Todd Hurst


Miracle in Lane 2
Young tween Justin Yoder, who's known for his outgoing demeanor and wit despite being confined to a wheelchair, dreams to be like his athletic older brother and propels himself into the world of soapbox derby racing. It's a field he's sure he has a chance in. Unfortunately, he finds that because of his condition, not everyone is eager to see him compete.
Safety Patrol
Scout Bozell has always dreamt of being on his school's Safety Patrol. The only reason he cannot join is because he is very clumsy. He's sent to another school because his old school would not let him become part of their Safety Patrol. But his new school does let him on the Safety Patrol.
Drunk Teenager
ウエディング・シンガーとして働くロビーは、自分自身も恋人リンダとの結婚を控え、幸せな日々を送っていた。ところが、結婚式の当日、牧師の前で待つロビーの元にリンダは現れず、結婚は取りやめになってしまう。リンダは、ウエディング・シンガーではなく、ミュージシャンとして自分のバンドで活動していた頃のロビーを愛していると告げ、去ってしまう。 すっかり落ち込んだロビーは自暴自棄になり、仕事中もトラブルを起こす始末。そんな時にウェイトレスのジュリアに力づけられ、彼女自身の結婚式の準備を手伝うようになり、少しずつ互いに惹かれるようになる。ある日ロビーは、ジュリアのフィアンセであるグレンが平気で浮気をするような男と知り、行動を起こす。