Mimi Maynard

Mimi Maynard


Mimi Maynard


Pinuccia Aragosta (voice)
When a greedy bear steals a magic stone to keep the forest’s water for himself, a brave hedgehog and a timid squirrel must work together to retrieve it.
Additional Voices (voice)
なぜ、エルサに力は与えられたのか――。 命がけの妹アナによって、閉ざした心を開き、“触れるものすべてを凍らせてしまう力”をコントロールできるようになったエルサは、雪と氷に覆われたアレンデール王国に温かな陽光を取り戻した。そして再び城門を閉じることはないと約束した。それから3年――。 深い絆で結ばれたアナとエルサの姉妹は、王国を治めながら、失われた少女時代を取り戻すかのように、気の置けない仲間たちと平穏で幸せな日々を送っていた。しかしある日、エルサだけが“不思議な歌声”を聴く。その歌声に導かれ、仲間のクリストフやオラフと共に旅に出たアナとエルサは、エルサの持つ“力”の秘密を解き明かすため、数々の試練に立ち向かう。果たしてなぜ力はエルサだけに与えられたのか。そして姉妹の知られざる過去の“謎”とは? 旅の終わりに、待ち受けるすべての答えとは――。
False Identity
When Rachel, a radio personality, discovers a Purple Heart at a garage sale she decides to find out its history. She finds that the medal belonged to a man named Harlan Erickson, a long-lost brother of the town's leading citizen.
The Experts
Mrs. Smith
Travis and Wendell are two down-on-their-luck New Yorkers who think they're relocating to a small town in Nebraska to open a nightclub. What they don't know is they have actually been abducted by a KGB operative and flown to the Soviet Union, where they'll unwittingly serve as "experts" on all things cool in America. The town, created expressly for KGB spies-in-training is meant to serve as a training ground for Soviet agents. What can these two hapless Americans possibly teach the Soviet spies and will they ever learn they are not actually in Nebraska?
Washington Mistress
Maggie Parker, a U.S. Senator's ambitious aide, falls head over heels for her boss' chief adversary, Michael Reynolds, a high-powered lobbyist who happens to be married with children. Both mismatched lovers become involved in a long-running affair.
Underground Aces
The escapades of a crew of zany parking lot attendants.
Liz Lemish
ジュディ・ベンジャミンは、甘やかされて育った良家のご令嬢。 だが、結婚初夜に夫に先立たれてからというもの、ツキに見放されてしまう。こともあろうに、人手不足に悩む軍隊の新兵集めの甘い言葉にだまされて、入隊させられてしまうのだ。そこから彼女の本当の災難が始まった。
Hart to Hart
In this pilot film, a friend of Jonathan Hart's is killed in a motor accident just after he has left a health farm, apparently committing suicide. There was no warning of him being troubled so the Harts go undercover to find out what happened at the farm.
Beach Patrol
Jan Plummer, a policewoman recently transferred from LA narcotics to a beach patrol unit, spots a fugitive drug kingpin on the beach and becomes a target for murder.
The Users
Photographer's Assistant
A beautiful girl from a small town with dreams of making it in Hollywood marries an actor whose career is fading, then schemes to get him back into the big time - and her with him.
Jennifer Hawkins
In old-west Texas, the cavalry's horses can't take the heat. So the military sends them camels instead, and assigns one man to convince the unit that the camels are a good idea.