Stunt Driver
暴力を働いて刑務所に送られていた、ルース・スレイター (サンドラ・ブロック)。刑期を終えて出所した彼女だったが、犯罪を犯した者を決して許そうとはしない社会の冷たさを感じる。故郷に戻るものの、そこでも人々からの厳しい批判や叱責を受けたルースは、犯してきた罪を償う意味も込めて、やむを得ぬ理由で置き去りにして離れ離れになったままの妹を見つけ出そうとする。
Stunt Coordinator
Miranda runs a boot camp for the recently broken hearted. She begins to form a connection with new client Ben who is also a reporter, investigating whether her boot camp is a fad or a phenomenon.
宇宙の果てにある平和な島で暮らし、砂浜やループコースターを驚異的なスピードで駆け抜けるソニックは、そのスーパーパワーを狙われたため地球に逃げてきていた。10年後、安全に生活していたソニックは、世界征服を企てる悪の天才科学者のドクター・ロボトニック に目をつけられ、保安官のトム に救いを求める。
Stunt Coordinator
Attorney Claire Darrow defends an old colleague of her mother's for murder. Things get complex when Claire's romantic interest, Miles, is named as prosecuting attorney on the case.
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Driver
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
過去との決別のために新天地に来たグレタ は、老夫婦と暮らす8歳の男の子のベビーシッターのアルバイトとしての仕事に就いた。しかしその少年は人間サイズの人形だった…。冗談かと思い笑うグレタを前に、老夫婦はその人形を「ブラームス」と呼び人間として溺愛しグレタを驚愕させる。さらにその人形を世話するときの「必ず守らなくてはいけない」10のルールを知らされグレタは衝撃を受ける。やがて老夫婦が旅行に出かけ不在になった屋敷でグレタがルールを無視し始めた時から人形に奇妙な現象がおき始める。それは想像を絶する惨劇の始まりだった。一体人形に何が起こりはじめたのか?
Stunt Coordinator
When ordinary boy Davis suddenly becomes famous at school as people start to believe he's actually a vampire, vampire expert Cameron helps him act like a real vampire.
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
All-stars from the previous Step Up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers.
Stunt Driver
『ロボコップ』の舞台は2028年。ロボット技術において世界をリードする企業オムニコープは、何十億ドルもの利益をもたらす千載一遇のチャンスを見つける。犯罪都市デトロイトで愛する妻と息子と共に暮らし、犯罪と腐敗を食い止める優秀な熱血警官であるアレックス・マーフィ が瀕死の重傷を負ったとき、オムニコープは半分人間、半分ロボットの警官を開発。全米中の都市にロボコップを配備することを目論むオムニコープは、たとえアレックスがどんな犠牲を支払うことになろうとも、この計画を成功させようとする。ただオムニコープにとって計算外だったのは、ロボットの身体の中で生き残った脳が、消された記憶をよみかえらせていったことだった。
『ロボコップ』の舞台は2028年。ロボット技術において世界をリードする企業オムニコープは、何十億ドルもの利益をもたらす千載一遇のチャンスを見つける。犯罪都市デトロイトで愛する妻と息子と共に暮らし、犯罪と腐敗を食い止める優秀な熱血警官であるアレックス・マーフィ が瀕死の重傷を負ったとき、オムニコープは半分人間、半分ロボットの警官を開発。全米中の都市にロボコップを配備することを目論むオムニコープは、たとえアレックスがどんな犠牲を支払うことになろうとも、この計画を成功させようとする。ただオムニコープにとって計算外だったのは、ロボットの身体の中で生き残った脳が、消された記憶をよみかえらせていったことだった。
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
『スクール・オブ・ロック』のジャック・ブラック、『ミッドナイト・イン・パリ』のオーウェン・ウィルソン、『ピンクパンサー』のスティーヴ・マーティンと、実力派が競演するコメディー。1年間で目にした野鳥の種類数を競う大会「ザ・ビッグ・イヤー」の最高記録更新を目指す男たちが、さまざまな出来事を経てそれぞれの人生を見つめ直す姿をつづる。製作総指揮を『ナイト ミュージアム』シリーズのベン・スティラーが、監督を『プラダを着た悪魔』のデヴィッド・フランケルが担当。主演三人のほほ笑ましい掛け合いも見ものだ。
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Lori's fiancee Jack disappears after she accompanies him on a business trip. After she discovers he was about to expose a corruption scandal, all traces of Jack's existence vanish as well. Does Jack really exist or is he a fragment of Lori's imagination? She sets out on a wild hunt for answers.
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Courtney Snow, an author with writer's block, still haunted by the suicide of her best friend while they were in prep school, finds herself teaching at the very same school while trying to get back on her feet. She encounters a young student, Laurel, who seems in every way to be the reincarnation of her best friend from years ago. Laurel seems to know things about Courtney that only dead friend would have known. Is she losing her mind or is it all a cruel hoax?
Stunt Coordinator
An astronomer and a cryptographer uncover a series of ancient tunnels, unwittingly unleashing a deadly Sphinx. In order to trap the Sphinx back in its tomb and stop impending destruction, our explorers must solve a series of complicated and possibly deadly riddles.
Stunt Coordinator
A novelist (Dina Meyer) moves to a little town to write her next novel. She loves to get inspiration and as time goes by she gathers information about her neighbor, a young and wealthy guy whom she observes and picture from her window most of the time. Soon, she gets involved in a crime and most of the evidence is pointing at her due to her lonely life and life style. She needs to fight to demonstrate her innocence and that's what will be the plot of the movie till the end.
Rayne, a half-human half-vampire warrior, is in the America's 1880's Wild West to stop the vampired Billy the Kid and his posse of vampire cowboys.
Stunt Coordinator
Thousands of activists arrive in Seattle, Washington in masses to protest the WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999 (World Trade Organization). Although it began as a peaceful protest with a goal of stopping the WTO talks, it escalated into a full-scale riot and eventually, a State of Emergency that pitted protesters against the Seattle Police Department and the National Guard.
Stunt Coordinator
A lawman from another galaxy must stop an invading force from building a gateway to planet Earth.
Stunt Coordinator
A federal judge’s life is disrupted by sexual assault, blackmail and murder after she’s put on the shortlist to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat.
Stunt Coordinator
A college professor who moonlights as a forensic psychiatrist for the FBI, receives a death threat claiming he has only 88 minutes to live.
Mr. Phillips
Do you prefer to wax on or wax off? Preacher won't let you dance? Well then, put Baby in the corner and come on down, 'cause VH1 is bringing back more of the'80s you love in this feature-length film, Totally Awesome. The Gundersons have just moved across the country and the kids - Charlie, Lori, and Max - are trying their best to acclimate themselves into a new school and all kinds of dilemmas therein: the need to dance, the pitfalls of young love, the quest for popularity, scientific genius and of course the quirky but loveable Japanese gardener. Totally Awesome takes all your favorite '80s-flick mainstays and weaves them into the biggest and baddest plotline ever conceived. Tot say it is radical would be an understatement.
Stunt Driver
After a car accident, a woman with a seemingly perfect life begins to have visions that suggest she is not who she thinks she is.
Stunt Coordinator
After the mysterious demise of a client, private detective Donald Strachey infiltrates a therapy group for gay people who want to become straight. He takes on the group's founder to prove that his client's death was not a suicide.
Stunt Coordinator
Donna Erickson, an overworked public defender, is in the middle of a tricky case — she's representing a woman suspected of committing a murder that happened years ago. Even though recent DNA evidence lays the blame on her client, this legal eagle has a gut feeling that her defendant is innocent. But the only way she can prove it is to go digging into the past of the accused. Your jaw will drop when you learn what she finds out!
Stunt Coordinator
Eighteen-year-old Amy is having a bad day. Not only has she been kidnapped by a deranged gunman, but as a diabetic without her insulin, her chances of survival are diminishing with each tick of the clock. FBI agent Megan Saunders isn't walking on sunshine either, since this madman killed her partner when Megan hesitated to pull the trigger. Now Megan won't stop till she nails this guy, but can she save Amy before her time's up?
Stunt Coordinator
On a secret military base a group of scientists have made a discovery unequaled since the invention of the A-bomb; code-named Eruptor, it's a device that supercharges Dark Matter and uses it to change the molecular structure of its target, thereby eradicating it. But when the Eruptor malfunctions and a leading scientist on the project is blasted with Dark Matter, he receives incredible abilities
Mercenary #10
On a secret military base a group of scientists have made a discovery unequaled since the invention of the A-bomb; code-named Eruptor, it's a device that supercharges Dark Matter and uses it to change the molecular structure of its target, thereby eradicating it. But when the Eruptor malfunctions and a leading scientist on the project is blasted with Dark Matter, he receives incredible abilities
Stunt Coordinator
A famous crime novelist's protigie disappears before the release of author's first new book in years. Is the seeming crime an elaborate publicity stunt, or was this author so desperate for material that he created his own sinister inspiration? Despite his cunning defense on trial (the trial that made his book a best seller), Detective Cooper suspects the latter. She's determined to separate fiction from reality, but the deeper she gets in the story, the more twisted the plot becomes.
Stunt Coordinator
A young married couple find their relationship and their lives threatened after a beautiful and dangerous seductress moves into their pool house.
Stunt Coordinator
Climbing aboard their mammoth recreational vehicle for a cross-country road trip to the Colorado Rockies, the Munro family – led by dysfunctional patriarch, Bob – prepares for the adventure of a lifetime. But spending two weeks together in one seriously small space has a way of cramping their style.
Stunt Coordinator
To escape her abusive spouse, Sarah fakes her own death and flees. Seems like a good plan, right? Sadly, it doesn't take her estranged husband long to get wise and hunt her down. This game between them will turn deadly and it looks like only one will survive.
Stunt Coordinator
A newly hired executive for a multinational corporation is kidnapped at gunpoint. His wife and a detective uncover a much more sinister international conspiracy.
2035年のシカゴ。ロボットは人間の日常生活に欠かせない存在となっており、人間とロボットの共存は、3原則によって守られていた。 一. ロボットは、人間に危害を加えてはならない。 一. ロボットは、人間から与えられた命令に服従しなければならない。 一. ロボットは、前掲第一条及び第二条に反する恐れのない限り、自己を守らなければならない。ある日、ロボット開発の権威である科学者が謎の死を遂げる。その死にロボットの関与を疑ったスプーナー刑事は、ロボット心理学者カルヴィン博士の協力のもと、その謎を究明していく。そして、想像を絶する恐ろしくも巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていくのであった・・・・・・。
Stunt Coordinator
フレディ・クルーガーは人々が帰還することを恐れる必要があるので、彼は恐ろしいジェイソンを復活させることにしました。 しかし、「13日の金曜日」の主人公は彼を手放す準備ができていません。 2つの神話のセルロイドキャラクターを互いに戦わせるこの形式は、映画では目新しいものではありません。フランケンシュタインはすでに1943年に狼男に直面し、28年後にドラキュラと戦うために復活しました。 また、20世紀を通じて、巨大なゴジラが到着し、キングコングと日本にパニックをまくような一連のミュータントで終わる準備が整いました。 今回は、1980年代の映画の古い殺人犯の2人が参加しました。 その結果、予想されていたのは、死、四肢切断、そして軽装の女の子です。
科学者は、惑星地球の心臓がその回転運動を止めようとしていることを発見します。それは、私たちが知っているように生命をなくし、大きな自然災害を引き起こします。 科学者のグループは、大災害を防ぐことができる地球の中心への危険な任務のために募集されます。
Stunt Suspect
A brilliant meteorologist returns to his hometown in Oklahoma to try to stop the biggest tornado ever.
Stunt Coordinator
Nell is a young mother convicted of accidentally killing her alcoholic husband. When given the opportunity to serve his sentence as a forest firefighter, demonstrates his courage and discipline in an exceptional way.
In Crash & Burn, two lovers who are ready to split up find each other after a 24-hour tailspin.
Utility Stunts
The Shadow Warriors hire on to reclaim the daughter of a woman whose ex-husband kidnapped the child after a custody battle. At the same time, they uncover a terrorist plot to attack Seattle.
A lonely boy befriends a stray dog who has a natural talent for basketball and together they experience the highs and lows of life as their friendship remains solid through a series of escapades.
A former bomb squad leader comes out of retirement to investigate a series of bombings plaguing Seattle.
Security Guard #2
A former bomb squad leader comes out of retirement to investigate a series of bombings plaguing Seattle.
A cop on vacation at a mountain resort comes to the rescue when the resort is taken over by violent criminals.