Lauren Potter

Lauren Potter

出生 : 1990-05-10, Inland Empire, California, USA


Lauren Elizabeth Potter (born May 10, 1990) is an American actress, advocate, and comedian known for her role as Becky Jackson on the FOX series Glee. Potter advocates for those with disabilities through organizations including AbilityPath, Best Buddies International, the National Down Syndrome Society the American Association of People with Disabilities, and Special Olympics.


Lauren Potter


Waitress #2
 アンジェリーナ・ジョリーが、残忍な殺し屋と大規模な山火事から殺人事件の目撃者である少年を守る森林消防隊員を演じるサスペンス・アクション。マイクル・コリータのベストセラー・ミステリーを「ウインド・リバー」のテイラー・シェリダン監督が映画化。共演はフィン・リトル、ニコラス・ホルト、エイダン・ギレン、タイラー・ペリー、ジョン・バーンサル。  森林消防隊員として活躍するハンナは、過去のある出来事に関する強いトラウマに苦しんでいた。そんなある日、森林で監視中の彼女はたった一人で森の中をさまよう少年を発見し保護する。彼の父はある重大な秘密を握っていたために、2人組の暗殺者に殺されてしまったという。その暗殺者たちは、父から秘密を託された少年の命も狙っていた。暗殺者から少年を守るために動き出すハンナ。しかしやがて、非情な暗殺者が放った火が巨大な山火事となってハンナと少年に襲い掛かってくるのだったが…。
Diffability Hollywood
"Diffability Hollywood is a documentary about Hollywood's portrayal of people with disabilities in films throughout history. One of filmmaker Adrian Esposito's main goals in making this film is to have people with disabilities portrayed in a less stereotypical way and to advocate for more inclusion of writers, directors and actors with disabilities into the movie industry.
Guest Room
A young woman with Down Syndrome grapples with her identity and her potential as a mother after an unplanned pregnancy with her boyfriend.
Mr. Blue Sky
Young Andra Little
An unconventional love triangle between three childhood buddies; two girls, one born with Down syndrome, and one boy, who all grow up fighting who they are inside, how they are perceived by society as a whole, and who they ultimately strive to become as individuals through the obstacles that are inherently present.