Spencer Schilly


引退したヘアメイクドレッサーが亡き親友に最後のメイクを施すための旅を、実在の人物をモデルに描いたロードムービー。 かつてヘアメイクドレッサーとして活躍した「ミスター・パット」ことパトリック・ピッツェンバーガー。ゲイとして生きてきた彼は、最愛のパートナーであるデビッドを早くにエイズで亡くし、現在は老人ホームでひっそりと暮らしている。そんなパットのもとに、思わぬ依頼が届く。それは元顧客で親友でもあったリタの遺言で、彼女に死化粧を施してほしいというものだった。リタのもとへ向かう旅の中で、すっかり忘れていた仕事への情熱や、わだかまりを残したまま他界したリタへの複雑な感情、そして自身の過去と現在についてなど、様々な思いを巡らせるパットだったが……。
Dog Days
After the death of his dog and a sudden breakup with his boyfriend, Russell tries to piece his life back together with the help of his friends.
Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!
Four university students head to Florida for spring break and enroll in a contest to see who can get the most sexual partners.
Clown Hunt
In the wilds of Texas, grown men gather to hunt the rarest game of all: Clowns. Once plentiful and common now one must pay a heft some to hunt clowns, and for some reason it's become annual tradition. However this season the appearance of Albino Willie, a rare albino clown, poses a special prize and danger.
The Houseboy
Distraught after he overhears his two 30-something lovers talking about finding a new "toy" to replace him, young Ricky looks for love through a series of random sexual encounters while house-sitting for the couple over the Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, he contemplates suicide. But when Ricky meets a compassionate new friend, he may be experiencing the sparks of real love in this compelling and sexy gay drama.
The Houseboy
Distraught after he overhears his two 30-something lovers talking about finding a new "toy" to replace him, young Ricky looks for love through a series of random sexual encounters while house-sitting for the couple over the Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, he contemplates suicide. But when Ricky meets a compassionate new friend, he may be experiencing the sparks of real love in this compelling and sexy gay drama.
Summer Thunder
After a traumatic childhood accident, a small-town boy grows up to become a gay porn star in New York.
Summer Thunder
After a traumatic childhood accident, a small-town boy grows up to become a gay porn star in New York.