Makeup Artist
自分に課した3つのルールを厳格に守りつつ犯罪すれすれの運び屋家業を続けるフランク。ある日いつものように運び屋の依頼が舞い込む。指定された時刻に指定重量のバッグを運ぶ。簡単ないつもの仕事のはずだったが、車のパンクを修理する途中バッグが動きだし中から声がするのを見つけ不審感がぬぐえなくなったフランクはついに自分に課したルール「荷の中身は見ない」を破り バッグを開けてしまうと中からはアジア人の美女があわられるのだった。
Makeup Artist
Composed entirely of literary quotations from many different sources and from several historical periods, the loose narrative concerns a drifter found by a rich woman who soon falls in love with him. A drowning accident takes place and the drifter dies, but some time later he reappears in the woman’s life looking for a job. Or could it be the man’s twin brother?
Makeup Artist
Fictionalized portrait of one of history's great literary couples: Stein & Toklas. Summer 1930s France, Alice tends to ailing Gertrude; they visit Fernande Olivier, Guillaume Apollinaire, others; and Hemingway pops in.
Makeup Artist
In this deadly game of cat and mouse, Roland Wolf is writing a book on the life of game show host Christian Legagneur--or is he?
Makeup Artist
The insane Doctor Enger is obsessed with his plan to build a hospital to cure blind children, and goes on a killing and kidnapping spree with the police in pursuit.
Key Makeup Artist
Inspector Lavardin is called to a provincial village to investigate a murder – only to find that one of his ex-lovers is the victim’s widow.
Makeup Artist
Russian spy boss in Geneva spends a night interrogating two spies to see who is a traitor.
Key Makeup Artist
Edouard is patriarch of a large family: his second wife, Jeanne, has just had a baby and finally had enough of his philandering. As the marriage between them unravels, Edouard's daughters experience their own emotional shock waves. Dina, in a relationship with playwright Paul, wants more from her daily life, while Sidone is married to a fellow musician but is terrified of performing in public. Fast-forward seven years: Edouard is gravely ill, and the family shares their issues, hopes and fears.
Makeup Artist
In order to escape from her former lover Marc, Sylvia goes to Brazil where Dr. Santamo transforms her into the beautiful Emmanuelle...
Makeup & Hair
Cruchot's police office moves into a new building. They do not only get high tech equipment, but also four young female police officers to educate. All of them scramble to work with them -- and cause pure chaos while being distracted by the fine ladies. Then they get into real trouble when one after the other of their female colleagues is kidnapped.