Asami Abe

Asami Abe

出生 : 1985-02-27,


Abe Asami is a Japanese singer and actress, also known as the younger sister of J-pop idol Natsumi Abe. She started her career doing commercials for Nintendo Puzzle Collection, and she has also appeared in a few TV dramas. Following in her sister's footsteps, Abe hit the J-pop music scene in 2003 and has achieved some success. Her debut single was "Riyu" which was released in June of that year. To date, she has released a total of six singles, one novel, two full albums, three photo books, and has also starred in three movies and two TV dramas. In 2006, Abe and older sister Natsumi played the title roles in a Japanese TV drama about the 60's Japanese pop duo The Peanuts. On May 15, 2007, it was announced that Abe would replace Nozomi Tsuji in the trio Gyaruru. They released their first single, "Boom Boom Meccha Maccho!", on June 20, 2007. On September 5, 2007, Abe participated in Kunoichi, a women's obstacle course competition, and was disqualified on the first stage.


Asami Abe


劇場版 仮面ライダー響鬼と7人の戦鬼
現代の日本の海岸で巨大魔化魍・オロチが出現し、ヒビキと明日夢が駆けつけ戦うが、ヒビキはオロチに敗れ昏睡状態になる。明日夢はヒビキを救う手がかりを猛士の古文書のオロチの記述に求めるが、そこには自分と同じ「明日夢」という名と、鬼たちの物語が載っていた……。 古文書に書かれていたのは戦国時代のとある村。そこではオロチが毎年生贄を要求していた。その生贄に明日夢の知り合いであるひとえが選ばれ、明日夢はなんとかしようと立花藤兵衛に相談、鬼に救ってもらおうと言う案の元、明日夢たちは鬼探しに行く。