In the wake of Hurricane Camille, the infamous '60's storm that crippled the Gulf Coast, a mysterious teenage girl washes up to shore, and the secrets of Mississippi's Sister Island crawl to the surface. Dorrie (Kathleen York), a young doctor living with her mother (Karen Black), assumes custody of the unknown girl (Erin Buchanan) and names her Camille. Terrified and unable to speak, Camille spends her days hiding underneath the dining room table. But when Dorrie unearths a series of curious circumstances surrounding Camille's past, a shocking mystery comes unraveled.
It's 1999, and as the end of the millenium approaches, people are attempting to find spiritual enlightenment. But a few people want to skip all the work that entails, and a holy Tenktonese relic in the hands of a heretic is giving them a shortcut. But it's not quite as easily controlled as she says.
Marion is a woman who has learned to shield herself from her emotions. She rents an apartment to work undisturbed on her new book, but by some acoustic anomaly she can hear all that is said in the next apartment in which a psychiatrist holds his office. When she hears a young woman tell that she finds it harder and harder to bear her life, Marion starts to reflect on her own life. After a series of events she comes to understand how her unemotional attitude towards the people around her affected them and herself.
A nerdy teenage scientist discovers a formula for invisibility, and uses it to take revenge on all those who have wronged him--and also to spy on the girls' shower room.
Bill, an intellectually disabled man, ventures out into the world for the first time, having spent most of his life in a dreary inner city institution. He is taken in by a kind family and learns what it means to love and be loved for the first time in his life.
A toy factory worker, mentally scarred as a child upon learning Santa Claus is not real, suffers a nervous breakdown after being belittled at work, and embarks on a Yuletide killing spree.