Mitch Silpa

Mitch Silpa


Mitch Silpa is an actor and writer.


Mitch Silpa


The Way Out
Alex, a young addict who is dealing with the loss of his abusive father, finds himself in an unfavorable circumstance after developing an intimate relationship with Shane a charming and dangerous stranger, this manipulative room-mate sends him down a path of destruction that comes with a risky price. Teaching him about life, sex, and fighting back.
Mr. Talley
Neglected and unsupervised, a group of high school seniors are pulled into a downward cycle of violence.
Frank Wilson
When a group of eccentric loners is scapegoated by the government and forced into a ridiculous group therapy program as part of its war on violence they must come together to stand up for their right to be alone.
パペット大騒査線 追憶の紫影
In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children's television show aired during the 1990s begin to get murdered one by one, puppet Phil Philips, a former LAPD detective who fell in disgrace and turned into a private eye, takes on the case at the request of his old boss in order to assist detective Edwards, who was his partner in the past.
Dinner Guest
Colin / Frederick
Welcome to Me
A year in the life of Alice Klieg, a woman with Borderline personality disorder who wins the Mega Millions lottery, quits her meds and buys her own talk show.
Such Good People
A young couple discovers a secret room filled with cash while house-sitting for rich friends who die while out of the country.
「ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン」のポール・フェイグ監督が、同作で大ブレイクしたメリッサ・マッカーシーと再びタッグを組み、共演にサンドラ・ブロックを迎えて贈る全米大ヒット・アクション・コメディ。ボストンの麻薬組織を捜査するためコンビを組むハメになった堅物女FBI捜査官と地元の破天荒女刑事が繰り広げるドタバタ劇をコミカルに描く。
Love, Sex, and Missed Connections
Missed Connections is a comedic romance about a guy named Neal who finds himself knee-deep in a quarter-life crisis. He is haunted by the memory of catching his best friend and girlfriend having sex with eachother. After quitting his job and suffering through the worst birthday party of his life, he tries to get over his ex by doing what anyone would do tricking women on the Internet. At the suggestion of his two real best friends, Barry and George, Neal sets up fake dates with women who have placed Missed Connections ads online. He goes on the dates but only watches from a distance as the girl waits for someone to show up. Just as the girl is about to leave, Neal comes over and tells her that he wouldn't have stood her up. Checkmate. Neals plan is going really well, until he meets Jane and then keeps meeting her. As it turns out, Jane may be just as damaged and devious as he is.
ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン
Flight Attendant Steve
公私ともにがけっぷち状態にある30代独身女性が、結婚を控えた親友から花嫁介添人たちのまとめ役を引き受けたのを機に大騒動を巻き起こすコメディ・ドラマ。 ケーキ屋の経営に失敗した上に恋人に捨てられ、人生どん底のアニー。幼なじみの親友リリアンを心のよりどころにしていたが、彼女から婚約したと告げられ、花嫁介添人をまとめるメイド・オブ・オナーを頼まれる。喜びと寂しさを抱えながらまとめ役を務めるアニーだが、介添人の一人であるヘレンと事あるごとに衝突、さらには一行をブラジル料理で食中毒にさせてしまったり、パーティーへと向かう飛行機で泥酔して搭乗を拒否されたりと、トラブルばかりを引き起こしてしまう。
ポリーmy love
JC Superstar Director
Reuben Feffer is a guy who's spent his entire life playing it safe. Polly Prince is irresistible as a free-spirit who lives for the thrill of the moment. When these two comically mismatched souls collide, Reuben's world is turned upside down, as he makes an uproarious attempt to change his life from middle-of-the-road to totally-out-there.
The Master of Disguise
A sweet-natured Italian waiter named Pistachio Disguisey at his father Fabbrizio's restaurant, who happens to be a member of a family with supernatural skills of disguise. But moments later the patriarch of the Disguisey family is kidnapped Fabbrizio's former arch-enemy, Devlin Bowman, a criminal mastermind in an attempt to steal the world's most precious treasures from around the world. And it's up to Pistachio to track down Bowman and save his family before Bowman kills them!
Vinyl Child
Based on a true story, a family raises a doll as their own child.
David Blaine Street Magic Part 2
David Blaine
More Magic From Blaine.