Yukiko Ozawa
20-year-old Ozawa Tsubasa has been helping out in the eatery that her mother Yukiko runs in a port town in the Tohoku region. She loves songs and secretly wishes to become a singer. However, she is on the verge of giving up that dream since it is practically impossible. Seeing her mother keep on working despite the hardships as well as the deserted town, she doubts that dreams and wishes come true. But one day, Tsubasa travels back in time to Tokyo in the year 1975 in an unexpected way. She meets 20-year-old Ozora Tsubasa, a cheerful and positive girl with the same name and dream as her. The unsuspecting Tsubasa had left home and come to Tokyo under the mistaken impression that she was scouted by a television station.
Takashi works at a company, but he is tired of his boring days there and quits. At that time, Renchi, who got involved in a dangerous situation, visits Takashi. Another friend, Kinobu, joins them. They all graduated from the same high school. The three friends take a car and leave for Hokkaido. On the way, Renchi takes Takashi and Kinobu to the place where Renchi promised to meet a girl named Tsukiko. Renchi talked to Tsukiko through an online dating website.
Swan Shiratori
立ち上がれ、伝説のヒーローたち!! 宇宙刑事×S.P.D. 夢の合同捜査! 宇宙刑事ギャバン。特捜戦隊デカレンジャー。地球の、そして宇宙の平和を守ってきた2大ヒーローが初めて出会うとき、新たなるヒーローサーガが幕を開ける。『スペース・スクワッド』シリーズの誕生である。大宇宙にはびこる巨大な犯罪組織、邪教団・幻魔空界。その恐るべき陰謀の前に、2代目ギャバンとデカレンジャーが立ちはだかる。だが、彼らを待っていたのは、想像をはるかに超えた敵の罠だった――。
Misao Eda
Swan 'Swan-San' Shiratori
Eight years after saving the SPD from Agent Abrella's scheme, the Dekarangers parted ways with Ban joining the Fire Squad, Jasmine marrying Hikaru Hiwatari, and Swan working independently while Tetsu, Hoji, Sen, and Umeko continue working under Doggie Kruger. But after an incident occurred that hospitalized Kruger on planet Revaful wherein he was labeled as a dirty cop for an apparent dealing with the Qurlian Crime Family, which went awry with the death of a civilian witness, Tetsu takes over the Earth Branch. Two years later, joined by rookie officers Assam Asimov and Mugi Grafton, who had taken over the positions of Deka Red and Deka Yellow respectively, Hoji, Sen and Umeko encounter a Clementian named Carrie who is being hunted by Mechanoids.
Naomi Saeki
A cadre of backup dancers is left astray when their star singer moves on with her life and marriage. They each had their own ambition and hope, which subconsciously rested on the star power of the singer. When plan A does not work, they cling to plan B. When that does not work, in an act of desperation, they are assigned to plan C by their agency. A fight and unprofessionalism seems to put the Backdancers on permanent ice.
Swan Shiratori
小津家の10年に一度のファンタスティックハッピーデーに、彼らを狙ってアリエナイザーチグカデ星人・ビルヂーグが現れる。現場に駆け付けたデカレンジャーによってビルヂーグは無力化されるものの、その仲間アルゴル星人のバボンが現れる。 マジレンジャーとデカレンジャーはその場で共闘するが、バボンの黒幕であるエージェントXを追っていたファイヤースクワッドのデカレッド(バン / 赤座伴番)が乱入。小津麗(マジブルー)と礼紋茉莉花(ジャスミン / デカイエロー)が敵の手に捕らわれてしまう。敵は人質と引き換えに小津家の持つ『天空の花』を渡すように要求してきた。 協力して事件解決にあたろうとするマジレンジャーとデカレンジャーだったが、いつになく剣呑な雰囲気のバンに魁(マジレッド)は反発する。一方、エージェントX=冥獣人デーモンのアボロスはインフェルシアの協力をも得て、ある陰謀を企んでいた。
Swan 'Swan-san' Shiratori
ある日、街で暴れ回っていたアバレンジャーをデカレンジャーは逮捕した。しかし、アバレンジャーは、アリエナイザーギンジフ星人カザックがトリノイド第0号サウナギンナンの封印を奪うのを阻止しようとしていたのだ。 カザックは強力な手下を増やそうと、サウナギンナンの力でかつてデカレンジャーにデリートされたアリエナイザーたちを復活させる。さらに、カザックはアバレンジャーが倒したデズモゾーリャをも復活させようと企む。 事件解決のために、デカレンジャーとアバレンジャーは協力する。
Swan 'Swan-San' Shiratori
The Dekarangers must deal with a mysterious undercover agent from another planet while trying to save her world and Earth from one of the universe's toughest Alienizer gangs.
A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone on Earth.
Rie Ishida
Two soon-to-be kamikaze pilots stop by a local school near their base to play the piano one last time, leaving a deep impression on a teacher. Years later, she seeks out the relatives of the pilots when the piano is old and about to be discarded.
Live action adaption of Naoki Yamamoto's romantic comedy manga series.
Youngsters find work as part-time festival street vendors and flourish in work, friendship and love.
April 1954. 12 year old schoolgirl Sadako thinks her main problem is being unable to pass the baton in relay races. But just as her team starts winning, she starts getting tired more easily. She is sent back to the American Base Victory Hospital, where the diagnosis is lymphatic leukemia. And she has no more than a year left to live. Her parents agree with the doctor that Sadako should not be told, but will she find out anyway ?
Chizuko Ueno
飼主の大学教授が亡くなってからも、渋谷の駅で主人を待ち続けた忠犬ハチの実話を基に人間と動物の交流を描く。原作・脚本は「映画女優」の新藤兼人、監督は「旅路 村でいちばんの首吊りの木」の神山征二郎、撮影は「きみが輝くとき」の姫田真佐久がそれぞれ担当。