Dallas Lovato

Dallas Lovato


Dallas Lovato


Runnin' from my Roots
Jennie Sharp
Following a very public fall from grace, country music star Faith Winters seeks refuge in her rural Texas hometown, where she rediscovers feelings for her high school sweetheart, the local pastor. But the homecoming is bittersweet.
Additional Voices (voice)
Three fairy tale princesses find themselves engaged to the same guy, Prince Charming.
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated
A personal and intimate look into Demi Lovato's life as not only a regular 25 year old, but also one of the biggest pop stars in the world.
トムとジェリー 夢のチョコレート工場
Violet Beauregard (voice)
ウィリー・ウォンカのチョコレートは、世界中のこどもたちに大人気!ライバル会社にそのおいしさの秘密を盗まれないように、ウォンカは工場を閉めてしまった。ウォンカの工場は謎につつまれていた。 ところがある日、ウォンカのチョコレートに5枚だけ入れられた“ゴールデン・チケット”をみつけた子には、秘密の工場にご招待!というお知らせがあったため、世界中のウォンカチョコレートはあっという間に売り切れ、出荷が追いつかないほど。貧しいけれど心やさしい少年チャーリーは、トムとジェリーの助けもあり、見事ラッキーな5人のうちの1人に選ばれた。トムとジェリーもチョコレート工場に潜入し、おいしいお菓子が作られる夢の世界への旅がはじまる。 でも本当の秘密はまだまだこれから・・・。
Caged No More
Aggie, A 67 year-old Black Cajun, has just stepped into her worst nightmare. Her two granddaughters have disappeared, and the only clue she possesses is a forgotten laptop. Aware she only has a short window of time, she feels helpless to save them as her money and influence are scarce. Desperate to get her girls back, Aggie risks everything to cross paths with Richard and Lottie DuMonde, two of the wealthiest and most connected people in New Orleans. Certainly, once they hear her story, they will help. But what Aggie doesn't foresee is the dark world she's about to step into, or the dangers accompanying the rescue needed to bring her girls home.
ケロリンピック カエル王国危機一髪!
Princess Froglegs goes undercover to compete in her father's Froglympics in order to avoid being married off to a male suitor.
Rodencia and the Princess Tooth
Queen of the Mice
A magical adventure begins Once upon a time, within a vast and wild forest there was a fantastic Kingdom called Rodencia, a place where wonderful creatures and powerful wizards lived. It's the story of adventures and love of a small mouse called Edam, a clumsy magician's apprentice and the beautiful and confident mouse Brie, who will have to face many dangerous obstacles in order to obtain the power of the princess's tooth and defeat the troop of rats commanded by the evil Rotex who invades Rodencia (the peaceful kingdom of mice), in order to dominate them and take their treasure. In the middle of the forest; the magic of the light and the darkness, the love and resentment will face together. Edam and Rotex will fight and only one will leave victorious.
Demi Lovato: Stay Strong
In this one-hour documentary film, Demi will let the MTV audience inside to witness their most private moments, during their very public recovery from their eating disorder. With MTV's cameras following, they'll return for the very first time to the treatment facility they retreated to back in November 2010 to speak candidly to their recovering peers about their experiences, and to thank the counselors and staff who they say kept them alive. They'll also let the MTV audience witness first-hand their on-going evolution as an artist - as they ditch their bubble-gum Disney past and tries on a new persona as confessional singer-songwriter, and perform an album full of deeply personal material in-front of sold-out crowds for the first time.