Joe O'Connor

Joe O'Connor


Joe O'Connor is an actor.


Joe O'Connor


Cleavers: Killer Clowns
Hank the Shock Jock
Jody Ann Howells, a survivor of the Still Rivers Massacre now working in Bail Enforcement, is on the trail of her latest perp, a young woman who is on the run after being found on the scene of a horrific murder, a young woman who may be connected to her past. As Howells closes in on her she discovers that the killer she faced all those years ago may still be alive and kicking and he has his sights on a family making a cross country road trip, only this time he's not alone.
オール・ザ・ウェイ JFKを継いだ男
Senator Byrd
リンドン・ジョンソンがJFK暗殺の直後に大統領に昇格してから、翌年の大統領選で当選するまでの347日を描いた実話ドラマ。 当時副大統領だったリンドン・ジョンソンが、JFK暗殺によりエアフォース・ワンで大統領就任宣誓を行ってから、翌年大統領選で当選するまでを描いた実話ドラマ。ブロードウェイで上演されトニー賞を受賞した舞台をスティーヴン・スピルバーグの製作総指揮で映画化。舞台でも主演し、トニー賞主演男優賞を受賞したブライアン・クランストンが、『トランボ ハリウッドで最も嫌われた男』のジェイ・ローチ監督と再タッグを組んだ。
Leader of the Pack
A dark comedy that takes place in suburban America. Doug has landed his dream gig - he is about to join the Venture Scouts (a Boy-Scout-like organization) as a Troop Leader. He is taking over for his childhood mentor, Jerry, the former leader of Venture Scout Troop 544 who has been offered a plush job at the Venture Scout National Headquarters. The film takes place over the course of a day, as Jerry shows Doug the ropes before his initiation ceremony. An old, corrupt regime is leaving with a new one taking over - but not without conflict first. It is a story of power, corruption, and morality.
Daily Sentinel Reporter
Taking Back Our Town
A true story about a concerned housewife, Pat Melancon, who tries to block Shintech, a massive Japanese petrochemical conglomerate, from building a plant in her toxic township already known as "cancer alley". Pat and a few newly recruited, fledgling activitsts face the full force of Shintech's wealth and influence peddling, which has bought the cooperation of the government from the local level all the way up to the Governor's office.
When Billie Beat Bobby
The historic 1973 tennis match between middle-aged champion Bobby Riggs and young feminist Billie Jean King.
The Ice Storm
Marty (uncredited)
In the weekend after thanksgiving 1973 the Hood family is skidding out of control. Then an ice storm hits, the worst in a century.