Angus Strathie


Costume Design
Costume Design
My Mistress
Costume Design
It's a long hot summer for Charlie Boyd. He's sixteen, his hormones are raging and he's just found out his mother is having an affair with his father's best friend. One thing takes his mind off his problems, the mysterious woman down the street who has visitors day and night, and has just advertised for a gardener. But she is forgotten when a tragic family event tumbles Charlie into a world of pain, a pain so intense Charlie thinks no-one can help him. He's wrong. Someone can. Maggie, the beautiful French stranger. She's a professional, and she specialises in pain. Giving it, exploring it, sharing it, all for money. So Charlie falls in love, and despite herself so does she, drawn to this troubled boy who takes all the pain she can give and uses it to heal himself. And as Charlie heals, he turns that healing back onto her, his Mistress.
Christmas Bounty
Costume Design
A former bounty hunter turns into an elementary schoolteacher. Determined to have a normal life and keep her bounty hunter past a secret, she reluctantly returns home for Christmas to help save the family business by catching the one bounty that got away. But when her fiancé follows her home for the holiday, she struggles to hide her wild family business and a bounty hunter ex-boyfriend she thought she'd left behind.
Costume Design
Rags follows the story of Charlie Prince, an orphan living with his acerbic and unloving stepfather and spoiled, simple-minded stepbrothers. Charlie's dream is to be a singer, and while he is vocally talented and can write music, he can't seem to catch a break. Kadee Worth, on the other hand, is the daughter of music mogul Reginald Worth and is an international pop phenomenon. While the world knows her as a glamorous superstar, she is secretly frustrated with singing other people's songs and wearing clothes other people choose for her. Kadee wants the world to hear and see her true talent. Despite every obstacle that gets thrown in their way, once Charlie and Kadee find one another, they each finally get what they have been looking for – a voice, a stage, an audience and each other.
Costume Design
When her child goes missing, a mother looks to unravel the legend of the Tall Man, an entity who allegedly abducts children.
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
Costume Designer
A Californian family inherits a castle in Romania. This is especially exciting to the son, who is obsessed with monsters. And he is not disappointed.
Costume Design
AVP2 エイリアンズ VS. プレデター
Costume Design
南極に存在したピラミッドでの死闘の末、宇宙船の中でプレデターの体内からチェストバスターが誕生するという衝撃のラストシーンで前作は終わった……。しかし、それはこれから地球で起こる惨劇の序章でしかなかった! プレデターから飛び出たチェストバスター=ニュー・エイリアンは、宇宙船の中で“プレデリアン”へと成長し、プレデターを次々と殺戮していく。コントロール不能となった宇宙船はコロラドの森へ墜落し、“プレデリアン”をはじめ、宇宙船に潜んでいた無数のエイリアンたちが獲物を求めて飛び出していった。一方、宇宙船の異変に気づいた、エイリアンを駆逐することを生業とするニュー・プレデター<ザ・クリーナー>が地球へと乗りこんでくる。そして遂に始まった、人類の眼前で次々と繰り広げられる壮絶かつ凄惨な戦い……。史上最も恐ろしい2大モンスターの激突の行方は? そして人類を巻き込んだ戦いの果てに待ちうける、驚愕の結末とは? 人類が最も恐れていた悪夢が現実となる……。果たして地球に明日はあるのか?
Costume Design
パティエンスフィリップス(ハル・ベリー)は、常に人々を喜ばせようとする従順な女性であり、専属のジョージヘダーレ(ランバートウィルソン)と彼の妻であるスーパーモデルローレル(シャロンストーン)が運営する巨大なヘダーレビューティ化粧品研究所のグラフィックデザイナーとして働いています。 恥ずかしがり屋の忍耐は、すぐに発売され、陰謀に関与している会社からの革新的なアンチエイジング製品に関する不吉な秘密を偶然知ります。 ちょうどその時、彼女は猫の強さ、速さ、敏ility性、鋭い感覚で生まれ変わって死から救われました。 キャットウーマンとしての復venの彼女の新しい人生で、彼女はオフィーリア・パワーズ(フランシス・コンロイ)という名前の神秘的な女性に導かれます。
Costume Design
Lestat de Lioncourt is awakened from his slumber. Bored with his existence, he has now become this generation's new Rock God. While in the course of time, another has arisen, Akasha, the Queen of the Vampires and the Dammed. He wants immortal fame, his fellow vampires want him eternally dead for his betrayal, and the Queen wants him for her King. Who will be the first to reach him? Who shall win?
Costume Design
The Night Club of Your Dreams: The Making of 'Moulin Rouge'
This made-for-tv documentary treats romance fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Moulin Rouge!, Baz Luhrmann's musical tale of love between a poet and a courtesan in fin-de-siecle Paris. Includes interviews with director Luhrmann, stars Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman and the rest of the the cast and crew of the film, who all share their experiences from working on the project, as well as discuss the special efforts that went into bringing it to completion
Doom Runners
Costume Design
In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of children move from one uncertain world to another in their quest for sanctuary.
Mary: The Mary MacKillop Story
Costume Design
MARY is based on the true life story of Mary MacKillop who in the 1860s began an order of nuns to teach poor Catholic children in rural Australia. When she refused to obey the local Bishop, she was ex-communicated. More than 100 years later, in 1995, she was beatified as Australia's first saint. The film follows her tumultuous journey.
Mary: The Mary MacKillop Story
Production Design
MARY is based on the true life story of Mary MacKillop who in the 1860s began an order of nuns to teach poor Catholic children in rural Australia. When she refused to obey the local Bishop, she was ex-communicated. More than 100 years later, in 1995, she was beatified as Australia's first saint. The film follows her tumultuous journey.
Strictly Ballroom
Costume Design
Brave new steps put Scott's career in jeopardy. With a new partner and determination, can he still succeed?