Mark Fabus


The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Set Designer
To the Los Angeles elite, Ford Fairlane is known as "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll Detective." This loudmouthed ladies' man serves an exclusive rock star clientele, who depend on his keen eye and smug discretion. So when a heavy-metal musician dies mid-concert, Fairlane is on the case before the lights come up. But things turn shocking when radio personality Johnny Crunch hires Fairlane to find a missing groupie mere hours before he is electrocuted live on air.
Set Designer
結婚17年目にして破局が訪れた夫婦。夫に我慢できずに離婚しようとする妻と、それを拒否し妻へいやがらせをする夫の闘いの行方は!? 離婚戦争をコミカル&ハイ・テンションに描いたブラック・コメディ。
Let's Get Harry
Set Designer
Harry Burck has been kidnapped by South American terrorists, and when the US Government refuses to intervene, Harry's friends decide to take matters into their own hands!
Set Designer
TVのホラー番組“フライトナイト”に目がない高校生チャーリーは、ある日、隣家に住む男たちの不審な行動を目撃する。なんと、男たちは美女の生血を吸い尽くすヴァンパイアだったのだ。誰からも本気にされず狼狽するチャーリーに、正体を知られた男たちの魔の手が迫る! 恋人エイミー、親友エドに助けを求めたチャーリーは、なぜか“フライトナイト”の役者=ヴァンパイア・キラーのピーターを引き連れ、壮絶な闘いに挑む!
Hard Country
Set Designer
Ambitious young Jodie wants more out of life than the small Texas country town she lives in has to offer. Jodie realizes that in order to pursue her dreams she will have to leave Texas and move to the big city. However, her shiftless factory worker boyfriend Kyle wants to stay in Texas.
Set Designer
Julian makes a lucrative living as an escort to older women in the Los Angeles area. He begins a relationship with Michelle, a local politician's wife, without expecting any pay. One of his clients is murdered and Detective Sunday begins pumping him for details on his different clients, something he is reluctant to do considering the nature of his work. Julian begins to suspect he's being framed. Meanwhile Michelle begins to fall in love with him.