Karl Makinen

Karl Makinen

出生 : 1970-12-15, Queens, New York, USA


Karl Edward Makinen, Jr. is an American actor and producer.


Karl Makinen


新エイリアン 最終繁殖
Burt Goodman
臨時ガイドとして叔父叔母が運営するお金持ち不良高校生達の更生プログラムに参加することになったロス。グループはキャンプ地に向かう途中に謎の物体と何者かに惨殺された遺体を発見する。不安を抱えつつもキャンプを続行し、夜を迎えた一行の前に突如謎のエイリアンが姿を現す! 叔父が殺され、洞窟内に隠れた学生たちも次々と捕獲され殺されてしまう。何とか生き残ったロス達はエイリアンが地球で繁殖しようとしている事実を目の当たりにする。救助を求めベースキャンプに戻ったロス達だったが、そこにエイリアンが襲ってくる!! 逃げられないと悟ったロス達はエイリアンに真正面から挑んでいく―!
Let's Kill Ward's Wife
Police Officer 1
Everyone hates Ward’s wife and wants her dead, Ward most of all. But when his friends’ murderous fantasies turn into an (accidental) reality, they have to deal with a whole new set of problems — like how to dispose of the body and still make their 3 p.m. tee time.
Río de oro
Sonora, Mexico, 1852, during the war with the Apaches and the invasion of the United States to Mexico, a carrier decides to leave his homeland to seek better life in Mexico, for it is forced to cross the land of the Chiricahua in search of gold.
The Human Contract
A free-spirited woman leads a businessman down a path of reckless abandon.
United Press
Alex Randal (Stephen Moyer), a young reporter on the make, decides, without knowing anything about the situation, to go to Beirut on October 23, 1983, when he hears a radio report about suicide trucks exploding on both an American base and a French base, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of soldiers. Seduced by a gifted and enigmatic photographer, Julia Muller (Anne Parillaud), Randal finds a capitol torn by civil war, where political, financial and strategic interests intertwine.
サンフランシスコで母親と2人で暮らすミアは冴えない女子高生。人前に立つことも運動も苦手で、地味で野暮ったい彼女をまともに相手にしてくれるのは親友のリリーとその兄のマイケルのみ。それでも消防署をリフォームした個性的な家で、奔放な画家の母と共に自由且つ幸せに暮らしていた。 そんなある日、ミアは、自分の亡き父フィリップが、ヨーロッパにあるジェノヴィア(架空の国、スペインとフランスの間にある小国の設定)の女王クラリスの息子であり、女王の孫である自分が唯一の王位継承者であることを知らされる。突然のことに、ミアは、事実を隠し続けて来た母にも、自分を王女としてジェノヴィアに連れて行こうとする祖母にも反発する。それでも、王位継承とは別に、王女としてのお披露目となる舞踏会に出席するために「プリンセス教育」を受けることを、ミアはしぶしぶ承諾するしかなかった。
Joe Dirt
Cop at Bridge
Joe Dirt is a janitor with a mullet hairdo, acid-washed jeans and a dream to find the parents that he lost at the Grand Canyon when he was a belligerent, trailer park-raised eight-year-old. Now, blasting Van Halen in his jacked-up economy car, the irrepressibly optimistic Joe hits the road alone in search of his folks.
Young FBI Agent
Lucky Punch
Corruption on the boxing circuit at the turn of the century provides the basis of this French drama. The story centers on a talented young fighter, a logger that Abel Ginoux and his Italian partner Zipolino, a crooked doctor, discover during a fight in a woodland town. The logger, Passe Partout, is in a fight with Ginoux's best fighter and ends up accidentally killing the pugilist. Ever the opportunist, Ginoux lures Partout into the ring to replace the late fighter. Partout proves to be the classic provincial innocent with high, rugged ideals and little knowledge about the modern world. Ginoux takes him to town for the first time and the logger is delighted to discover amenities such as electricity and silent films. He soon falls in love with the beauteous Camille who works in her late father's cafe with her mother. Her father made many of the films, most of which are boxing matches, because he believed that the presence of a camera rendered a fight unfixable.
Crazy Horse
Lieutenant Jesse M. Lee
The legendary Native American chieftain refuses to go with his people peacefully to the reservation and starts a rebellion.