Enzo D'Ausilio


Three Men on Fire
A Cameroonese police officer (Alphonse Beni) and a CIA agent (Richard Harrison) try to prevent the Pope from being assassinated by Italian terrorists during his African tour.
Amor es... veneno, Carlota
Sargento Harris
Deputy Sheriff
A psychic participates in a séance where she sees a vision of a Dunwich priest hanging himself in a church cemetery, causing her to die of fright. New York City reporter Peter Bell investigates the séance and learns that the priest's suicide has somehow opened a portal to Hell and must be sealed by All Saints Day, or else the dead will overtake humanity.
Smuggler Boss
ルチオ・フルチが手掛けたギャング映画。密輸組織が暗躍するナポリの港町で、麻薬組織に因縁を持つ密輸業者の男が復讐のため立ち向かう姿を描く。新旧犯罪組織の対抗という図式ながら、ルチオ・フルチ特有の人体破壊描写も光る快作。フルチ自身もカメオ出演している。 密輸組織の拠点である港町。縄張りの拡大を目論む麻薬組織に兄を殺された密輸業者の男が復讐のため、彼らに接近。密輸組織内部に潜む裏切り者が幹部暗殺の手引きをしていたことが発覚し、やがて事態は組織全体を巻き込んだ大がかりな抗争へと発展していく…。
Don't Trust the Mafia
Angelo Jacomino
Montano's corpse is found after being kidnapped by Maurice. The police think then to use the same ways criminals use and to infiltrate Tony Lo Bianco in the gang. Tony is a former FBI agent sent back to Italy for many crimes. Police Superintendent Ferrari disagrees but Tony begins his operations and meets Paulette, the Maurice's daughter. Tony and Paulette find out that perhaps Maurice is not responsible for Montano's death and they discover they have to start a real battle to save their lives.
Napoli: i 5 della squadra speciale
In Naples, gangsters have seized the American ambassador. The authorities respond by assembling a special squad; to command it is Borri, a former commissioner who has a personal vendetta against the racket.