluctantly agrees to take him with them. Rules are very strict, for even one slight slip-up may jeopardize the safety of the entire ship. For a long time, it seems like a living hell, but with patience and courage, he begins to learn the ropes. And the day they sight their first whale, Yoji comes into his own and finds the real meaning of life.
日本暴力団 組長
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
Shinkichi, a peasant employed as a cloth-dyer, has a dream: in the midst of the civil war which ravages Japan, he hopes to revive the long-banned custom of the Kyoto Gion Festival, and by doing so, bring together the warring clans and rampaging brigands in peaceful celebration.
"The Time of Reckoning" transforms a screwball-comedy plot into a sober study of a successful businessman with serious relationship problems involving three women: his wife of ten years who announces she is pregnant by another man; a mistress who wants to have a baby with him; and an ex-lover who claims he fathered her son.
Lawyer Ogura
When a gifted Japanese craftsmen dies, his three daughters are summoned to decide who will take over the family ribbon business in this family drama. Only one daughter cares to carry on her father's work, but she is met with resistance from her stepmother. One sister cares nothing for the artisan tradition, while the other is an icy opportunist whose only love is for money. It is the daughter who cares the most for her father's work who wanders away in a symbolic journey of self discovery.
続花と龍 洞海湾の決斗
The sequel to "Flowers and Dragons". Kingoro Tamai founded a family in the port of Wakamatsu. He unites people with his courage, and revolts against the entrepreneur Oki Nakashi, who is teeming with vices. Kingoro and his family are also forced to fight against the Ezaki-Gumi group, which is opposed by Tomoda Kizo, who is trying to control the port of Wakamatsu.
Based on true events surrounding a Korean student who had entered Japan unlawfully and escaped illegal alien internment.
Presiding judge
Gisuke Hayashida is an illegal dentist during the day and a burglar by night. One night during a burglary he witnesses a train derailment. Some communists are found guilty of causing the incident, but he knows it wasn't them. He can save innocent people but for that he must confess his own crime.
A young woman begins murdering all those responsible for her ailing father's condition. Because the girl is so outwardly sweet and innocent, the detective looking into the deaths does not suspect her.
Kenkichi Kimura
A youth drama directed by Kiyoshi Horiike, who was adapted from "Young Tokyo no Yane" by Akira Saiga from "Oka wa Hanazakari" based on Yojiro Ishizaka. Miwako Kazuki left the English literature department and joined Toyo Critics. She was attracted by Noro, the editor-in-chief, whose wife died a few years ago and was now living with her two orphans and her old mother....
[Period covered: 1582-1594]. As the film opens, the warlod Nobunaga Oda rides to Iga Ayanokuni shrine. He is asked if he thinks he has destroyed all the ninja who opposed him and answers that he suspects that there may be more. A servant brings water and tests it first. The paige dies and we hear gunshots as two ninja flee the scene. His suspicions confirmed, Nobunaga oversees the execution of captured ninja and decides that, in the future, he needs a much crueler method of execution. The daimyo Hideyoshi comes to visit.
A story about four best friends and their lives inside and outside college. Then suddenly one of them receives a surprising offer to be a movie star.
Utsugi, a seventy-seven-year-old man of refined tastes who is recovering from a stroke, discovers that, while his body is decaying, his libido still rages on -- unwittingly sparked by the gentle, kindly attentions of his daughter-in-law Satsuko, a chic, flashy dancer with a shady past. Pitiful and ridiculous as he is, Utsugi is without a trace of self-pity, and his diary shines with self-effacing good humor.
Father Eizo
Obscure Masamura film shot in 1961
監督・市川崑、脚本・和田夏十の、浮気性の男と妻、そして9人の愛人たちが織りなすブラックコメディ。 テレビプロデューサーの風松吉は、美しい妻・双葉がいながら、9人の女と浮気していた。妻と愛人たちはお互いの存在をそれとなく知っており、松吉が浮気者であるという事も重々承知しているものの、なぜか松吉から離れられないでいた。 あるとき妻と舞台女優で愛人の市子とで松吉を殺す計画が持ち上がる。それは計画を立てることで松吉への鬱憤を晴らすための架空の計画であったのだが、気の小さい松吉は愛人たちが自分を殺そうとしていると思いこみ妻に相談する。妻はあっさり計画を認めた上で、二人で愛人を一掃するために、愛人を集めて松吉を糾弾する会を開き、その席上でピストルで松吉を殺したように見せかけるという狂言殺人を行うことにするが…。
Japanese crime film.
Omnibus picture, consisting of three stories.
Katiri is a reporter so ambitiously amoral that he’ll sell out anyone—including his partner and the drug dealer he’s sleeping with—to get a scoop. But what happens when an even more ruthless female gang boss kidnaps his sister?
Detective Ishii
An action-packed, dramatic gangster film.
A young offender who is already guilty of many crimes is sentenced again for rape. Upon his release from prison, a year later, the victim waits to kill him.
A family is slowly falling apart: the father is absent from the start, the mother a kept woman thanks to her children, the son is being cheated on by his wife, one daughter is forced to marry an older man against her will, while the other has retreated into smug moral superiority.
Japanese drama film.
Okada (uncredited)
The story follows a university student who moves into an apartment building and becomes involved with a waitress. The landlord then attempts to evict the tenants and sell the building through illicit means.
The regimental commander
In a military family, an illegitimate son is brutalized by his brothers. A patriarchal, feudalistic household where dissent is forbidden is used to reveal the whole imperialist system that afflicted Japan between 1921 and 1946. Winner of the Crystal Globe at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival.
Shochiku Production on typhoon
A group of rank-and-file Japanese soldiers are jailed for crimes against humanity, themselves victims of a nation refusing to bear its burdens as a whole.
Based on the novel by Yoshie Hotta
The stage director Shimamura, who is bringing western theatre to Japan, falls in love with the outspoken actress Sumako Matsui, and leaves his family to be with her, while trying to keep his Art Theatre solvent.