Hakaru Sunamoto

Hakaru Sunamoto

出生 : 1958-08-29, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan

死亡 : 2005-12-21


Hakaru Sunamoto


『トリック 劇場版』の堤幸彦監督が、山本周五郎賞を受賞した荻原浩の同名小説を渡辺謙、樋口可南子共演で映画化したドラマ。若年性アルツハイマー病に突如襲われた50歳の働き盛りのサラリーマンと、そんな夫を懸命に支えようとする妻との絆を綴る。 広告代理店に勤める49歳の佐伯雅行。仕事も充実し、一人娘の結婚も控え、公私ともに忙しくも幸せな日々を送っていた。ところが最近になって急に物忘れが激しくなり、不安になって病院を訪れた佐伯は、そこで衝撃の事実を告げられる。医者が下した診断は“若年性アルツハイマー”というものだった。やり場のない怒りと不安に苛まれる佐伯。だが、そんな夫を妻の枝実子は静かに受け止め、2人で一緒に病と闘い続けようと覚悟を決めるのだった…。
Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World" wafts through a hospice recreation room. Sitting at the grand piano is a young girl, Chiori, with a prodigious ability to play any piece of music after one hearing. Keisuke Kisaragi whose career was abruptly cut short when he jumped in front of a bullet fired by a crazed gunman. The nerves in one hand were severed but he saved the life of Chiori. The tragic incident takes the lives of Chiori's parents, however, and Keisuke becomes her guardian. Not long after their return to Japan, Keisuke discovers Chiori's musical gift.
Camping on the streets of Tokyo, Michio meets Chihiro, a dancer, whom he makes fun of at first, but later befriends. Together they join a team of aspiring dancers and aim to make their professional debut. Michio and Chihiro gradually develop feelings for each other but, triggered by jealousy, Michio's old friends try to come in between them.
Camping on the streets of Tokyo, Michio meets Chihiro, a dancer, whom he makes fun of at first, but later befriends. Together they join a team of aspiring dancers and aim to make their professional debut. Michio and Chihiro gradually develop feelings for each other but, triggered by jealousy, Michio's old friends try to come in between them.
Morihara was left a widower 8 years ago when his wife passed away. He attends his first mixer party under the guidance of his daughter. There he meets Fumika and starts conversation. Morihara is too shy to show his love since he is much older than Fumika. On learning that Fumika goes to England to study about English Tea, Morihara rushes to the airport but his effort is in vain. He takes out his dead wife's photo and consults her: "I love Fumika, what should I do?"
Morihara was left a widower 8 years ago when his wife passed away. He attends his first mixer party under the guidance of his daughter. There he meets Fumika and starts conversation. Morihara is too shy to show his love since he is much older than Fumika. On learning that Fumika goes to England to study about English Tea, Morihara rushes to the airport but his effort is in vain. He takes out his dead wife's photo and consults her: "I love Fumika, what should I do?"
Set in the 1990s, this film uses black humour to cast a sharp, satirical eye at the problems facing modern Japanese families. Hiroshi accidentally hits a young woman with his car and flees in panic. He confesses to his wife, Yoko, who persuades him to keep quiet as his arrest would mean the end for their already troubled family. Their daughter is having an affair with a married man, their son is being bullied and refusing to go to school and their grandfather is becoming more difficult. Yoko urges the family to move the car into the living room in order to destroy the evidence by taking it apart. Hiroshi finally decides to do the honest thing but a series of bizarre incidents then ensues...
Based on the comic book series by Shuushi Mizuho. First of a series that included two theatrically released films and two direct-to-video films.