John Major

John Major

出生 : 1943-03-29, St Helier, Surrey, England


John Major


Her Majesty's Prime Ministers: John Major
As a school dropout, the teenage John Major could simply never have dreamt that he would one day become a powerful political leader and get elected as Britain's Prime Minister. Major became Her Majesty's ninth Prime Minister.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
イギリスのダイアナ元皇太子妃の半生を描いた初の劇場用ドキュメンタリー。1981年にチャールズ皇太子と婚約する数週間前から1996年の突然の死までの約16年間にスポットを当てる。 チャールズ皇太子とのなれそめ、歴史に残るロイヤルウェディング、息子たちの誕生、離婚にまつわる様々なスキャンダル、政治さえも動かした慈善活動、そして衝撃的な事故死と世界中が悲しみに暮れた葬儀。当時のニュース映像やホームビデオなどあらゆるアーカイブから厳選した映像をつなぎ合わせ、ダイアナの生きた軌跡をありのままに振り返っていく。 監督は「本当の僕を教えて」でアカデミー短編ドキュメンタリー賞にノミネートされたエド・パーキンズ。
The Shock Doctrine
Self (archive footage)
An investigation of "disaster capitalism", based on Naomi Klein's proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance.
Diana: Last Days of a Princess
Self (uncredited / archive footage)
A film about the last weeks of the life of one of the most famous women of the twentieth century - Diana, Princess of Wales. The sudden and tragic death of Diana in August 1997 shocked the world as much as the assassination of President Kennedy. The tragedy, which occurred August 31, 1997 from the beginning was surrounded by many conflicting rumors and the most improbable assumptions.
How to Be an Ex-Prime Minister
Michael Cockerell tells the story of how prime ministers have coped with life after Number Ten, after Tony Blair became the youngest member of the ex-PMs' club for a hundred years. The film reveals who left office bankrupt, who did TV commercials for Cheshire cheese, who had his own chat show and who has never had a single happy day since leaving Number Ten. Cockerell, who met the eight PMs prior to Blair, looks at what Tony planned do next and just how many millions he could make from being an ex-PM.
Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy
Self (archive footage)
The sensational expose of the complicity of Britain, USA and Australia in the continuing genocide in East Timor.
Amnesty International's Big 30
In the tradition of the acclaimed series of British concerts known as The Secret Policemen's Ball, Amnesty International celebrates its 50th Anniversary live at Radio City Music Hall.