Peter Lurie

Peter Lurie

出生 : 1962-01-16, Los Angeles, California, USA


Peter Lurie


The Way the World Ends
Radio Ranter (voice)
An ordinary suburbanite couple discovers that the natural world simply vanished during the night. Yet even stranger, all of their neighbors carry on with their daily routines.
Black Panther
Black Panther is the ruler and protector of the African nation of Wakanda. Using technology, wits, and extraordinary fighting ability he must protect his nation from an invasion led by Ulysses Klaw, the man who killed his father.
The Little Polar Bear
Lemming 4 (voice)
This charming animated adventure follows a young polar bear, Lars, as he befriends Robbie, a seal. Together, these two form a friendship that proves different breeds of animals can get along perfectly well.