In this romantic comedy, set in Las Vegas, "Diamonds & Guns" follows best friends Ashley(Renee O'Connor, of Xena:Warrior Princess) and Bria as they set off to change their luck. From the Sunset Strip to the Vegas Strip, they cannot seem to escape their troubles. In a comedy of errors, they find themselves wrapped up with the mob, chased by a hitman, and falling in love with the least likeliest guys. What happens in Vegas...just may alter their fortunes forever. Who will make it out alive? Who will end up with who? Place your bets... "Diamonds & Guns"
As Trevor drifts through Texas on collision course with a nightmare he is still haunted by the evils of the war he recently returned from and a promise he failed to keep. When a stranger offers a ride, Trevor finds himself battling the brutal homegrown evil of the Broderick family at Hoboken Hollow,a remote West Texas ranch that many visit but few ever leave.
Kim is the wife of a mobster and she is very unhappy. Then when her ex shows up and they discover her husband's hidden money, they decide to steal the money and blame one of husband's friends.
A lingerie model has been strangled inside a wealthy fashion designer's house, and the designer is the obvious suspect. When the police appear to be dragging their feet on the investigation, private detective Cassandra decides to do her own investigation, posing as a model.
An erotic melodrama about the public and private lives of sex workers. Erica is a single mother who works a stripper, and sometimes as a prostitute to support her daughter. But when the threat of losing parental rights to her child looms, Erica tries to escape from the dark world of the sex industry, but it turns out to be not so easy to do.