Masato Hirano
出生 : 1955-11-16, Hachimantai, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Masato Hirano is a Japanese voice actor, actor and narrator.
Five Elders (voice)
Gezoian Mē
A year after the prequel's events, Jun is now producing a sequel to her original show and has the daughter of Magical TV's president as her female lead. However, Tsubame is unable to keep herself from helping those she feels are in need, and she is accidentally sent to the Edo period where she tries to befriend a ronin shinobi. Hosomatsu and Kankichi are trying to find out who is killing all of daimyo, but Kaguya is traveling with Tojiro, so they are down one member as Inazuma.
The Fury (voice)
A three and a half hour cut of Metal Gear Solid 3's cinematics featuring remastered sound. This is a version of the story presented as a film.
High Captain
Less than a year after Geist activated the Death Force, which decimated most of Jerra's population, he has kept himself busy by dismantling the Death Force machines one by one. Most of the remaining human population have fled to a remote haven run by a warlord named Krauser. Krauser is another MDS unit, MD-01, who has a technology that hides his mobile fortress from the Death Force.
Mr. A (voice)
Wang Ping (voice)
孔明が劉備に提案した「天下三分の計」。それは天下を三分に分け、孫権と協力して曹操を倒そうとするものだった。計画は実現したかのように思えたが、呉の裏切りによって孔明は劉備、関羽、張飛らを失ってしまう。 皆の願いを実現させるべく、魏に対抗していく孔明だったが。
Boss (voice)
CRYING FREEMAN: FINAL CHAPTER -- THE GUIDING LIGHT OF MEMORY (1993) is the sixth and last volume in the OAV series of Japanese anime adaptations of the "Crying Freeman" manga. A hard-hitting tale of violent criminals engaged in a brutal turf war, it is easily the best-written and most stylishly directed since the first in the series (PORTRAIT OF A KILLER). This one tells the story of a young Japanese Yakuza who takes over the Russian supply of drugs and weapons to Japan and cuts out the involvement of the Hong Kong-based 108 Dragons. Freeman, the hitman of the title and the 108 Dragons' star player, goes to Japan to investigate and gets framed for a succession of assassinations of top Yakuza bosses. The chief enemy here, Tsunaike, is aided by an icily sexy Arctic hit lady, Tanya (described as "Eskimo" in the subtitles, although she looks more Siberian), who is frequently seen in the nude in regular trysts with Tsunaike.
Neiz (voice)
物語の始まりは、テレビスペシャル『ドラゴンボールZ たったひとりの最終決戦〜フリーザに挑んだZ戦士 孫悟空の父〜』で描かれたサイヤ人の故郷である惑星ベジータ崩壊の時まで遡る。
After Yuko has defeated the evil Rogles, peace descended upon Earth and the magical world of Vecanti. But a new threat has arisen: an enigmatic man named Glames from the Dark World, possessor of a sword named Leethus, is planning to conquer both Earth and Vecanti, convinced that there is no other way to save his world from imminent destruction. A young girl from the Dark World named Cham escapes from Glames, and asks Yuko to help her stop him with the aid of her Valis sword.
King Poseidon / Menasor / Star Cloud (voice)
デストロン九大魔将軍に襲撃されたフェミニア星の救援に向かったビクトリーセイバーは、破壊される惑星の爆発に巻き込まれ行方不明となってしまう。 総司令官不在のサイバトロンは、地球に眠る超エネルギー・ゾディアックを狙うデストロン九大魔将軍に苦戦を強いられる。そこにパワードマスター・ダイアトラスが現れ、ゾディアックの力を得て九大魔将軍を撃退。 ビクトリーセイバーより総司令官の地位を譲り受けたダイアトラスは、新破壊大帝バイオレンジャイガーに立ち向かう。
Huoxing Ye (voice)
Ron Tayan now leads the 108 Dragons; Fu Ching Ran is his loyal wife. As their body tattoos show, he's the dragon, she's the tiger. The 108 Dragons are attacked by African Tusk, a syndicate intent on world control. Ron goes to Africa, dealing first with Shicaro, African Tusk's assassin, then with Jagone, its leader. Despite his success, he must still face Bugnug, Jagone's muscular and athletic military commander: Ron gives her a new name, Dark Eyes. Back in Hong Kong, Fu faces danger as well. A Muramasa sword with a dark history and, seemingly, its own demon spirit, falls into her hands. She seeks to tame it, and in the process, discovers her inner warrior identity
Surveillance Man (voice)
Goku, the lone wolf private detective is back, contracted by Yoshiko, a mysterious, beautiful and very afraid woman, to find and save her brother, Ryu. Will Goku be able to protect Yoshiko from her step father`s soldiers long enough to find her brother? Meanwhile Ryu, the unfortunate subject of a military experiment gone bad, leaves a trail of bodies behind him and has no intention of being found or saved by anyone. Will Goku have to kill the man he is supposed to save? Will even his omniscient cybernetic eye and sceptre be enough to help him defeat this indestructible killing machine?
Zheng (voice)
With the blessing of the 108 Dragons, Yo and Emu marry and receive new names, Ron Tayan and Fu Ching Ran. The elders send them to Macau to find out who's behind a new attack. Fu is kidnaped; at the same time, Baya San (the huge granddaughter of the 108 Dragons' aged leaders) demands to be the next head of the gang, not Ron. The childish Baya San has joined forces with the Macau gang, in league with the American mob. A surprise visitor from the US arrives where Fu is being held captive. Can Ron rescue her, find the traitor within the 108 Dragons, defeat his enemies, and bring discipline to Baya San? He must still face the angry and deadly girlfriend of the American visitor.
Police C
Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph?
A foreign transfer student from the city arrives one day in a Japanese country town. Enchanted by his air of mystery, his classmates nickname him "Matasaburou the Wind Imp" after a local legend. Eventually they become friends and spend many days playing in the countryside. One windy day, Matasaburou returns to the city, leaving his classmates to speculate that he really was Matasaburou the Wind Imp and that he flew away on the wind.
Committee F / Spy / Yûji Takeyama / Terrorist (voice)
Tazawa Ippei (voice)
Machida (voice)
Mako, a sexy young teacher, comes to Gyunabe high school to enlighten young minds. What she wasn't counting on was a class full of misfits lead by the delinquent Obayashi. If their never ending quest to see her underwear and embarrass her in front of the whole school doesn't force her to quit, then her principal's brilliant idea of making her the new rugby coach will.
Walla (voice)
The cockroaches of Saito's apartment live in peace with their human host, who gives them lots of space to breed and plenty of leftovers to munch on. In the midst of these high living times, Naomi and Ichiro plan to get married and start a family. But when a hard-bitten stranger roach named Hans appears with news of war with the humans across the lawn, it foretells disruption-not only of Naomi and Ichiro's relationship, but of the hive's entire way of life.
Controller (voice)
A crew of space cargo workers rescue a beautiful android and land themselves in trouble thereby.
Monk (voice)
菊池秀行の同名小説 闇ガードシリーズ第一作の劇場公開作品。 人間界と魔界、両世界は紛争を避ける為平和条約を締結し永きに渡り不干渉の約束の下平和を享受してきた。その平和を守るため人知れずお互いの世界を守る「闇ガード」が居た。平和条約の期限切れが迫る中、新たなる条約調印の為来日するジュゼッペ・マイヤートの護衛を命ぜられた人間側闇ガード滝蓮三郎と魔界側闇ガード 麻紀絵に調印阻止を図る魔界側テロリストが次々と襲い掛かる。
Kharock (voice)
「失敗ばかり」「なにもしない軍隊」と揶揄され、世間に落第軍隊として見下されているオネアミス王立宇宙軍。宇宙軍士官・シロツグ・ラーダットは、欲望の場所でしかない歓楽街で献身的に布教活動を行う少女・リイクニ・ノンデライコとの出会いをきっかけにそれまでのその日暮らしの自堕落な生活を捨て、宇宙戦艦という名目の人類初の有人人工衛星打ち上げ計画に参加し宇宙を目指すことになる。 厳しい訓練や多額の税金・裏金を使う宇宙開発の意味、開発スタッフの事故死、敵国「共和国」からの刺客、リイクニとの気持ちのすれ違いを乗り越え精神的に成長していくシロツグの姿を描く。
Murabito (voice)
Garimpeiro (ep 1) (voice)
Yuko Kusaka is a Japanese journalist sent to Brazil to do a report on the gold rush phenomenon that seems to be making many people rich from night to day. Rumors say that among the many "garimpeiros" (gold diggers) currently on the Amazon forest, there is a Japanese known as Rio Baraki. Reaching their destination, her crew member is promptly attacked and she is raped as a warning to stop their work and return immediately to their home country. Determined to do her job, she stays and finds out from the attacker that he is none other than Baraki, a white haired muscular man with a large scar on his back. Later she discovers that his real name is Keisuke Ibaraki. Once a promising quarterback, he ended up falsely incriminated by a powerful organization known as GPX.
Werewolf C (voice)
御存知「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」、劇場公開作品第2弾! ド派手なアクションシーンやコミカルなドタバタ劇を効果的に組み合わせた、切れ味鋭い妖怪エンターテイメントだ。より幅広い層の関心を得るため、当時話題になっていたハレー彗星をストーリーに取り込むなど、作品の隅々にまで楽しい工夫が凝らされている。また、人気の高いバックベアードがスクリーンに初登場。期待通りの迫力と威圧感を見せてくれる...
Shōsuke Ōtsuka
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
Alien (voice)
In this animated adaptation of E. E. Doc Smith's groundbreaking science fiction serial "Grey Lensman" from the 1930s-1950s, Kimball Kinnison, a young man from the agricultural planet Mquie and his Valerian companion, Buscirk find a dying man with a legendary crystal lens embedded in his hand. As the man was dying, he mysteriously passed on the Lens to Kim. With more companions to come by, Kim must find out the purpose of the Lens before the Boskone dynasty does.