Two brothers from southwest Detroit struggle to improve their lives. Unable to afford college and faced with expulsion - and meanwhile supporting his mother - Jason turns to stripping which turns to prostitution, posing a huge dilemma since he has just begun the first true love relationship of his life. Bobby's own drug habit spirals him down into a darker and darker place, exasperated by the re-emerging memory of the horrible childhood secret he shares with Jason.
Two brothers from southwest Detroit struggle to improve their lives. Unable to afford college and faced with expulsion - and meanwhile supporting his mother - Jason turns to stripping which turns to prostitution, posing a huge dilemma since he has just begun the first true love relationship of his life. Bobby's own drug habit spirals him down into a darker and darker place, exasperated by the re-emerging memory of the horrible childhood secret he shares with Jason.
Two brothers from southwest Detroit struggle to improve their lives. Unable to afford college and faced with expulsion - and meanwhile supporting his mother - Jason turns to stripping which turns to prostitution, posing a huge dilemma since he has just begun the first true love relationship of his life. Bobby's own drug habit spirals him down into a darker and darker place, exasperated by the re-emerging memory of the horrible childhood secret he shares with Jason.
Two brothers from southwest Detroit struggle to improve their lives. Unable to afford college and faced with expulsion - and meanwhile supporting his mother - Jason turns to stripping which turns to prostitution, posing a huge dilemma since he has just begun the first true love relationship of his life. Bobby's own drug habit spirals him down into a darker and darker place, exasperated by the re-emerging memory of the horrible childhood secret he shares with Jason.
Casting Assistant
Casting Assistant
Casting Associate
田舎の鉱山町の住民は、不幸な化学物質の流出により、何百もの小さなクモが一晩でSUVのサイズに変異したことを発見しました。 その後、鉱山技師のクリス・マコーマックと保安官のサム・パーカーが、保安官の幼い息子のマイク、娘のアシュリー、そしてパラノイアのラジオアナウンサーのハーランを含む町民の折衷的なグループを動員して、血に飢えた8本足の獣と戦う。
Casting Assistant
1776年、ニューイングランドの入植者とジョージ3世(1760-1820年)の軍隊との間の独立戦争。 サウスカロライナ州では、フランスとインドの英雄的な兵士である未亡人ベンジャミン・マーティン(メル・ギブソン)が、7人の子供の世話をするために戦いを断念します。 しかし、長男のガブリエル(ヒース・レジャー)が軍隊に加わると、マーティン家の平和な生活は中断されます。 その間、父親は子供を育てるのに苦労しています。 しかし、イギリス人は、残酷なタビントン大佐(ジェイソン・アイザックス)の指揮下で、彼らの家の門に到達し、家族全員を危険にさらします...
Audience Member (uncredited)
Script Supervisor
When a beautiful woman meets a photographer, she doesn't realize the danger in which she will place herself. She poses for him and makes a Dorian Gray-type pact where she will remain eternally youthful while the picture shows her true age.