Alan Bergman


Romantic Mysticism: The Music of Billy Goldenberg
Self - Lyricist
A career overview of tv/film composer Billy Goldenberg.
Johnny Mercer: The Dream's on Me
Admired and praised by the likes of Irving Berlin and Cole Porter, Johnny Mercer has been described as "one of our great folk poets" and "the most perfect American lyricist". Throughout his extraordinary career, he collaborated with hundreds of composers to write legendary movie songs such as "Hooray for Hollywood", "Jeepers Creepers" and "Moon River". Mercer then went on to co-found Capitol Records in 1942 and became a successful Broadway producer of St. Louis Woman and L'il Abner.
Quincy Jones: Breaking New Sound
Documentary about the writing and recording of Quincy Jones' score for Norman Jewison's 1967 film IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT.
The Way We Were: Looking Back
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the classic film about romance set against a backdrop of war and political differences. Includes interviews with star Barbra Streisand and director Sydney Pollack, giving their views on the experience of crafting this well-loved masterpiece.
From Noon Till Three
Songwriter (uncredited)
Bank robber Graham Dorsey spends a few hours with beautiful widow Amanda Starbuck, in which time his gang takes part in a disastrous holdup. Learning of his comrades' demise, Dorsey goes on the lam. Believing her short-term lover was killed by the law, Amanda decides to make the most of having had a liaison with the supposedly deceased desperado by writing a book about him. Much to his confusion, the still-living Dorsey watches as his name becomes legendary.
著名な脚本家であるリチャード・ベンソンは、プロデューサーのアレギザンダー・マイヤハイムからの依頼を受け、映画『エッフェル塔を盗んだ娘』の脚本に取り組んでいる。とはいえ、決まっているのはタイトルだけで、パリのホテルに滞在しながら遊び呆ける毎日。 締切まであと2日となったある日、若き美人タイピストのガブリエル・シンプソンがホテルの部屋にやってくる。ガブリエルは脚本が1ページもできていないことに驚きあきれるが、彼女の刺激を得ながら、リチャードはようやく脚本の執筆にとりかかる。彼はガブリエルをモデルにして“ギャビー”(ガブリエルの親称)というキャラクターを立ち上げ、自分をモデルにした嘘つきで泥棒の“リック”(リチャードの親称)との、巴里祭を舞台にしたラブ・ストーリーを描き始めるが……。