Sawa Suzuki

Sawa Suzuki

出生 : 1972-09-20, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan


Sawa Yoshikawa, better known by her stage name Sawa Suzuki, is a Japanese actress who is represented by the talent agency Horipro.


Sawa Suzuki


In August, 1918, Matsuura Ito lives in a coastal village of Toyama with her husband and three children. During the summer, there wasn't much fish to catch, so her husband has been far away from home to catch fish. To support herself and her children, Ito carries goods from ships like the other women in the village. Meanwhile, the residents encounter rising prices for rice. The women are unable to feed their family due to the high prices of rice. The women ask a nearby rice store to sell rice at lower prices, but it fails. The price of rice continues to rise daily. Due to an incident, Ito and the other village women step up to the plate.
Patalliro du Malyner VIII is the crown prince of Malynera, a kingdom that produces diamonds. Despite being ugly and mischievous, he is loyal and fair. Many enemies of the throne, including Malynera's Prime Minister, plan to get rid of him and take control of the rich nation. Patalliro, however, has the protection of Jack Barbarosa Bancoran, his haughty and extremely handsome bodyguard, who will protect him even from the latter's own lover, the beautiful bishonen hitman Maraich Juschenfe and other assassins.
プリンシパル 恋する私はヒロインですか?
Takeo's mother
Z アイランド
Reiko Mutsushima
In 2004, singer-songwriter Matsumoto Tetsuya wrote an autobiography that included a section about his relationship with his troubled mother. Writer-director Nakamura Daisuke adapts that story to film with Shiwase Come On, his directorial debut. The film covers the marriage of Tetsuya's mother and yakuza father, his mother's drug habit, his stay at an orphanage and his reconciliation with his mother after becoming an adult. In addition to writing and performing the film's theme song, Matsumoto Tetsuya also composed the score to this touching film. In 2011, Shiawase Come On won Grand Prix at the 2011 Okuradashi Film Festival, a film festival dedicated to screening unreleased Japanese films.
Yoko Kogure
Due to the high suicide rate among youths in Japan, the government implements experiments to uncover the causes behind the high suicide rate. Children are selected and placed in a YSC facility under constant surveillance. At the age of 10, the children are then give a detonator with a red switch. They are told if they press the switch they will die immediately. Most of the children under the experiment, eventually presses the switch and dies. After the completion of the experiment 6 kids remain who did not press the switch. The 6 kids are; strong-minded Masami, weak Naoto, hot-tempered Hiro, impulsive Ryota, wheelchair bound Kimiaki and Aiko who is always thinking of her parents. These 6 kids survived even though they were pressured by project manager Tsukuda to press the switch.
Shinko (Karin Aiba) is a high school student from Hamamatsu. Due to university admission pressures, she struggles with her mother. She hasn't really made conversation with her mom in a year. Shinko's friend Misato (Mayuu Kusakari) then recommends to her to join the school's calligraphy club. Shinko is impressed by Teacher Yatsushiro's (Kazuki Namioka) words. Teacher Yatsushiro is the one who takes care of the calligraphy club. Shinko decides to join the calligraphy club.
ゴースト もういちど抱きしめたい
1990年に公開され、大ヒットした『ゴースト/ニューヨークの幻』の舞台を、現代の日本に移して描く切ないラブストーリー。突然命を奪われ、ゴーストとなっていとしい人の近くにとどまる女性とその恋人の悲恋を映し出す。デミ・ムーアとパトリック・スウェイジが演じた当たり役を『眉山 -びざん』の松嶋菜々子と、『宿命』の韓国の人気俳優ソン・スンホンが熱演。肉体が朽ち果てても、ただ一心に相手を思い続ける究極の愛の物語に涙が止まらない。
Mika (Marie Ono), a Japanese-American woman, returns to her native Saitama hometown and becomes a therapist for a "nemuriba" ("a place to sleep").
College student Yu (Kobayashi Yuto) becomes friends with Fumie (Suzuki Sawa), a married woman who often comes to his store, but their relationship soon develops into something more. With very little romantic experience, he finds himself absorbed in this adult woman.
Hotel Chelsea
Tomoko Takagi
A Japanese couple honeymoon at the Chelsea Hotel in New York. That night the wife finds her husband's dead body and a video tape of the brutal murder. A NYPD Detective, first at the murder scene, attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery of the murder in the locked room.
Taishi lives with his father Kazushi. His mother left home when Taishi was very young and he barely has any memories of her. He believes that his mother left home to study in Paris. His favorite moments come once a week when he receives a letter from his mother. But one day, during Taishi's summer vacation, he learns that his mother isn't in Paris but in Shodoshima, Japan. Taishi then decides to take his pet dog with him and bicycle from his hometown of Yokohama all the way to Shodoshima. On his 500 kilometers trip to Shodoshima, Taishi meets various peoples and touches their hearts, while leaving behind small miracles. What Taishi doesn't know about his mother is that she suffers from memory loss and that's why she lives apart from her family. Taishi's father Kazushi soon learns that his son has left for Shodoshima and he sets out to find his son.
劔岳 点の記
Sawa Uji
 会社の先輩から「あなたの写真と住所がネットに流出している」と電話で知らされた女性(谷村)。教えられたサイトを確認してみると、確かに自分の住所と写真が晒されている。更に画面をスクロールすると、「この女を本日の0時までに殺してくれたら賞金を差し上げます」とある。現在の時刻は午後11時ちょうど……。   第一話 「気づくことが恐怖のはじまり」   第二話 「排除された弱者の論理」   第三話 「思考の外にある残酷の記録」   第四話 「配達される不快な要因と結論」   第五話 「欲望と信頼の末路」   エピローグ   ネットに書いてある時間の0時が刻々と迫ってくる。彼氏とも連絡がつかない。心細くなった主人公(谷村)の元に1本の電話が……。
Mineko Kazikawa
舞台はタイ。ヤイルーンは8歳のときに実の親に売られて、タイ北部の貧しい山岳地帯の村からバンコクに連れて行かれた。両親は娘を売った金で冷蔵庫とテレビを手に入れる。ヤイルーンは日本や欧米などの世界中の富裕層が集まる売春宿に連れて行かれ、大人たちの性的玩具にされていた。1年後、エイズを発症したヤイルーンは商品としての価値をなくし食事も与えられず、ゴミ袋に入れられ、処理場に捨てられた。そして、ヤイルーンが売られたその2年後、今度は8歳になった妹のセンラーが売春宿に売られていった。 タイに駐留していた日本の新聞記者、南部浩行らが事件を追う。
相棒 -劇場版- 絶体絶命! 42.195km 東京ビッグシティマラソン
Miwako Kameyama
謎の記号から始まる首都壊滅のカウントダウン 浮かび上がる巧妙に仕組まれた爆破計画!? 東京郊外の巨大なテレビ塔で元人気ニュースキャスターの仲島孝臣の死体が発見された。現場には「f6」という謎の記号が――。 警視庁特命係の杉下右京と亀山薫は、刑事部長らから、小包爆弾のターゲットとなった衆議院議員の片山雛子の護衛を命じられた。雛子は爆発物で襲われるも、無事に海外視察に出立。襲撃現場には「d4」の記号があった。 右京と薫は、会員制webサイトSNS内に「処刑リスト」と名づけられた掲示板があることを知り、仲島と雛子の事件が予告殺人だったことを突き止める。さらに、2週間前に交通事故死していた来生判事の名前もリストに連ねられ、その事故現場から「e4」の記号を発見した右京は、それらの暗号がチェスの手を示す棋譜の記号で、一連の事件は連続殺人であると確信する。 手詰まりとなった捜査一課をよそに、右京は「処刑リスト」サイトを管理者から乗っ取ったという正体不明の人物のアドレス「」にあてて、次の一手をメールしていた。意外にも返事があり、そのまま真剣勝負の対局へ。薫らが見守る中、ついに右京が「チェックメイト」を告げる。そしてその投了図から驚愕の事実が発覚!それは未曾有の大事件の始まりだった。右京と薫が史上最大の難問に挑む!!
A gonzo black comedy with six intertwining stories set in the streets of Tokyo about the ongoing battle between the Internet generation and the older generation.
Eiji Morioka is legendary fighter, he is the 3rd and last Japanese boxing medalist. His life story is told from the eyes of his daughter Haruko, who is involved in checkered life of Eiji. Touching true story full of love.
Physician Koichiro Kiby loses interest in work and begins drinking in a local park after the death of his wife. One day he encounters a girl who knows intimate details about his life. Now, he must unlock her mystery in this fantasy drama.
Misa Kurokawa
Kaoru's mom
The film begins in the present, with its heroine, Kaoru, a grown-up woman working as a real-estate agent, while helping out the folksy proprietor of a neighborhood fishing pond. There she meets a shy girl who needs her help baiting a hook and reminds her of herself in the fourth grade.
Hatsuko's mother
15-year-old Hatsuko (Higashi Ayu) lives with her elder brother in a humble town house. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother (Shioya Shun) left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima (Sano Kazuma), a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
Miyuki is a single mother with a 10-year old boy Keiji. She is eager to make him a child model. Eventually, Keiji begins to get jobs rather constantly. But Keiji himself doesn't like the job much. He only does it because it pleases his mother, who hates empty pages in the schedule book. One day they attend a big audition. While Keiji wins first stages of the audition, he begins to feel distance from the mother. It makes things worse for him when she has a new boyfriend..
Misa Aikawa
The lives of a young cop, a sanitation worker and a brooding pharmacist violently intersect on a bus that's hijacked by a suicidal political flunky, then cross paths again months later.
Megumi Nonomura
Midori Iwata
Miyuki Amagasa
An ordinary salary man, Junosuke, goes in search of his lover, Miharu, who disappeared one night when she handed him the key to her room, and promised to be back in five minutes. She had only gone out to buy apples at the nearby convenience store, because Junosuke has one for breakfast every morning. Slightly drunk from the cocktail he had had earlier, Junosuke falls asleep, and wakes up the next morning to find that Miharu had never returned.
やくざの詩 OKITE[掟]
Yakuza film directed by Hiroki Matsukata.
Ohsawa no tsuma
Kimiko Fukaura
This is a biographical film about the late Yoko Araki, who was the wife of Japan's leading photographer, Nobuyoshi Araki.
Ishoku Manga-shi 33-nen no Kiseki ~ Garo no Jidai o Yomu
Self - Host
A documentary exploring the history and influence of the alternative manga magazine, Garo, with various artist and director interviews.
Yumiko Yoshimura
螢II 赤い傷痕
The ephemeral and vivid brilliance of three men and a woman run through Yokohama.
In 1995, a mental hospital is erected near the Japanese Ministry of Finance, located adjacent to the grave of Taira no Masakado. A young male nurse by the name of Jin’ya Yanase is obsessed with the legend of Taira no Masakado and more importantly, the spirit of his evil subordinate Yasunori Kato. Slowly, he becomes possessed by Kato's spirit, who wants to use him as a new host to revive in the modern world. Keiko Tatsumiya (the heroine of the original story), is an old woman living homeless on the streets of Tokyo. When she senses the presence of Yasunori Kato, she must regain her resolve to face the demon-god and vanquish his spirit once and for all.
極道の妻たち 赫い絆
Mayuko Hisamura
The misadventures of Junko, a schoolgirl who unwittingly sets off a catastrophic chain of events after being caught using her friend's train pass.