Joe Hanley

Joe Hanley


Joe Hanley


A young priest is sent to battle dark supernatural forces threatening a remote Island community.
バットマン ビギンズ
Arkham Thug #2
Adam & Paul
Adam and Paul are two young junkies living in Dublin and perpetually on the lookout for their next fix. During their search, they encounter various unsavoury characters and make some futile attempts at petty theft. As their day progresses, Adam and Paul get into a good share of trouble as they do whatever they can to score heroin, eventually running afoul of an imposing thug -- who only drags them into more shady activities.
Veronica Guerin
Eugene 'Dutchie' Holland
In this true story, Veronica Guerin is an investigative reporter for an Irish newspaper. As the drug trade begins to bleed into the mainstream, Guerin decides to take on and expose those responsible. Beginning at the bottom with addicts, Guerin then gets in touch with John Traynor, a paranoid informant. Not without some prodding, Traynor leads her to John Gilligan, the ruthless head of the operation, who does not take kindly to Guerin's nosing.
How Harry Became a Tree
Set in rural Ireland. Believing that "a man is measured by his enemies", Harry Maloney (Colm Meany) sets out to ruin George O'Flaherty – the most powerful man in town, who not only owns the local pub and most of the businesses in the area, but is also the local matchmaker. When Harry's son Gus (Cillian Murphy) – upon whom Harry regularly heaps abuse (mostly mental and verbal) – falls for the lovely Eileen, George helps get the two together. During this time, Harry quietly mobilizes his dastardly plans.
Squad Man #1
イギリス支配下にあったアイルランド700年の歴史を、わずか31年で自由へと導いた男がいた! アイルランド独立の闘士、英雄マイケル・コリンズの波乱の生涯を浮き彫りにした、96年公開の感動大作。