Tetsuo Goto
出生 : 1950-08-10, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Dr. Kani
Contains 2 separate stories. In Part 1, Black Jack's latest patient holds a link to Pinoko's past. Pinoko begins experiencing heart attack-like pain periodically, and detailed medical examinations fail to find any abnormalities. During this time, Black Jack receives an urgent request from a past patient whose identity shocks him: Yurie SAIONJI, whose Teratogenous Cystoma was constructed into Pinoko by Black Jack 10 years ago. In Part 2, Black Jack is kidnapped by the government of a war-torn country.
Inspector Pasolini (voice)
Dare Kochak
Set after the 1988 OVA movie Red Shoulder Document: Roots of Ambition and months before the events of the VOTOMS television series, Pailsen Files explores the origins of Chirico Cuvie as explained by the Red Shoulder Battalion's now-disgraced commander, Col Yoran Pailsen. Compilation of the Pailsen Files OAV series.
Minoru Sagisaka (voice)
Tokyo: a city populated by both humans and ghostly beings. They exist in both dimensions, seen and unseen: spirits, apparitions, demons. The balance between these two dimensions has long been upheld by the city's guardian crow Karas and his masters. But that balance has been thrown into disarray as Eko, a former Karas, has attempted to seize power and bring order to the streets through force. The entity Yurine, who represents the will of the people, stands in his way with her newly risen Karas. Now an ageless battle stretching across both dimensions and killing humans and spirits alike is in progress. Karas is humanity's last hope.
Minoru Sagisaka
Tokyo: a city populated by both humans and ghostly beings. They exist in both dimensions, seen and unseen: spirits, apparitions, demons. The balance between these two dimensions has long been upheld by the city's guardian crow Karas and his masters. But that balance has been thrown into disarray as Eko, a former Karas, has attempted to seize power and bring order to the streets through force. The entity Yurine, who represents the will of the people, stands in his way with her newly risen Karas. Now an ageless battle stretching across both dimensions and killing humans and spirits alike is in progress. Karas is humanity's last hope.
Tameya Nakamura (voice)
幕末。ペリー率いるアメリカ艦隊の来航によって、200年余り続いた日本の鎖国は終わりを迎えた。そこに、プチャーチン率いるロシア軍艦「ディアナ号」が来航し、アメリカに続き日本との国交樹立を要求してきた。対応に苦慮した江戸幕府は、外国通の川路聖謨を全権代表に任じ、プチャーチンとの交渉に当たらせた。両者は伊豆・下田において会談したが、互いに譲歩することはなく議論は平行線を辿った。 日露交渉が始まって数日後、伊豆をマグニチュード8,4の大地震「安政東海地震」が襲った。プチャーチンらロシア人は危険を顧みず、津波に流される日本人たちの救助を行ったが、その代償として「ディアナ号」は航行に支障が出る程の被害を受けてしまった。安全な場所での修理を求めるプチャーチンに対し、川路は戸田村での修理を許可した。しかし、「ディアナ号」は嵐に遭遇し座礁してしまう。この時、宮嶋村の村民たちは、ロシア人との接触を禁じた幕府の命令に背き、沈没する「ディアナ号」から多くのロシア人を救出した。 川路は沈没した「ディアナ号」に代わり、新たに洋式帆船を建造することに決め、戸田村の大工・緒明嘉吉に建造を依頼する。嘉吉たちはロシア人たちと共に帆船造りをすることになり、日本人とロシア人との交流が始まった。初めはぎこちなかった両者も次第に心を通わせ、菊三郎ら子供たちもロシア人たちとの交流を楽しむようになっていた。 やがて、日本が初めて手掛けた本格的洋式帆船が完成し、戸田村の人々とロシア人たちの別れの時が来た。プチャーチンは、自分たちのために尽くしてくれた戸田村の人々に感謝と敬意を込めて、船の名前を「ヘダ号」と命名した。
The 25 minute film tells the tale of an ailing elderly woman named Itako who encounters a fox named Okon. The story opens with Itako lying bedridden, as she has for a long time. Okon enters her home and Itako tells the fox that he is welcome to take anything that he wants, for she has no use for anything anymore. Okon is delighted and in order to return the favour (the act of ongaeshi), Okon performs a magic jyōruri (a ballad with shamisen accompaniment) that heals Itako so that she is fit enough to walk again. Everyone is surprised by Itako's sudden recovery. She then hears of a hunter who has been badly injured and is near death. Itako hides Okon in the back of her shirt and has the fox sing the song while she plays shamisen in order to heal the man. This act of kindness is repeated for others until Itako's good fortune leads some to be suspicious of her.