Ayumi Beppu


Houka Ozu / MagiPink
Nanami, Jasmine and Houka, who once fought to bring peace to the world, are now happily married and with children. However, the evil that threatens humanity is immortal, and now they must face a daily struggle to balance their fight as "heroes" and their duty as "mamas". It is their goal to succeed at that struggle and to keep the world safe, becoming the brightest of "glittering mamas". The three thought of the plan to make it happen whilst at a café, but at the same time, Space Shinobu Demost's terrifying plan to invade the Earth moves into action!
るろうに剣心 伝説の最期編
るろうに剣心 京都大火編
The Neighbor
Emoto Yumiko
One day, drawn to a mysterious song coming from the next-door apartment unit, Shunsuke meets Setsu, an old woman who claims she has been waiting for 400 years to become his wife.
Chō Ninja Tai Inazuma!! SPARK
Ayumiko Kitabeppu / Hayabusa
A year after the prequel's events, Jun is now producing a sequel to her original show and has the daughter of Magical TV's president as her female lead. However, Tsubame is unable to keep herself from helping those she feels are in need, and she is accidentally sent to the Edo period where she tries to befriend a ronin shinobi. Hosomatsu and Kankichi are trying to find out who is killing all of daimyo, but Kaguya is traveling with Tojiro, so they are down one member as Inazuma.
Houka Ozu / Magi Pink
小津家の10年に一度のファンタスティックハッピーデーに、彼らを狙ってアリエナイザーチグカデ星人・ビルヂーグが現れる。現場に駆け付けたデカレンジャーによってビルヂーグは無力化されるものの、その仲間アルゴル星人のバボンが現れる。 マジレンジャーとデカレンジャーはその場で共闘するが、バボンの黒幕であるエージェントXを追っていたファイヤースクワッドのデカレッド(バン / 赤座伴番)が乱入。小津麗(マジブルー)と礼紋茉莉花(ジャスミン / デカイエロー)が敵の手に捕らわれてしまう。敵は人質と引き換えに小津家の持つ『天空の花』を渡すように要求してきた。 協力して事件解決にあたろうとするマジレンジャーとデカレンジャーだったが、いつになく剣呑な雰囲気のバンに魁(マジレッド)は反発する。一方、エージェントX=冥獣人デーモンのアボロスはインフェルシアの協力をも得て、ある陰謀を企んでいた。
魔法戦隊マジレンジャー THE MOVIE インフェルシアの花嫁
Houka Ozu / Magi Pink
Kai and the Magiranger travel from the heights of Magitopia to the depths of Infershia in order to save Yamazaki from becoming the bride who releases a Hades Beastman's phantom army!