Andrea Anders

Andrea Anders

出生 : 1975-05-10, Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Andrea Anders was born in 1975 in Madison, Wisconsin, but raised in DeForest, within the same State. She graduated from DeForest Area High School in 1993, subsequently received his BFA from the University Wisconsin Stevens Point, and finally got his MFA from Rutgers University. In 2001, she began his career in theatre. She participated in works such as "Proof", "The Graduate", "On the Jump", "New Doors", "Cold / Tender" and "New World Rhapsody". She made her debut before the cameras in the year 1998 in an episode of the series "One Life to Live", and since then has mainly developed her career in television. She is known primarily for playing the lawyer Alex Garrett in the series "Joey", a spin-off of "Friends", starring Matt LeBlanc. Others of her regular units were in "Oz", where she played the role of Donna Degenhart; She was also Nicole Allen in "The Class" between 2006 and 2007, and Linda Zwordling in ABC "Better of Ted" comedy. You can see her in the role of Alice in the new sitcom written, produced, and starring Matthew Perry, 'Mr. Sunshine'. Others of her credits in the small screen include participations in "Law and order", "The Guiding Light," "Tru Calling" and "Numb3rs". Could it be also in the telefilms "Spellbound" and "The Big D". On the big screen she debuted in 2004 in the comedy "Perfect women", starring Nicole Kidman, Bette Midler, Glenn Close and Matthew Broderick. She later was seen in "Never Been Thawed" and "Sex Drive". With respect to her personal life, is the sister of director Sean Anders, and since 2006 is in a couple with actor Matt LeBlanc.


Andrea Anders
Andrea Anders
Andrea Anders


Each Christmas Eve, the Ghost of Christmas Present selects one dark soul to be reformed by a visit from three spirits. But this season, he picked the wrong Scrooge. Clint Briggs turns the tables on his ghostly host until Present finds himself reexamining his own past, present and future.
Jamie Harris
A young nurse downloads an app that tells her she only has three days to live. With time ticking away and a mysterious figure haunting her, she must find a way to save her life before time runs out.
Hannah Gruen
妻に先立たれたカーソン・ドリューはシカゴの喧騒を離れて、娘とリバーハイツで静かに暮らすことを決断した。でも16歳のナンシー・ドリューにとって、小さな町での生活は退屈そのもの。彼女が求めているのは興奮と冒険、何よりも新しい変化だった。そこへ絶好のチャンス到来。ツインエルム屋敷で怪奇現象が発生し、その調査に誘われたのだ。きしむ足音や破裂する電球、不気味な生き物の正体を、はたしてナンシーは突き止められるのか? これって学校の不良デレク・バーンズの作った仕掛け? それとも屋敷の元の持ち主マルコム・コルファックスの幽霊が、復讐のために舞い戻ってきたの? 親友のジョージとベス、さらには地元の“イジワル女”ヘレンまで巻き込むナンシー。この私が絶対に謎を解いてみせる! ソフィア・リリス(スティーブン・キングの『IT/イット “それ”が見えたら、終わり。』)がナンシーを演じる、最後までハラハラドキドキの謎解きミステリー!
インスタント・ファミリー ~本当の家族見つけました~
ある日、ワグナー夫妻(ピートとエリー)は親戚から「君たちは子供を授からないだろう」と言われてしまった。慌てた2人は養子縁組の制度に飛びつき、ソーシャルワーカー(カレンとシャロン)の斡旋で養子候補の子供たちと面会することにした。当初、2人は幼い子供1人を養子にすることを望んでおり、10代の子供を養子にする気は毛頭なかった。ところが、エリーは養子候補の1人(リジー)が放った「大人たちは10代の子供を養子にしようとしないんだ」という言葉に衝撃を受け、リジーとその弟妹(フアンとリタ)を養子に迎えることにした。 夫妻は3人と家族になるべく奮闘することになったが、一から家族の絆を構築していくのは想像以上の困難を伴う作業であった。フアンとリタと打ち解けることができたものの、反抗期真っ盛りのリジーはなかなか心を開かなかったのである。そんな折、3人の実母が出所することになったとの知らせが届いた。
Principal Hayes
Is That a Gun in Your Pocket?
Jenna Keely
Spurred by a gun incident at a school, the women of one Texas town lead a movement to get rid of guns by withholding sex from their husbands.
Return to Zero
Based on the true story of a successful couple, Maggie and Aaron who are preparing for the arrival of their first child.
Sex Drive
A high school senior drives cross-country with his best friends to hook up with a babe he met online.
Never Been Thawed
Christian Band Slut
A hilarious mockumentary about the delicious hobby of frozen food collecting and Christian rock band, The Christers. The film follows the Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiast's Club as they plan their first Frozen Entree Enthusiasts Convention.
敏腕TVプロデューサーとしてニューヨークで活躍してきたジョアンナだが、ある事件をきっかけに局を辞める事態に。そんな彼女を慰め、新天地で再出発しようとその夫ウォルターは家族の引っ越しを提案し、彼らはコネティカット州の美しい高級住宅地ステップフォードに引っ越す。早速ウォルターは町の紳士クラブから仲間に入るよう歓迎を受け、一方ジョアンナも町の女性たちと仲よくなるが、女性たちが裏の顔を持つと疑いだし……。 1975年の映画『ステップフォード・ワイフ』のリメイク。