James Oliver

出生 : 1948-12-08, Los Angeles - California - USA


James Oliver


In Her Name
Against the backdrop of LA’s contemporary art scene, aspiring artist Freya and her estranged, more conventional sister Fiona navigate their tumultuous relationship as they grapple with the impending demise of their eccentric, famous artist father.
Place Vendôme
The story of a woman that remained distracted for a long time from her life, from the passions that made her feel alive. The importance of true love is compared with the material value of diamonds. Only one truly lasts forever. She's got to find the thing that values most for her, the thing that gives psychical stability and real happiness again to her life.
Customs Officer
Officer Moss
I, Desire
Restaurant Manager
A coroner's assistant, who is also a law student, gets involved in a strange case involving his girlfriend's place of employment (a hospital), prostitutes, a defrocked priest, and vampires.
Inside Moves
After a failed suicide attempt leaves him partially crippled, Rory begins spending a lot of time at a neighborhood bar full of interesting misfits. When Jerry the bartender suddenly finds himself playing basketball for the Golden State Warriors, Rory and the rest of the bar regulars hope his success will provide a lift to their sagging spirits. Will Jerry forget his friends? What about his junkie hooker girlfriend and her pimp?
Mr. Horn
Mickey Free
Western saga based on the legend of frontier folk hero Tom Horn, including his role in the trackdown of Geronimo in the 1880s with his mentor and pal, Al Sieber, the fabled Indian scout, his later days as a Pinkerton detective, and the way he was used by both sides in turn-of-the-century cattle wars, leading to his tragic death.
Deadman's Curve
Things were cool. Chicks were pretty. Waves were groovy. Cars had muscle. Jan and Dean rode their wave to the top of the pop charts. Then, in 1966, on their way to becoming rock and roll legends, they have to cope with a devastating car crash that leaves Jan brain-damaged and their dreams shattered.
The Missing Are Deadly
An emotionally disturbed teenager whose father is a research scientist takes a rat from his father's laboratory that is infected with an incurable virus that can kill 100 million people in three weeks.
Cisco Pike
A down on his luck former drug dealer is forced by a corrupt LAPD policeman to sell 100 kilos of confiscated marijuana in one weekend.
Live a Little, Love a Little
Cool Dude #1 (uncredited)
Photographer Greg Nolan moonlights in two full-time jobs to pay the rent, but has trouble finding time to do them both without his bosses finding out.
Hip Type (uncredited)
大ヒット作「ダーティハリー」を生んだ監督ドン・シーゲル×主演クリント・イーストウッドの名コンビが初めて組んだ作品。 アリゾナの片田舎の保安官補クーガンは、逮捕された凶悪犯の身柄を引き取りに、単身ニューヨークへとやって来る。だが、煩雑な警察組織のやり方になじめずクーガンは、独断で犯人を強引に連行するが、悪党一味の作戦にひっかかり逃がしてしまう。ニューヨーク市警の協力を得られぬまま、怒りが爆発したクーガンの大都会での追跡劇が始まる…。