Hiroyuki Kinoshita
出生 : 1958-10-23, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Korn (voice)
東京・八丈島近海に建設された、世界中の警察が持つ防犯カメラを繋ぐための海洋施設「パシフィック・ブイ」。本格稼働に向けて、ヨーロッパの警察組織・ユーロポールが管轄するネットワークと接続するため、世界各国のエンジニアが集結。そこでは顔認証システムを応用した、とある「新技術」のテストも進められていた―。 一方、園子の招待で八丈島にホエールウォッチングに来ていたコナン達 少年探偵団。するとコナンのもとへ沖矢昴(赤井秀一)から、ユーロポールの職員がドイツでジンに殺害された、という一本の電話が。不穏に思ったコナンは、「パシフィック・ブイ」の警備に向かっていた黒田兵衛ら警視庁関係者が乗る警備艇に忍び込み、施設内に潜入。すると、システム稼働に向け着々と準備が進められている施設内で、ひとりの女性エンジニアが黒ずくめの組織に誘拐される事件が発生…! さらに彼女が持っていた、ある情報を記すUSBメモリが組織の手に渡ってしまう… 海中で不気味に唸るスクリュー音。そして八丈島に宿泊していた灰原のもとにも、黒い影が忍び寄り…
Fujimaki (voice)
Set in a city where the wealthy are licensed citizens and those on the outskirts are unlicensed citizens living in poverty, the sport of megalo boxing has risen. Megalo boxing is a popular sport where the boxers fight while wearing a metal frame -- something that makes their attacks even more lethal. Junk Dog fights in the underground illegal rings with fixed fights overseen by his coach Gansaku Nanbu. After he almost crashes his motorcycle into Yukiko Shirato, her bodyguard challenges Junk Dog to fight him in Megalonia -- something reserved for licensed citizens. Junk Dog now works to prove himself the best fighter and move up the ranks in order to attend Megalonia.
Ikuya Ogura (voice)
Ikuya Ogura (voice)
Ikuya Ogura (voice)
Korn (voice)
東京から長野まで、1都3県で6人が殺される事件が発生。いずれの現場にも、印の刻まれた麻雀牌が残されていたことから警察は広域連続殺人事件とみて捜査を始める。探偵・毛利小五郎も出席する捜査会議についてきたコナンは、捜査会議の後、黒ずくめの組織の車を目撃する。一連の事件と黒ずくめの組織との関連は? コナンは謎の組織を相手に危険な事件に立ち向かうことになる。
Invasion Captain (voice)
In this 13-part mini-series, Kino and her talking motorcycle Hermes travel around the world, visiting different countries for three days each in order to learn about each one.
Atsushi Henmi (voice)
Who knows, the back of the box doesn't even have a plot description it's just a bunch of naked women.
A suspense drama based on Osamu Takahashi's original work starring Shinobu Otake. The shooting location of Gunkanjima is a famous tourist attraction. When Mansako returns to her husband's parents' house, she noticed a young man named Shinji playing drums at a village festival. Shinji who felt her gaze also looked back at Mansako. Masako invites Shinji to her house to welcome her husband together, and is witnessed by a housewife who came to inform her husband of the accidental death while helping him change clothes. She is stigmatized for infidelity. They are separated, but they vow to meet again 12 years later.
In the chaos of the Jinshin-no-Ran civil war of 762, a child with a small horn in his forehead was born. The child's mother condemned him as an oni and cast him away. An elderly shūgenja woman claimed the child and named him Utsunomiko, or 'Divine Child of the Heavens', telling Miko that his horn smybolizes the union of heaven and earth. Miko matured in the wilderness learning the ways of Shugendō, and soon started venturing into villages out of curiosity. He found that the common people of the villages live in poverty and suffering, and began using his spiritual powers to help them. But his anger at the self-serving rulers and their petty power-struggles grew until he came into open conflict with the Imperial Court, setting Miko down a long path as a champion of the oppressed.