TV Football Commentator (voice)
Mr. Richards
An alpha female barrister complicates her professional and personal life when she falls for a client.
Tommy Kerans
On the day before Mother's Day 1993, Colin and Wendy Parry's lives are torn apart when their youngest son Tim is killed in a terrorist attack by the IRA in Warrington's town centre. The attack shocks ordinary people on both sides of the Irish Sea. Sue McHugh, an unassuming and normally shy Dublin housewife, is deeply affected by the tragedy. Spurred into action by the events in Warrington and the hope that she can make a difference, Sue urges people across Ireland to demonstrate that the killings on all sides must stop. But has Sue underestimated the challenge of brokering peace in a community that has known only conflict? As the grieving Parrys search desperately for answers to their son's senseless killing, they form an alliance with Sue, her husband Arthur, and her Peace '93 movement, travelling to Dublin in a bid to bring about peace and ensure Tim's enduring legacy is one of hope and tolerance. Based on real events.
Additonal Voices (voice)
A young boy learns to take control over his life when he is shrunk to the size of an insect and has to sail his own toy boat through a flooded café. Morten has to be shrunk down before he can grow up.
Mr. Munrow
Tanglefoot / Mr. Guard / Siberian Tiger (voice)
ある日、世界中のありとあらゆる動物たちが集められる。大洪水が襲ってくるまえに “ノアの箱舟"に乗って出航するためだ。しかし、乗られるのは乗船者リストに名前が載っているものだけ。 ライオンが管理するリストに入っていない不思議な動物“ネストリアン"の親子、デイヴとフィニーは乗ることが許されない。そこにたまたま出くわす肉食動物“グリンプ"の母娘、ヘーゼルとリア。デイヴ親子は、彼らと同じグリンプに成りすましてどうにか箱舟に忍び込むことに成功する・・・・・・が、出航した箱舟にフィニーとリアの姿がなかった!遊びに熱中しすぎてうっかり船から落ち、陸に取り残されてしまったふたりは、腹を空かしたコウモリ夫妻に狙われるなか、愛する家族が待つ箱舟に戻ることができるのか!
Ader Haddack
UNSC(地球軍)内で絶大な権限を持つ謎に包まれた部門、ONI(海軍情報局)の有能なエージェントであるジェイムソン・ロックの物語。ロックと彼の仲間は、地球から遠く離れた植民惑星セドラにおけるテロ活動の調査中に、生物兵器による凄惨な攻撃に見舞われる。ロック率いる ONI のエージェントたちは、戦闘経験は豊富だが、ONI に強い不信感を抱く現地指揮官、ランダル・エーケンと行動を共にすることを余儀なくされる。任務の過程で発見した古代の恐るべきアーティファクトをめぐる戦いに巻き込まれ、忠誠心と生死の狭間で究極の選択を迫られることになる。
Deputy Features Editor
When Captain Fred Roberts discovered a printing press in the ruins of Ypres, Belgium in 1916, he decided to publish a satirical magazine called The Wipers Times - "Wipers" being army slang for Ypres. Full of gallows humour, The Wipers Times was poignant, subversive and very funny. Produced literally under enemy fire and defying both authority and gas attacks, the magazine proved a huge success with the troops on the western front. It was, above all, a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. In his spare time, Roberts also managed to win the Military Cross for gallantry.
After the loss of his wife Michael struggles to pick up the pieces. His emotions get the better of him and he vents his grief in ways that are both confusing and frightening for his son David. David is determined to remind his father that only together can they take the first step towards moving on.
Albert Walmsley
This is the fascinating true life story of one of Ireland's most famous unsolved murders. It is the tale of how an innocent man was found guilty but insane of the brutal homicide of a young woman from a very prominent family. Told in superb period detail, Scapegoat contains a combustible mix of sex, class, bogus respectability and dark domestic secrets
Executive Producer
Melody returns to her old home to Fairlands the funeral of their daughter, June to attend. But Melody not recognize their city regains because it is almost entirely disappeared under tons of sand. She also learns that they have a 10-year-old grandson, River, has. Melody River will take into their new life, but this is fighting back. He wants to hatch the eggs of ostriches, which he has always fed with his mother.
Rivers father, Scoop, a lazy musician and the man in the city post office, wants Melody leaves the city. Here are a lot of conflicts, to Melody learns the truth. But haunts as a sand storm the city, suddenly everything changes.
Swan #1 (voice)
The Hans Christian Anderson tale gets a new treatment, this time with a rat trying to exploit the talents of a little ugly duckling for profit.
The Ugly Duckling is the heart-warming, and sometimes heart-wrenching, story of a little "ugly" duckling. Ridiculed and laughed at, the Ugly Duckling leaves his home and journeys through the world, searching for a place to belong. But after a lonely and cold winter, the duckling is transformed and shows his true feathers as he discovers how being different can be beautiful.
Paddy's Father
When a ten year old boy plays hide-and-seek with friends, he finds something that leads him to a terrible truth: no matter what progress mankind makes, many are forced to travel lunar distances beyond love.
Supermarket manager
Leo Doyle, a convicted IRA murderer, is released into the community after 14 years in prison on a scheme to rehabilitate former terrorists. He soon finds that the ceasefire has robbed him of both purpose and identity. Relationships with his family are difficult and reach boiling point when they find that he has rekindled his affair with a former fiancee Roisin, now married with three children.