Jesse Burch

Jesse Burch


Jesse Burch


Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell
Bruce Banner (voice) / Waiter (voice)
This All Hallows’ Eve, Nightmare is bent on conquering our waking world by crossing through the Dream Dimension, and converting each dreamer into a monster. Can Dr. Strange, Hulk and the Howling Commandos hold the line and put an end to his nefarious scheme?
Stars In Shorts
Seven short films, all of which feature name actors, including Judi Dench, Kenneth Branagh, Colin Firth, Lily Tomlin, Keira Knightley, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and more.
Hutch Davidson
Young, Single & Angry
Since girlhood, TAYLOR has believed that love and marriage are the most important events in every woman's life. Now she's 35 and single with no prospects in sight. As Taylor and her friends wade through the mire of the L.A. dating pool, they realize a lot more is involved in finding the right mate as they meet co-dependents, addicts and sexual deviants. As they hit bottom, thinking there maybe no happiness in their future, a trap door opens leading them to the discovery that they can find happiness within themselves.
Row 19 Male Passenger
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Male Reporter
Rachel Keller must prevent evil Samara from taking possession of her son's soul.
The Last Shot
Hollywood Boulevard Type
A movie director-screenwriter finds a man to finance his latest project but soon discovers that the producer is actually an undercover FBI agent working on a mob sting operation.
The Making of Daniel Boone
A university professor goes on a quest to make a film about Daniel Boone.